Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Starts

Not only am I in Fall mood,
am feeling Halloween too. 

Not sure what drew me to this Kathy Barrick pattern.
Am not really a pink person...but I wanted to
stitch this witch.

I am only going to do the center.
The floss colors were totally different from this picture.
I wanted to stitch the colors in this...
which is why I bought the pattern in the first place.
It took some time, but I chose my own colors
 by looking at the picture.

OK so here is where I first started.
Thought if I did this on a gray linen,
I could skip all of black in the pattern.
Got this far and was not feeling it

My second go round.
36 ct Crypt cloth.
Much better....even though now
I will need to stitch all of that black background,
which will take some time...
so not sure if it will be done in time for this year.
There is always next year and I am in no rush.
The colors are much darker here
 than in person though.

Next up is Penny Pumpkin.

Am using my own color conversion with
floss I have on hand.

When I make mine into a pillow,
I will make sure you can see all of the pennies.
Will also not be adding in the pinks.

Am doing this one on 28 ct Wren.

This linen has a gold and green undertone to it.
Perfect for a Autumn stitch.
I have the top border almost finished,
and started on the side.
Normally I do not do the borders all the way
around first...but wanted to this time.
I also changed up the pennies.
There were only 2 colored pennies that repeated.
I decided to make 4 different ones repeat.
The colors I chose were...
 Weeks Dye Works
 Onyx (black) & Arrowhead (white).
Classic Colorworks 
Autumn Spice (orange) & Baking Tin (gray)
DMC 781 ( gold)

In other news,
Judy asked why I did not add the letter "J"s
in Laura Vorgensen 1853. 
Well the pattern did not add them in....
which I was surprised because this sampler
pattern was a reproduction from an antique sampler.
The letter J came into the English language in 1634.
Obviously Laura herself decided to omit this
letter from each row of the alphabet she stitched.
However on the other hand....
many samplers from the 1700's to early 1800's
also omitted the letter J.
Again not sure why Laura why omitted them,
as this was her sampler the pattern designer 
created the pattern from.

Jeanie asked if Turkey Trot was a pillow.
Yes the pattern was made into a pillow,
and I intend on doing the same once finished.

A few posts back Cathy thought we sold our store.
Yes Cathy we sold our gift shop.
We had owned two stores and our parking lot was
between the two buildings. 
We still have our antique store....
however this one is for sale now too.
We would like to both retire.
When we were approached to sell the gift shop
last December, we agreed to it.
We closed at the title company in January.
The sale of this building paid off our mortgage
on both buildings.
With the cost of doing business now,
we made the right decision even though it 
was bittersweet at the time.
We still have a portion of the gift shop in our
antique I still make stuff to add in there.

I hope I have answered everyone's questions.
If not, please remind me.
I so appreciate everyone taking the time to comment.
Myself am not able to get to my blog reading
daily, but I do try to catch up when I can,
because I know you all like receiving comments
as much as I do.

Off to make breakfast.
Well Chef Bob is actually making 
blueberry pancakes & breakfast sausage on the grill.
The pancakes come out so much fluffier.
Then I will finish up my house cleaning
and stitch on Laura Vorgensen some.

But I must write out my birthday invites first.
We are having a surprise 90th birthday party 
for my mom in October.
It will truly be a surprise because her birthday
is September 30th. 

Sunday Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning, I enjoy reading about your stitching projects I am not big on pink either and don't care for most reds. I like your new patterns especially the second one.
    Breakfast on the grill sounds perfect. I am thinking of making us Belgium waffles today-have not made them in some time thinking over a year.
    Happy Sunday and new week Kathy

  2. I can't imagine how frustrating it is to find the colors are so different in a piece and having to figure it all out.
    It sounds like you were wise to sell the gift shop, but I can see it was hard.
    The surprise for your mom will be great!

  3. The party will be fun! I love your new piece. And I like the pink but you know as well as I that we can change any colors we like! thanks for all the question replies. And oh -- your stitching is fabulous!

  4. Pink...and purple...are my least favorite colors!
    Good luck with the sale of the antique store building. Retire while you still have the years to enjoy it!!! Financially not my wisest decision but I make do and have not regretted it for a minute.

  5. Hope all goes well with the sale of your store.
    I do like the pink but it's nice that you can change it to the color you like. :)All your stitchery work is beautiful.

  6. What a wonderful idea having a 90th birthday party for your mom.
    I hope you can sell it soon and be able to retire with Chef Bob.
    I do love your new needlepoints.

  7. The witch is a nice change from the dark colors they are usually in. Very nice.
    I wish y'all well with the shop's sale and retirement!

  8. While I don't necessarily care for the colors of the Kathy Barrick design, I absolutely LOVE that witch! I see why you wanted to stitch her. Personally, I can't really see much difference between the gray linen and the crypt linen. It will be interesting to see this one completely done. I do really like your color changes in the Penny Pumpkin...I'm a sucker for the dark, moody, colors. Good luck with the party planning - your mum is going to be so thrilled. ~Robin~

  9. Love the patterns that you have and I'm sure they will look great when all done. Happy surprise birthday to your Mom! I remember giving our Mom a 90th birthday party. I miss her daily but have lots of good memories. I hope your store sells and gives you the opportunity to retire. This is Jack's first week of retirement but he's at the office seeing a few patients anyway! Ha! Have a good week Janice!

  10. I am getting excited to see your Halloween Decor on display.
    Love, Carla


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