Monday, October 21, 2024

Center Stage Right

Or is it stage left?
Any hoot,
more of my Autumn muted color tour.

So lets go into the hall.

We have a very wide and open hall.
It is nice and not so claustrophobic.

Again brought out more of the blues, grays and browns.

End of the hall area.

Drysink by the front door.
I made all of these pumpkins.

Even added just some brown to my horse.

I did forget to replace my red pillows
for the gray ones I have.
Shame on me.
Oh well.. pretend they are gray. LOL
Tundra is sleeping over here right now,
or I would change them out and re-take a pic.
Heavens to Betsy if I disturb our prince.

I purchased these pumpkins at a shop near us.
I tried to support local when I can.

Well that does it for the Fall tour this year.
Hope you enjoyed it.

In other news,
just got back from my mom's.
My daughter, grands and I took my mom
out for dinner again last night.
Same restaurant we had her party at.
Food was again good as always.

Weather is picture perfect right now.
Yet those of us know Winter is close behind now.

Well off to work on getting some stuff done
around the house here on my day off.

Hope everyone has a great new week.

Stage Right Blessings To All!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fall Is Taking Center Stage

Autumn is in full swing here in Michigan.
The days are definitely getting shorter.
The nights are getting colder.
Enough that we turned our furnace on now.
However not much in the way of a Fall color tour.
Maybe I took a cue from Mother Nature
with my decor in this room.
Rather than using yellows and oranges,
I chose gray, blue and browns.
Let's take a peek. 

In fact someone was peeking at me
when I took this pic.

Why are you taking my picture mom?
Right after my second picture he got up and left. LOL
Oh Tundra.

Let's continue.

Blues, gray and brown in my crocks.

More blue and gray.

This years color scheme was more calming to me.

All of the pumpkins were made by my
nephews wife Holly.

I simply love them.

Actually these pumpkins were my inspiration
for the color combo I did in our living room.
A much more un-traditional Autumn look.
They always say having a blue bedroom calms you.
Having blue in my decor here calmed me.
Stay tuned for part 2 of my un-traditional
Autumn decor.

Have you ever thought of doing other colors in
your Fall decorating?

In other news,
driving home the other night from work,
I saw the widest rainbow ever.
I was only a mile away from home driving 
along the river. 
There is no parking along the river road.
In some places the river is right up to the road.
This rainbow was so huge 
every color was vividly noticeable.
I was hoping to get home quick so I could take a pic,
but it was gone once I got home.

Last Saturday my granddaughter Mikayla
had her final homecoming as a senior.
She, her mom and brother missed my mom's
party because of this.
They will be heading to my mom's this Sunday
to take her out to dinner.
I am going to go up as well and spend the evening
once again with my mom. 

Bob has dinner ready so going to go eat.
He usually cooks for me Mon, Tue and Wed,
but is doing it today too!
Hope everyone enjoys their upcoming weekend.

Center Stage Blessings To All!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Starts

Hello my friends.
First off,
am hoping all is well with those in Florida.
I could not imagine having that many
tornadoes in one day.
Just horrible with that and the hurricane. 
More may be on the way.
Hurricane season is not over yet.

I wanted to show you a start that Bob
had been working on.
He found some more old doors,
and is making Christmas trees.
The wood around the door tree was some
of the leftover 200 yr old wood 
he still had.
I kept one for myself.
So far he has made 8 of them.
They are already at the store for sale.
I want Bob to put an old nail 
in mine to hang a wreath.

This is my new start.
House on Pear Hill.
Hopefully I can have this stitch
completed by Christmas.
I want to include this in our keeping room,
where I have my un-traditional colors.

My one day start.

 Not sure if I like this mauve pink
in the border.
I may change this out.

In other news,
my SIL survived the hurricane.
She lost power for a day,
but is alright now.
She was spared the damage that most had.

Mom's birthday party was a hit.
Everyone loved the food.

Here was the menu.

Will have to gather all of the pics and do
 a different post on her party.
She was definitely surprised and I am just glad
it is over now.
All the prep work for it was a bit for me.
We ended up with 42 family members attending.
I had invited 60, but knew 7 probably would not
be able to attend because they live all over
the country...which was the case.
My son could not get out of work.
His co-worker would not change days for him...
so he will NEVER do him a favor.
My daughter and kids could not come either.
Mikayla had homecoming yesterday.
She is a senior, so she could not miss that.
They will be going to my mom's next Sunday
to take her out to dinner.

Well have to do laundry now.
Beef cabbage soup will be going into
the crock pot for dinner tonight.

Sunday Blessings To All!


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Hello friends. 

