Thursday, August 22, 2024

Vacay By The Day

Hello friends!
Hope all is well with each and every one of you.
Back in July,
Bob and I had planned on staying
a few nights down in Ohio for our
15th anniversary.
Well plans changed so we decided to do
day trips so we could be back in time
to take care of Tundra.

We went to my cousins to visit,
plus she wanted to give us some furniture
to sell in our store.
She wanted Bob to drive our cargo van
down her hill and back into her walk out basement.
I thought it was a bad idea from the start,
but they both over ruled me.
They should have listened to me.
I though the ground was too mushy...
and it was.
Once Bob was close to the basement,
he got stuck.
Stuck bad.
My cousin had to call a tow truck for us.
We were an hour and a half away from our house.
We loaded the van, but had to wait 2 hours
for the tow to arrive.
We got on the road asap,
and arrived home at 3:30pm.
We left at 8:00 in the morning...
and we were worried about Tundra 
not being able to go potty. 
We had not left him that long before.
Thankfully he was fine and no messes in the house.

Day 2
We decided to go antiquing.
First had lunch at a sushi place.
There was so much to choose and we loved it all.
Then the fun part.
I found this bunny chocolate mold.

Which now proudly sits on my bucket bench
 in the kitchen with my other two.

Then there was this Santa.
Love him.
I also went to a quilt shop.
 Bought some wool instead of fabric.

Day 3 
We stayed home until 
the movie started in the afternoon.
We decided to go see Despicable Me 4.
It was such a cute movie and we love them all.

Day 4
Our anniversary day.
We went to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Chinese for lunch after a useless car appt.
I had received an email from the dealership
where I always get my cars from.
They would be able to put me in a 2024 car
for the same payment I already have.
Why not Bob said... so I made the appt and we went. 
Yeah Right same payment.
Try it being double what I make right now.
Dinner was broasted chicken and ribs
with us each having a mango margarita.

Friday Bob had to work the store,
so I made him dinner and I stitched most of the day.

Thank you again for all of the anniversary wishes.
Hopefully we will make it another 15 years
if we can stay healthy enough.

In other news,
as an antique owner I would like to give a bit
if advise to those who like to collect antiques.
DO NOT Clean them.
Other then a good dusting with a rag,
please let them be.
DO NOT re-paint them.
DO NOT stain or rub wax on them.
It is the old patina that gives antiques their  character.
Cleaning them up will lose their resale value.

Robin asked me if the witch from my last post was 
a Prairie Schooler one.

Yes it is.
From the pattern Halloweenies.
I did change up the brown called for floss
in the brim of the hat,
and opted for the same orange DMC floss.

The weekend is almost here.
Hope you enjoy yours.

Vacay Blessings To The All!


  1. Bad backup idea but good Tundra. Great rabbit molds and love the more wool idea, who can't use more?

  2. I like taking time to do some day trips. Your vacation time sounds nice except for getting stuck!
    I really like your bunny mold. We like to wander through antique stores too but I don't have a good eye and don't find things like that.
    So irritating about the car dealership!

  3. Gosh you have been busy. Tundra is your dog? I like the way you did day trips. Sorry you had to get a tow truck.
    We saw Despicable me too. Can't say much about the roaches. lol
    The car dealer was bate and switching you!
    You got some nice antiques to add to your collection.

  4. Ok...I WANT that egg/bunny mold!!!!!! I have lots of chocolate molds, but I've never seen that one. And that Santa is pretty adorable too. Great finds. Bummer about the getting stuck thing...the tow truck will definitely cut into the profits from your cousin's sales. Glad Tundra was a good girl though. Snowdog used to make it from the time I left for work (7:30) until the time I made it home (5:30 at the earliest). ~Robin~

  5. Happy Anniversary. Day trips sound like a good idea but sorry you got stuck.

  6. I've heard many stories about antiques that were "cleaned up" -- and lost value because of it. That bunny mold is a gem and so is the Santa. I love the idea of your day trips. The tow truck? Not so much!

  7. All in all, with the except of getting stuck it sounds like a good time. Because I’m trying not to spend money, I haven’t been thrifting, antiquing yet this year in 2024. That’s a first. Many antique places have closed around here have closed due to rents going up.

  8. Oh My... getting stuck is not fun. We once got stuck, I was one of the ones to help push. Well all the MUD blew up on me and I was totally full of mud from head to toe!
    Thank you for the antique tips. I needed those.

  9. Happy Belated Anniversary! And oh that stuck truck...thank goodness you didn't slide into something before you came to a stop!

  10. Happy Anniversary! and I'm sorry, as well, they didn't listen to you...
    I love antiques! Thanks for the tip...I'd Never paint a beautiful wood piece!

  11. Thanks for the sound advice regarding antiques, Janice.

  12. Hi You have been busy-but sounds like a good busy except for getting stuck in the mud-ugh. and Happy Anniversary too.
    Bunny molds, years ago when we went to lots of garage sales looking for cast iron or other old items-Larry found 3 cast iron bunnies-three different sizes-what a find! They were sold pretty inexpensive, thinking they are worth much more than we paid for them. I never did have good results baking a cake in them-wasn't sure if the cake would bake up into the second half of the mold, or if you are suppose to bake both halves seperate and then put the cakes together-do you know? I tried a couple time to bake it as one piece but never worked I may have the wrong recipe too
    Under you comment on my page I posted how I made my soup.
    Have a good Sunday and new week Kathy


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