Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Finish

 Hello my friends!
Well I only have one finish.
Actually I finished this stitch
last February...but
I fully finished it now.

This was one of Lori's patterns
from Notforgotten Farm.

The pattern is called
Lucky O'Greene.
Lori just released a new one
with a lady called Maggie O'Greene
which I will have to purchase now.

Finished into this sweet pillow.

This was the fabric I chose for the border
and the back.
The left I coffee stained a bit while the right
was the original color of this fabric.

In other news.
driving through the marsh this week,
I have noticed it is coming out of hibernation.
The Redwing Blackbirds are back 
with their sweet song.
The muskrats have come 
out of their underwater dens.
The swans are paired up ready for love.
Soon the baby cygnets will appear
swimming alongside their parents.
I also saw my first heron hiding in the
dried phragmites waiting for his dinner.

Plan on getting my Spring displays
put out in my home.

Will go grocery shopping today
 during my lunch. 
Am working form home today and the 
store I go to is only a few miles away.
I write down my list and it is organized
by the route of the store...
so I can get in and out.

Will probably be crafting, crocheting, 
stitching and hooking this weekend.
What are your plans for your weekend?

Friday Blessings To All!


  1. I'll be heading to the grocery store this morning as well. Planning on making cabbage soup because the inside of the house is still colder than the outside. And rain is in the forecast.

  2. I like St. Pat's Day and I love Lucky O'Greene and you will have to get his mate. Sounds like you're going to be busy and that spring is coming with all those birds.

  3. Oooh, I like Lucky O'Greene!
    I'm happy you are seeing all those signs of Spring.
    I make my grocery list the same way. I still end up going backways at least once because I forgot something or didn't put it on the list, but it really does help.

  4. Hello Friend, I do the same thing regarding my shopping list. :-) It usually works.
    I loved all the signs of spring and I loved how you wrote about them.
    We may get some nasty weather tonight.. yuck..not already.

  5. I Love Lori's sweet patterns cute !!! Happy St Patty's Day !!!!And it is so nice to finally see Spring and wild life returning !!!

  6. The pillow turned out great. Yes, you'll have to get Maggie O'Green too.
    We shop with a list too.

  7. Awww....your Lucky is so dapper and sweet. He's been on my list to do. I don't decorate much for St. Pat's but have a few stitched tucks and such. We had an incredibly mild day today - windy, but almost 70 and, yes, the birds are returning! My backyard is not so lonely anymore. Unfortunately, rain moves in tomorrow (had a fierce downfall this morning), then cold again and snow mid-week. Such a tease Spring is. Enjoy your weekend. ~Robin~


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.