Monday, March 10, 2025

Maker's Monday

Hello friends.
Today's post I am playing with fabric. 
But first.

Bob came home with this antique splint basket.
I loved this is what I decided to do.
Getting back to the fabric.

Shades of brown.

Purchased this quilt piece.

Drew out my own template.

Hand sewn eggs is what I created.
Will try to make more before Easter.

So back to the basket now.
I added aluminum foil to the bottom.

Because I wanted to add in this grass.
Did not want it falling out. Easter basket filled with my
own fabric eggs.

You will see this again 
in an upcoming display.

In other news,
once again Lauren is being a brat. LOL
She asked how many cross stitch
projects I have going.
Well Lauren since inquiring minds want to know.
I currently have 15 started, with only
5 in rotation right now.
The others were seasonal ones which I 
wont work on again until that season.
Spring is I will be starting
more Spring items.
Lauren dont ask me how many more
I will be starting...dont know yet. LOL again. 

Last week was a nightmare.
Not only having to do my own job,
but then had the task to contact
my former co-workers clients to inform
them he resigned and provide them the names
of those who would be handling their accounts.
I literally had a headache every night.
I was the only one who knew his portfolio
as much as he did.
Hopefully this week will be better.

I took today off so that Bob and I can
go to over our taxes before sending them
in to our CPA.
We will probably end up doing lunch somewhere,
then visit the meat market to stock up
our freezer once again.

We might even grill tonight for dinner.
It is suppose to get in the mid 60's.
(hope it stays)

Do you have any plans for the upcoming week?

Pre-Spring Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning I Love your fabric eggs-perfect in that basket. Hopefully work will settle down. I am having issues with postal service again-my accountant still has not received my tax papers that I mailed a week ago sigh and their tracking doesn't work. we will be in the high 70's this coming week amazing-but then it drops back down again the following week Happy new week Kathy

  2. I love the eggs and the basket. Your Bob finds some good things!
    We got our taxes done last week so that's a relief. I'm still in charge of my Dad's trust taxes though so that's in my plans for this week.
    I'm so excited for the nicer weather this week!


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