Saturday, January 12, 2019

Hunkering Down At Home

for the

It is supposed to be a cold one on tap. 
So after I do my grocery shopping,
I am staying home
and hunkering down for the weekend.

What will be your plans?

There was an antique rug that I saw
which was completely hooked in off white
with all of the shapes outlined in red.
I really liked it, 
so I created this hooked house
with that rugs color as my inspiration.

Today I hope to finish hooking 
the second house I drew out.

I hung this one on top of my wreath.
It has a rusty wire loop for hanging.
 Not sure if I like it hung at an angle...

or straight like it is in this pic.
Which do you prefer?

I kept my white lights up
for January.

I enjoy the twinkle in this cold
dreary month.

This wall is in our living room.
Our front door is to the left
of the dry sink with my shoe tree display
from my last post. 

Apparently I took this pic at an angle too.

Well off to shop I go.

Hunkering Down Blessings To All!


  1. Love the mat.I like it better straight. Snow coming a few things to get done early today, Then a pj weekend cuddled with Issaboo and some warm Vanilla Chai Latte in hand.

    1. Thank you Amy! Sounds like you have a perfect plan for the weekend too! Hope you enjoy. Janice

  2. I think I like the adorable little house straight up. It's -12F here today. Hard to walk the dog.

    1. Thank you for your comment Kimm. Sounds like it is colder by you than me. Stay warm! Janice

  3. Hi Janice,
    I also prefer it straight, but the angle is more artsy!! So sweet! Love the new display, as always!! Hope you enjoy your "hunkering down" time!! Stay warm!!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

    1. Artsy is a fun word! Maybe that was why I put it an an angle at first..the artist in me. I actually made hearts today instead of hooking...They were calling me. LOL Janice

  4. Love your little house hooking, Janice! I think it looks good straight. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Lori

    1. Thanks Lori. Hope you enjoy your weekend too and stay warm my friend. Janice

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Lauren. Straight seems to be the consensus. Enjoy your weekend! Janice

  6. Oh my, you are so talented! I like it at an angle, but I'm a little crooked now a days myself - well, not criminal know, from hurting my back...LOL. Never mind, have a nice time hooking....that's rug hooking...teehee

    1. Crooked...LOL Hope your back feels better. My leg is finally feeling better now. Hope you have a fabulous weekend my friend! Janice

  7. the second picture is good for me. Cute piece. I am hunkering down too. We had to go out for my grand daughter's birthday party to day but we are home now I am making a batch of ginger cookies and chili I probably will not go out until Monday AM

    1. It seems everyone likes it straight. Hope your granddaughters birthday was a blast! Cookies and chili sound good. Bob wanted pork chops and twice baked that's what I am making. Janice

  8. Ooooo,,, I left a comment, but not sure if you have an approval setting in place or if it just disappeared. (See? I have been gone too long and fear I may have forgetten things LOL). Anyways...I know it’s a voice from the past and hope I didn’t spook you, but I miss blogging and my blog pals a am dipping my toes back in the proverbial waters. I love your little hooked house...and am with the “straight” majority LOL... Stay comfy and cozy....we had freezing drizzle all day..not the best day to be out and about, but needed to go to see my mom. Tomorrow will be my hunker down day I hope....I need to start taking Christmas down (yup...still the procrastinator...some things never change LOL). Happy 2019 to you and Bob...Hope all is well! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Oh what a treat to hear from an old friend! Glad you got your toes wet and came back to blogging. I miss you. freezing rain...UGH. Shhhh, I still have my big Christmas tree up. Plan on taking that one down next week, so I am a fellow procrastinator. Janice

  10. Love your little hooked house, Janice!! I think it's so cool that people are hooking smaller, more user friendly things than big rugs! I have a box full of rolled up rugs that I bring out from time to time...but these little mats are perfect! Your primitive home is beautiful...stay least we didn't get all the snow!! Tell Bob "Hi" !!

    1. Thanks Bobbie! I am working on another house mat. Stay tuned. I do want to make a couple larger ones...when I can find the time. Janice

  11. I love the house you hooked. The red is so very cheerful.
    Either position on the wreath is lovely.

    1. Thank you Rose! Most folks like it straight up, but I fancy it on the angle,,,guess its the artsy in me. LOL Janice

  12. Your hooked rug is adorable and I like it straight......but it looks sweet either way! I love the colors and the wreath is so pretty. Love how your decorate!

    1. Thanks a bunch! It was fun to hook. Wish I was retired, so I could create more. Oh well, soon enough. Janice

  13. I love the way you decorate! Such a pretty wreath and how sweet your little rug is!

  14. Thank you! I truly do love decorating for all of the seasons. Janice


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