Today I only have three WIP's to show.
First is my latest stitch for my Heritage wall.
I deleted a few of the rows of alphabets,
because I need to add my parents names.
their wedding date and church name.
I may even omit the two wreaths.
Will see once I get the top corner motifs stitched. 

The last I spoke about this stitch, 
I opted to go back to some of the ghosting.
I stitched back in the yellow, but not the white.

The second row of letters were a pain.
Lots of confetti stitching...
changing up the colors in each letter.

Once I got past that row, the next motif row
and alphabet row went by pretty fast.
Again no letter J's in this pattern.
Its a mighty big stitch too.

Left side

Right side.

The left motif is now finished.
Lots of confetti stitching here too.
This blue and brown border
will now go around the remaining design.
I wont stitch the whole border yet as I need
to make sure I get my parents names in before 
working on the church.
Then the name of the church will go below.
Then the rest of the border below.
Did I confuse you yet? LOL

With this sampler I am stitching out of
my comfort zone.
Am not a fan of pink, green or yellow...
and these colors are definitely in here.
I stitch on this every Saturday and Sunday 
when I am able to.

Next up is Penny Pumpkin.

This was my first day of stitching.
As you cans see I changed up the colors
of the pennys.

Also changed the colors of the berries.
Wanted them to be more like the colors of bittersweet.
then I opted to change the veining of the pumpkin.
Decided on doing mine in orange.

I worked on this for 5 straight evenings.
With my big Halloween project finally finished,
I have more free time each night.
This week working on another Halloween one.
One I want to finish this month if I can.

Last but not least.
Turkey Trot.

Last time I had almost completed 
the final turkey.
I do this one during my lunch break.

Turkey is well done. LOL
Even finished 2 of the 3 flower pots now.
Once again, I did change up the colors.
The pots themselves were 
suppose to be the white acorn color.
With the fabric I chose, they would not
have shown...which is why 
I had to outline the acorns.

Well that does it for what 
I have been working on recently.
I want to start a few more...will see what I choose.

In other news,
another hurricane is coming in.
My SIL is staying put and Bob is worried.
She lives inland but lives in a modular home.
Am told this may be the worst hurricane to hit
Florida in 100 years.
  Please say a wee prayers for everyone 
living in the path of what will be another
destructive hurricane.

Saturday is my mom's surprise birthday party.
We have over 50 family members attending.
Hopefully everyone will enjoy the limited
menu we picked out.
It will be nice visiting with everyone,
since many I have not seen in over 10 years. 

Have a wonderful rest of your week
my friends.

Mid Week Blessings To All!


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Autumn In Our Keeping Room

Today's pictures are courtesy
of our keeping room.


Long picture post.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

In other news,
I am appalled, livid and just plain
disheartened to hear that 
Mayorkis a few months ago said that
FEMA was ready for any disaster
that may come.
Only to find out now they ran 
out of money because they spent $1.4B
on illegal immigrants.
If another hurricane comes in they have no funds.
I pay flood insurance because we are so close
to a major river.
So my funds went towards illegals instead of
what it is intended for.
Those folks in N. Carolina
 were only offered $750.
What the hell is that going to pay for?
I pay out over $1000 a year.
The Biden administration has spent
how many billions on Ukraine and now these illegals,
that we cannot help our own citizens.
Its downright disgusting.
Why am I even paying for it myself?
If something would happen...
would I only get $750?

I am sorry, but they do all need to be deported.
Come back in the legal way like all of our ancestors did.
If Kamala gets in, just like her video shows
her singing to down down with deportation,
millions more will be coming in.
Dont believe in her border photo op where she would
not let reporters near her.
Wake up everyone.
Over 20 MILLION Illegals
 are everywhere in the US now.
With more still coming in.
You are not safe.
They are here in my own county,
 with more drugs and fentanyl 
coming through.
More crime than ever.
Every week I read it in my local newspaper.
Its a shame that 
have no say in this....but we do.
Think about it when you vote.
Ok enough of my rant.

I went to the grocery store yesterday and OMG,
the entire toilet paper aisle was empty.
Guess folks panicked with the port strike.
Funny thing is, all of our 
toilet paper is made in the USA.
The strike would have affected bananas,
 coffee and tea to name a few...
 and those items were all there.

Well have to go to the store and take inventory
of our candles and make out an order.
Folks have been wanting certain scents,
do need to get my butt moving...
it is going on candle season.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Plus say a prayer for those affected by the hurricane.
I feel so bad for everyone that lost everything...
including their friends and family.
Such a tragedy.
Hurricane season is still not over yet either.

Autumn Blessings To All!