Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July CupboardScape

 Hello friends.
Today's post is for all of my
patriotic American friends.

Before school started for me,
we students all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
I truly believe schools need to go back to this practice.
Many of the younger generation have no clue
what being an American really means.
Heck I am even fighting with my grandson
who does not even want to vote. UGH

The stars represent the 50 states,
while the stripes represented the original 13 colonies.
Wonder how many younger kids even know this fact?

It is such a shame to see our history being erased
right before our eyes.

We are only free because of the brave.

Long may our flag wave.
Please do not burn or disrespect her in any way.

In other news,
Robin from the Cranky Crow
asked for my bean dip recipe.

Bean Dip
1 can pinto beans (do not drain)
1 pkg Philadelphia cream cheese
4 oz can chilies drained
shredded colby jack cheese
1/2 packet of taco seasoning. (I use Kroger brand)
Fresh salsa (I use Garden Fresh Sweet Onion)
Head of iceberg lettuce (I hand shred only what I need)
Tostitos round tortilla chips

Put beans in a pot and heat until soft.
Mash while cooking.
Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup of cheese
and 1/2 packet of taco seasoning. Mix in.
Place beans in a 8 x 8 dish and place in refrigerator
to cool 15 minutes.
Soften cream cheese a bit.
Add to a bowl along with drained chiles.
Mix well.
Spread mixture on top of beans.
Add half the container of salsa on top of 
cream cheese mixture.
Top with shredded cheese and lettuce to your liking.
Chill a bit.
Serve with tortilla chips.
(Sometimes I also add sliced black olives on top too)

This is the salsa I use.
You may use whatever salsa you like.
This is the go to brand for this dip I use.


Sunday morning Bob cooked us breakfast
on his Blackstone
He loves this grill.
The blueberry pancakes and bacon were scrumptious.
I wish he could make breakfast for us every morning.
Alas I am already on the road for work when he gets up.

Patriotic July Blessings To All!


  1. Love the blog...And I agree...I'm also worried about the direction our country is heading in.
    Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Your bean dip sounds amazing!! Thanks for sharing it. I came to visit from Mari's blog and am pleased to meet you here!! I will be back!! Have a blessed day!

  3. I soooo agree with you about kids not being taught about our country and most of all respecting our flag-sad for us seniors to watch happen. Your bean dip sounds delicious have a good week.

  4. I remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school too and it is a shame it was removed. I'd like to read the book "4 Days in July" but have no idea where to get a copy I could afford. It is the story of the writing of the Declaration of Independence during the first 4 days of July.

  5. I totally agree with you on kids not being taught our history and losing the patriotism.
    I love all your patriotic art!
    PS - I posted a pic of the pillow you sent on todays blog post.

  6. I love your displays -- they're beautiful and festive. And the bean dip sounds great!

  7. Wonderful vignettes Janice...You do Americana so beautifully. And such truths you speak. The Pledge of Allegiance - and so many of the old patriotic songs - were a regular part of our school routines. Now there would likely be outrage by some if were done. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe. It sounds amazing. I have one somewhere that I used to make but it is nothing like this. Anxious to try it! ~Robin~

  8. wonderful as always. The dip sounds good, but husband would not like it.
    When my husband was a teacher, they said the pledge every morning.

  9. I like looking at all your patriotic decor. Looks great.
    I wish the children said the pledge of allegiance and prayer wouldn't be a bad idea either!

  10. Happy July!
    It will soon be Moon Day on the 20th. I don't know why it isn't more popular.

  11. That crock...be still my heart!!!
    The Pledge of Allegiance was said every morning along with our morning prayers at Catholic school. God bless America ;-)

  12. Hello,
    Thank you for this post. It is heartbreaking what is happening to our country. Our military is going WOKE as well. Our poor Sam can share many a story about that.
    Very, very sad!!!

  13. I very much admire your patriotic attitude. Thanks, Janice, for sharing the delicious dip recipe.

  14. Oh boy am I behind! This month is flying by and I've missed a few of your previous posts but went back to see all your pretty things! I love all the patriotic decor and I agree that schools need to go back to some basics like the pledge and prayer could help too although I doubt that would be a popular thing. I hope you had a nice July 4th!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.