Tuesday, January 21, 2025

First 2025 Winter Display

When I take my Christmas down,
its time to do a bit of Winter decor. 

I have always liked to mix greens with 
the color blue in these displays.

I placed greens inside this rye basket.
Topped it with an antique pierced tin lantern.

I love these new candle lights.
They run on one AAA battery.
They stay on for six hours and then turn off
for 6 hours and repeat.
Best of all they move at the top to mimic a flame.

I left my one Christmas tree up.
In the place of the other tree now resides
my snowman that my friend made.

I finally found his broom.
It is a vintage child's broom.
Could not find it for years until I saw it in
the garage this Summer.
Bob had it thinking he could use it.
Oh Bob.

My snowman lost his wool hat over the years,
so I recently crocheted him a brown cap.

I so love keeping the lights up for January.
It makes the long Winter nights more bearable.
Even better when Bob
 puts a fire in our fireplace.

In other news,
you know it is cold when a Samoyed 
goes outside just to do his business
then wants to come in.

Speaking of Mr. February;
still waiting for the calendar to arrive.
Checking the tracking it arrived 
in Michigan Jan. 17th. which by all account
the next stop should have been our
local post office and then out for delivery....
but no... its now headed for 
Indianapolis, Indiana. UGH

The Polar vortex has arrived though.
Monday's morning temp was 5.
The high was 13. 
This morning (Tuesday) it is 4 right now.
Fingers crossed our furnace makes it.
We continue to make a fire
in the fireplace daily. 

We saw a flock of Robins yesterday.
I know they usually come back 
to Michigan in February, so seeing them
now was quite a surprise.
Also a surprise was seeing 2 deer without
their winter coats....
does this mean Spring will come early?
One can only hope...but animals usually
know more than we do.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Warm Winter Blessings To All!

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