Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Starts

Hello my friends.
First off,
am hoping all is well with those in Florida.
I could not imagine having that many
tornadoes in one day.
Just horrible with that and the hurricane. 
More may be on the way.
Hurricane season is not over yet.

I wanted to show you a start that Bob
had been working on.
He found some more old doors,
and is making Christmas trees.
The wood around the door tree was some
of the leftover 200 yr old wood 
he still had.
I kept one for myself.
So far he has made 8 of them.
They are already at the store for sale.
I want Bob to put an old nail 
in mine to hang a wreath.

This is my new start.
House on Pear Hill.
Hopefully I can have this stitch
completed by Christmas.
I want to include this in our keeping room,
where I have my un-traditional colors.

My one day start.

 Not sure if I like this mauve pink
in the border.
I may change this out.

In other news,
my SIL survived the hurricane.
She lost power for a day,
but is alright now.
She was spared the damage that most had.

Mom's birthday party was a hit.
Everyone loved the food.

Here was the menu.

Will have to gather all of the pics and do
 a different post on her party.
She was definitely surprised and I am just glad
it is over now.
All the prep work for it was a bit for me.
We ended up with 42 family members attending.
I had invited 60, but knew 7 probably would not
be able to attend because they live all over
the country...which was the case.
My son could not get out of work.
His co-worker would not change days for him...
so he will NEVER do him a favor.
My daughter and kids could not come either.
Mikayla had homecoming yesterday.
She is a senior, so she could not miss that.
They will be going to my mom's next Sunday
to take her out to dinner.

Well have to do laundry now.
Beef cabbage soup will be going into
the crock pot for dinner tonight.

Sunday Blessings To All!



  1. I love Bobs trees! If I lived near your store I would be right down there. :)
    So glad the party went well. Such a bummer about your son. I've worked with people like that before, no caring for the co-workers.

  2. Bob's door trees are WONDERFUL! I bet they will sell in the blink of any eye. I like your new start. I'm glad the party went off well. That's still a lot of people! ~Robin~

  3. What a clever idea for the trees!!

  4. I really like those trees. Such a good idea.

  5. Bob's trees are wonderful! So is your new start.
    Sounds like the party was a roaring success. Too bad son and daughter could not be there, but sometimes life gets in the way. Happy birthday to mom!

  6. Bob's quite the creative and handy man. Happy birthday to mom, great menu and sure it was successful

  7. I love cabbage soup. Your mom's party sounded just wonderful!! Sorry your son and daughter could not make it.

  8. I love those trees your husband made. sounds like the birthday celebration went well-those can be a lot of work to set up.
    I do enjoy seeing your latest stitches. so glad to read your SIL 's home was not damaged-such horrible storms this year-sad to read about Have a good new week


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.