Saturday, January 25, 2025

January CupboardScape

Today is my first CupboardScape of 2025.
Cannot believe this month is almost over already.
Just hoping Spring comes early this year.

When I was a kid I enjoyed sled rides.
I never wanted to come inside.
While at my gramma's though she would
always have soup to warm ourselves up 
when we did come in.

Decided to add in some floral to this display.
These flowers are a bluish gray.

Antique Skater's Lamp.

My mom made me this pillow eons ago.
Will cherish it forever...
and it comes out each Winter.

Red Mittens.
I myself choose to wear gloves now...
but as a kid my mom had mittens on us,
with those thingies that attached to our coat.
Forgot what they were called.

A faux tree at an angle on purpose.
Just liked the look of a falling tree.

There you have it folks.
A nice mixture of reds and blues,
which compliment each other.

In other news,

Mr. February has arrived.

I was unaware Bob entered Tundra as 
a candidate for this calendar.
When he was selected and I first saw the pic...
I did say to Bob that we have 
better pics of Tundra though.
Well Mr. February as we call him now,
is being his usual self.
The celebrity status has not gone 
to his head too much. LOL

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend,
whatever your plans are.

Warmer January Blessings To All!



  1. I love your winter scapes in this post and the previous. In the previous post, yes I believe animals "know." This one, I loved to go sledding! I saw a funny reel on Instagram or somewhere that had "sledding for seniors." The sleds had cushions and handles - I still don't know if I would do it. Only because I wouldn't want to walk back up the hill (wink, wink). I remember those clips with elastic and one end on mitten and other on coat. Also the croched string from one mitten to another and "fished" through the arms and back of the coat. Oh and remember how cold our wrists would get when the snow would go between mitten and jacket? You have a great weekend too!

  2. As a kid there weren't any hills to slide down on a sled. but as a teen, to the chagrin of my parents, we would be pulled down the road behind a car. Dangerous? YES! But remember when we thought we were invincible? Also there was far less traffic back in the 1950's.
    Next year for a Christmas gift to Bob, take 12 favorite photos of Tundra to Walmart and they can have a 2026 calender made with 12 months of Tundra.

  3. We loved sledding too. I grew up on a farm with hills around us, so we were out there all the time!
    I may not love winter, but I love your winter decor. The pillow is special. We also wore mittens with those holder thingies. The mittens were always wet and drying on a register.
    Hooray for Tundra!

  4. Well done to Mr. February, so very handsome! I love your vignette. That pillow your mom made, the gloves, it's absolute perfection, Janice. What a treasure.

  5. One of my favorite vignettes I think - love how you've balanced everything on the old sled to tie everything together. And, well, as you know, I'm a bit obsessed with skater's lanterns. Mr. February probably doesn't have any bad photos LOL....he's a beauty. Happy weekend Janice.... ~Robin~

  6. Congrats to Tundra ;-)
    I am not a fan of mittens, but did buy a pair a few years ago made from a felted wool sweater. They are the only thing that keep my fingers halfway warm when I need to shovel.

  7. Oh sleigh riding, brings back such wonderful memories.
    I like mittens because they keep your hands warmer but it does make it difficult to do anything. :)

  8. Good morning, beautiful post-loved everything! Congrats on Tundra winning a calendar page. Your post brought back fond memories for me as well Happy new week

  9. Congratulation to Tundra for being selected for the calendar. I lve the old sleigh rides sign. It brings back old memories of sitting in the horse sled and hearing the crunching of the snow as the horse pulled the sleigh. Your vignettes are alway beautiful.
    Take care, hugs.

  10. I love the photo of Tundra. Too cute about the fame getting to his head.
    xx oo
    I like mittens. :-) I have a pair my friend Judy made me, they are called sweater mittens. She used a sweater to make them.
    I am in hopes for an early spring too.

  11. How sweet is your cupboardscape! What wonderful memories you have of sledding. In all of my life we have never had enough snow to go sledding. Perhaps we had enough snow......but it only lasts a day or we never purchased sleds. Everything you have selected for your scape is wonderful! How sweet and congratulations to "Mr. February" for being the cutest calendar dog! How exciting! Wishing you a blessed new year!

  12. How sweet " Mr. February " ! Congratulations! I always love your creative ideas and how you decorate so beautifully!


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