Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Finish

 TGIF Friends.

WOOHOO I have a finish.

If you remember I decided to change 
up the colors on this piece.
I went with the called for orange, 
a yellow and brown.

When I kept looking at the pattern,
I saw the two pumpkins and a sunflower,
plus the leaves at the center bottom.
I also changed the date from 2023
when the pattern came out to this year.

Completed this into a pillow
and rag stuffed like I do most of my pillows.

Doesn't it look sweet in this basket on top
of some flax fiber.
For those not familiar with flax,
this is what linen is made from.
The fibers I have here is the raw form which
 would be spun on a flax winder box...
somewhat similar to the spinning of wool.

This is one of my most prized possessions.
This is a flax winder.
I keep this in the guest room and it never gets moved.
Am too afraid the wood needle at the end will
break off, so it stays put.
The needle spins the flax.

In other news,
Bob has a birthday on Sunday.
He will be a young 61.
Happy Birthday Hon!

We received bad news about his sister.
She was in the hospital last week because
of her heart.
Looks like she had another heart attack.
Now her heart is at 20%.
They sent her home with a heart vest
and she is suppose to calm down and quit
being so stressed out...not likely she will do that.
She is the baby of his family and is only 58.

My granddaughter Mikayla got her first car
last night.
We are going out to dinner with her,
her brother and my daughter tonight so  
I will hear more about it then. 
She will be a senior this year and also has a job,
which I know she has been saving up for a car.
She also has a GPA of 3.9% so we are
very proud of her.

Well have to get ready for work.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Any plans on what you will be doing?

It's Friday Blessings To All!


  1. I do like your choice of colors for the stitchery better than the plain orange. Happy Birthday to Bob.

  2. I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s sister, I’m hoping when she gets back home and out of the hospital atmosphere she’ll be able to rest and relax and get stronger. The flax winder is amazing, I have never seen one before - I can understand being protective of it! A new car is exciting, she must be thrilled! Good for her! I ended up buying the dough bowl that we talked about weeks ago, sadly the store closed and it was 60% off. I’m not quite sure if it’s really an antique - the seller thought it was, but didn’t know the history - however; under the sad circumstances it was a good deal for me. Once I get it cleaned up, I’ll post a picture and you can give me your expert opinion! Wishing you a good weekend!

  3. Love the flax winder! Too cool!
    Happy Birthday to your Bob! 61 is just getting started! lol
    I'm sorry about his sister...58 is too Young!
    Happy new car to Mikayla!! And congrats on that GPA!!

  4. I’ve not seen a flax winder. I love the look and keeping it in a safer place is a good idea. I really like the pillow in the basket.
    Congratulations to Mikayla and Happy Birthday to Bob.

  5. I had never seen a flax winder. I do love your needlepoint fall pillow Very pretty.
    Happy birthday to your husband.
    The first car is scary!
    About your sister-in-law. I know what all that is. Almost 3 years ago my husband had heart failure. His heart was around 5%. They told me he was going to die. I was making plans; we sold our house. Rick couldn't stand the vest and refused to wear it.
    We had a miracle - it is up to 55%! He is going well - we are in an apartment tho. lol
    This all to say - there is hope for his sister! Keep praying.

  6. I guess I don't know much about flax in general. I have a birthday Sunday also but I am older than your husband.
    Safe driving to your grand enjoy dinner

  7. Happy Birthday Bob!
    Congratulations to the new car owner!

  8. Awww....such a sweet little pillow. Such "happy" fall colors! And, yes, it is perfectly displayed. It may be wrong, but I covet your flax winder. I have an entire collection of flax hatchels - from the very crude to the ornately carved, hanks of flax, and you name it...but, sadly, no winder. Happy, happy, birthday to Bob!! Scary new regarding his sister. Sending healing thoughts and prayers for her. Enjoy your family time tonight - and awesome job Mikayla on the gpa (and car!) No real plans here...I came up to the lake late yesterday - have some things needing taking care of - and hope to start a new stitch tonight (fingers crossed I brought everything I need with me LOL). ~Robin~

  9. I love your finished pillow. I really like the colors you chose.
    Happy Birthday to your honey!
    I'm sorry about his sister, so young for all those issues.
    Hope you had fun with your family. Congrats to your granddaughter!

  10. Another finish? I am just in awe of how quickly you stitch.
    Happy birthday to Bob...and many prayers for his sister. She is much to young to have those health issues.
    Congrats to Mikayla. Enjoy making family memories.

  11. Happy birthday to Bob! He is just a baby. At 71 most everyone is a baby to me! I love the pillow and it's colors. So cute resting in the basket. I hope your weekend was good!

  12. Happy Birthday Bob!!!
    Sending prayers for his sister.
    Enjoy your family time.
    xx oo


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