Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The M29 M25 Antique Trail


The following pictures
 may make you drool.
You may be green with envy.
You may hate me.
You might not even care.

Today's post is what I purchased on our
antique trail that my mom and I went on.
This trail goes all the way around 
the Thumb of Michigan.
Although I do not do the entire route,
I drive enough of it to matter.
It starts on M29 where I live and continues
all around the thumb on M25.
The route starts South of where we live,
so I always pick up my mom the night before.

This year we left at 8 in the morning.
Went out to breakfast and then the hunt was on.
We stopped along the way for lunch at A&W.
Stopped again ay my mom's for a potty break.
Continued North on our..er my journey.
Ended back into her town at 4:30 and went 
directly to the restaurant to eat supper. 

Ok here goes. 

First up this dough box
in Spanish Brown paint.
I so love the smaller size of this one.
Plus I can hide small stuff in it.

This is an 18th century candle shelf.

Found the perfect make do candle to go on it.

Finally this pine cabinet just had to come 
home with me.

This would not fit in my car,
so I paid for it and we came back and picked
it up with the van.
Currently it is here in our keeping room,
but will not stay.
Bob decided now we can remodel the last room
in our house...the laundry room.
This cabinet will be swapped for a different
one that will go in the new redo room.
This is why the towels are underneath.
This is the last wall I have for a particular
cabinet I have been on the hunt for 
in over 11 years.
Some day I will find it, and it will go here.

In other news,
We had a nice long weekend.
The weather was picture perfect.
Monday night it even got cool enough so we
opened the windows.
Grilled every night.
Brats, Hot Wings, Italian sausage,
and then ribs at Bob's cousin's house
yesterday afternoon.

He lives really close to us and was telling us
that he is seeing more rattlesnakes at his house.
This worries me because it was this time
of the year that we had a juvenile one
in our back yard last year...
I dont want to see anymore.
It was my first time every seeing one 
in my lifetime and I had nightmares for weeks.

Well have to get my butt to work.
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend.

Antiques Trail Blessings To All!



  1. Oooh! What great finds! I bet you were tired at the end of that day. :)
    Rattlesnakes? I don't want to hear that they are in MI. Now I'll have nightmares too.

  2. What a fun day you had! I'm needing the candle holder! lol
    Too sweet...

  3. Wow, I'm so far behind on your posts that I had to go and read them all! First, this post has some beauties...love the cabinet! I'm glad your Mom was able to travel along for the fun! I want to wish you a belated happy anniversary and I loved the pic of your hubby with Tundra! Sounds like you had a delish Labor Day and like you we had hot weather last week but it was in the 40's here this morning and I'm loving the Fall vibes! Have a good week Janice! Hopefully I'll be back to more blogging and catching up with everyone.

  4. We love antiquing, you picked up some great items there!

  5. I hope you enjoyed your trip and all the stops with your mom - I am sure she enjoyed it. With antiques you really have to know what you are doing. I like the cabinet. You are looking for another one for 11 years now? I love cook outs, but the rattlesnake not so much. Scary.

  6. Nice haul there. The candle holders have lots of charm.
    Sorry about the rattlesnakes. They can be a bother. In Texas they would climb into the plumbing if it wasn't sealed well.

  7. I did every single one of the things listed in your first paragraph...except the last one...and not really on penultimate one. ;-) Great new old treasures!! I think it's probably a good thing that I don't get to go on antiquing adventures anymore. I'd see things like you found and then feel sad that I don't have room for them. I'm glad your holiday weekend was good as well...just so many days here for me. ~Robin~

  8. Wow really great finds! Snake eeek I hate them.

  9. This sounds like such fun -- and great companionship, too! I love everything you shared.

  10. Wow you found Wonderful things , especially that cupboard !!!!

  11. Love that little candle shelf and the sweet cupboard.
    You are so lucky hubby is so handy...and so willing ;-)

  12. Hello, wow... you did so well. Looking forward to seeing how you use them in your decorating. :-) Carla

  13. Drool is right! NO hate tho, only happy you found some treasures


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