Thursday, July 25, 2024

We All Need To Be Patriotic

Good morning friends.
Today is the last of my patriotic displays.
At this time we all need to be more patriotic.
We should be proud of our flag.
The color red represents valor and bravery.
Blue perseverance, justice and vigilance.
White for purity and innocence.
The 13 stripes for the original 13 colonies.
The 50 stars for the 50 states.

My father and his brother both fought in 
the Korean War.
Both were shot.
My dad was a Democrat.
My uncle was a Republican. 
Both were proud to be an American.
Both gave their views of their political party 
without fighting. 
Both flew the flag each and every day except
when it rained.

I saddens me that most folks are turning
away from our flag.

Why is it we no longer care about our flag?
George Washington and his fellow patriots
fought for this country to be free.
I fear for our country now.


This last pic is the display in the guest room.
I always set something up for my mom
next to the bed. 

In other news,
Today is or wedding anniversary.
Bob and I have been married for 15 years now.
This is both our second marriage.
We are planning on going out for dinner tonight 
to our favorite chicken and rib joint.
We know the meal will be good.

My vacation week is almost over. UGH
Well off to get me a cranberry orange muffin
and some orange juice for breakfast.
I love the muffins that our small town grocery 
store bakes in house. Bob brought them home
yesterday and they were just made.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Any plans for yours?

Anniversary Blessings To All!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Starts

Hello friends!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. 

Am longing for the cooler temps
of Fall to come soon.
Which has me going to Autumn patterns 
for my stitching now.
This pattern by Primrose Cottage
is called Autumn Quaker.  

I decided not to stitch this in the called for orange.
Rather will be using yellow. orange and brown.
The fabric is 36 ct vellum which has a hint of green.

My next stitch is a mini sampler.

I want to keep the pattern a secret for now.

The linen I chose for this one is 
32 ct Moonstone.
It is yellow like this pic I took from the internet.
Could not get the true color anywhere in my house.

Finally my last new start is this one.

Quaker Block Print.
Not really a Fall pattern, 
but one I wanted to stitch.
I liked the letters.

I started this yesterday.

Am also not using the called for floss,
which was just one color.
Again like the other quaker pattern,
I decided to use 3 floss colors
 in shades of black and gray.

In other news,
I will be on vacation this week.
Bob and I are planning some short day trips.
We wanted to spend a few days down in Ohio,
however our doggie sitter had to go to
Florida at the last we cannot leave
Tundra by himself for a long time.

The Lebanese restaurant was Americanized
as Bob said.
Not one lamb item on the menu.
Lamb is the traditional meat his family ate.
According to Bob a  true Lebanese restaurant
 would have lamb.
The salad was the way I make,
 minus the radishes so that was good.
The hummus was good too.
Bob and I ended up getting the beef Kabob.
Our friends ordered Chicken Shawarma and
Chicken Kabobs.
The chicken Kabobs were very dry.
She told our waitress that they were like
trying to eat a donkeys ass.
I laughed because I had never 
heard this saying before.
The owner ended up giving our friend 
a chicken Shawarma to go.

For anyone who would like the salad recipe,
here it is.

Lebanese Salad
Romaine lettuce
Dried Mint Leaves
Garlic Powder
Kraft Lemon Herb Dressing
(I use to make the dressing from scratch,
but Bob said this was like his grammas,
so why re-invent the wheel)

Chop the romaine into a bowl.
Cut the cucumber & radishes into pieces,
and add to bowl.
I only use about a third of a cucumber
and 3-4 radishes for 2 salads.
Pour the dressing to your liking.
I dont have the measurements for the spices.
I shake to taste. (so sorry)

We eat lots of salads in the Summer months.
I made a crab pasta salad last night for dinner.
Tonight this Lebanese salad with grilled hamburgers.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Sunday Start Blessings To All!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Hello friends!
Today I have some progress on a few things.

Starting with Little Quakeresque.

I finished al of the letters now.

Added in my last great fathers name and info.
Started on the last two rows.
This heart has been giving me the worst time.
I cannot tell you how many times I have frogged
this now, and it still needs to be re-worked.
I needed to back away from it for a bit.

More progress on Blueskin.

As you can see started the second row of cherries.
The cherry to the left did
not look like the others.
The pattern called for it to be this way.
However looking at the picture, it was
the same as the others.


So I fixed it.
Much better.

Next up is Turkey Trot.
Am really getting in the mood to stitch
more Autumn.
Call me crazy I know.

I finished the annex part of the house to the right.
Am using all the called for flosses.
Oh how the photo looks so different.

Added three lil acorns and started the turkey.

Realized I did not stitch the star,
so moved to this side now and started this.
Will then go back to the turkey.

Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow.
I started this project last October 27th.
My goal was to complete a block
each month and it would take me a year
to finish this huge piece.
I am coming to the finish line.
The finish line being the final block of four.

Block 9 is now complete.
Three more to go.
I actually enjoyed stitching this one.
Although I did change up the mummy's eyes, 
nose and mouth though.
The pattern called for orange.
I chose a gray.
Outlined Frankie's arms and head.
I loved even the border around this one.

Unlike the block above,
I really loved stitching on this one every night.
Did not have to force myself to stitch this time.

Like block 6 where I just had to change up the pumpkins.
This is a Halloween piece, not Fall.

The next block is going to be once again a rough one.
Don't see a Halloween theme in this one either.
I will continue on though as the finish is near.

In other news,
Yesterday morning was a rough one.
20 minutes into my 1  hour drive,
all hell broke loose as I drove into a heavy rainstorm.
Standing water everywhere and still dark outside.
I had to continue slowly and it rained the rest of
my way into the office.

Tonight we are going out to dinner with friends.
A new Lebenese restaurant recently opened
two towns North of us.
We all want to try it.
Bob is half Lebenese, so he will be our judge 
as to if it will be good or not.
Will let you know what he thinks.

Well have to get to work.
At least no rain this morning to contend with.

Whippy Wednesday Blessings To All!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Getting Patriotic

Good morning all!
Can you believe it is almost mid July already?
Gosh where has the time flown by?
My patriotic season is probably the longest
of the seasons for my decor.
I start just before Memorial Day and
keep it up until the end of July
Then I start longing for Autumn decor.
This year I only did the living room,
keeping room and one display for my mom
in the guest bedroom.

Today I wanted to share my patriotic mantles.

Hope you enjoyed peeking into our home
with my patriotic mantles.

In other news,
I had to take Bob to the neurologist
the other day for his appt.
July 1st was two years since his stroke.
The neurologist told him he no longer 
has to see him.
Now if only his peripheral vision in his left
eye would come back.
Whenever we have to drive far,
I do the driving because of this.

Tis the season for fruit so I made
my fruit salad for dinner last night.
I made enough for a few days.
This was my mom's recipe.

Fruit Salad
Green Grapes
Honey Dew
 1 - 2 cups Orange Juice
Discloser: I do not purchase whole melons
anymore as when the kids were around.
Now I purchase those in containers
that my grocery store puts together.
I find the smallest package of grapes
and the small containers of the berries.
Put all of the fruit in a big bowl.
Add a few TBS of sugar and pour the juice
all over and mix.
Chill and serve.

Well off to prep for breakfast.
Bob is going to make ham steaks and scrambled eggs
on the grill.
Then I need to do the laundry and clean a bit.
What's on tap for your weekend?

Getting More Patriotic Blessings To All!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July CupboardScape

 Hello friends.
Today's post is for all of my
patriotic American friends.

Before school started for me,
we students all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
I truly believe schools need to go back to this practice.
Many of the younger generation have no clue
what being an American really means.
Heck I am even fighting with my grandson
who does not even want to vote. UGH

The stars represent the 50 states,
while the stripes represented the original 13 colonies.
Wonder how many younger kids even know this fact?

It is such a shame to see our history being erased
right before our eyes.

We are only free because of the brave.

Long may our flag wave.
Please do not burn or disrespect her in any way.

In other news,
Robin from the Cranky Crow
asked for my bean dip recipe.

Bean Dip
1 can pinto beans (do not drain)
1 pkg Philadelphia cream cheese
4 oz can chilies drained
shredded colby jack cheese
1/2 packet of taco seasoning. (I use Kroger brand)
Fresh salsa (I use Garden Fresh Sweet Onion)
Head of iceberg lettuce (I hand shred only what I need)
Tostitos round tortilla chips

Put beans in a pot and heat until soft.
Mash while cooking.
Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup of cheese
and 1/2 packet of taco seasoning. Mix in.
Place beans in a 8 x 8 dish and place in refrigerator
to cool 15 minutes.
Soften cream cheese a bit.
Add to a bowl along with drained chiles.
Mix well.
Spread mixture on top of beans.
Add half the container of salsa on top of 
cream cheese mixture.
Top with shredded cheese and lettuce to your liking.
Chill a bit.
Serve with tortilla chips.
(Sometimes I also add sliced black olives on top too)

This is the salsa I use.
You may use whatever salsa you like.
This is the go to brand for this dip I use.


Sunday morning Bob cooked us breakfast
on his Blackstone
He loves this grill.
The blueberry pancakes and bacon were scrumptious.
I wish he could make breakfast for us every morning.
Alas I am already on the road for work when he gets up.

Patriotic July Blessings To All!