Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Finish

Hello friends! 

As you know I wanted to start this little patriotic stitch.
Was pretty sure I could get this one done
before July 4th to display.

It was a fun little stitch and I changed up
all of the colors from my stash.
I used the leftover linen from my sampler.
Waste not when you can.

Here it is finished now as a pillow.
Stuffed with fabric rags...
the way I stuff most of my pillows.

For the back used fabric from my stash
and just coffee stained it a bit.

Now it sits here replacing by my Spring one.
Once I have more stitched,
they will likely go into a dough bowl.
Not this year though.

My next Patriotic finish came out of this book
from Blackbird Designs called
American Eagle.

Here is my finished version.
I added Land of the Free and 1776 at the bottom
and continued the border to go around as well.
I used graph paper like I did for my
jack-o-lantern like Saundra thought.
I omitted both the year on either side 
of the flower urn and the
 letter "B"
Plus changed up some of the colors.

I love how this one turned out.
I picked it up from the framer on July 2nd.

Just in time for July 4th.
Now will be proudly displayed for this month.
The lil sheep I created years ago to sell at our store.
I did keep one for myself.

More patriotic items.

All on my pine cabinet in the keeping room.

In other news,
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful
July 4th.
We went right next door to our neighbors party.
I brought a bean dip appetizer which was a hit.
Made 2 batches of it.

My daughter Michele is finally 
moving back to her house. 
After months of fighting with adjusters 
while having to go through items they thought were
unsalvageable (almost 700 items)
workers coming in and unplugging 
her meat freezer in the basement for no reason....
and letting it spoil which was full of meat.
Then when moving it out to replace
left her house wide open for anyone 
to go in one whole day. 
They denied the whole thing.
However she caught them on a camera she had.
Most days she had to go to her house 
for inspections that were required by her insurance.
She had to shop for new paint, rugs, furniture,
appliances, clothes and food. 
It was like getting a brand new house an she
hopes she never has to do this again.
She moved from her house to a hotel to a rental house.
Back to moving into her house.
She is mentally exhausted.

Well I have to get to work.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Any plans?

Another Friday Finish Blessing To All!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Misc Stuff

Hello friends and Happy July 1st!
Lots of you have been showing off your
beautiful flowers.
I decided to get on the bandwagon.
I only have one garden in the front.
Not much, but here goes.

My butterfly bush has gotten enormous this year.
I love seeing the butterflies come to it.

With the rain and humidity the yews have
not dried out and are still greener than ever.
The mulch does help.

My hydrangea is starting to bloom.
The kiwi vine in the front is also starting to turn
its wonderful colors of pink and white.
This is a vine which was attached to our door trellis.
Unfortunately the trellis was damaged 
in a bad storm last year.
Bob needs to make another one.

The pop of red is coleus.

My lemon yellow day lilies 
are blooming profusely. 

We purchased this iron bench in Ohio many years ago.

Same with these vintage chairs.
They have seen better days but I still love them.
This is part of our front porch.
Wish it was a covered one.

Bob recently laid this this little patio.
The table and chairs were Bob's dads.
We kept them when he passed last year.
A perfect spot to eat dinner now...
when the mosquitoes let us.
Both Tundra and Shadow enjoy being outside
with us when we do.
We only use our garage as storage.
No vehicles ever go in there.

Now for the good stuff.
Thank you everyone for all of your comments
on both the cafe and pillow.
I so appreciate all comments.
Here comes the winner.

Drum Roll Please.
The winner is...
Mari from "My Little Corner of the World"
Mari please send me your
full name and address to my email at
and will get out your pillow asap.

Thank you again to everyone.
I so appreciate you all!

 July Blessings To all!