Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Hello friends,
here is my update on a few of the things
I have been stitching on.
Hope you enjoy.
I sure do enjoy bringing them to life.

American Eagle has me wanting to stitch 
as much as I can on this piece.
At first I did not think the house 
would show up on this fabric,
but once the border completed,
you can see it in its glory.
The house is not quite complete yet though.
Bottom right is not stitched here.

I managed to get another bunny completed
on Patriotic Pinwheel Parade.

This will definitely not get finished in July.
I will work a little more on it,
and then put away for next year.

A little more progress on my great grandfathers
Once the letters are complete, will need to add
 the numbers in to be finished.
Plus the addition of my last great grandfather's name. 
At first I thought piece might be boring because
am only using one color, but with 
all of the  letters and different motifs it has not.

My progress on Halloween At Hawk Run Hollow.
Block 8 is completed.
This block was suppose to be all orange pumpkins.
As you can see I changed things up.
I wanted this block to be more 
Halloween  than Fall. 
So I changed two pumpkins into black ones.
We do have black colored pumpkins here,
along with a blue and green variety.
In keeping with Halloween,
chose black and orange for this block.

While also changing one up
 to be a black jack-o-lantern.
I love the final version of what I did.
How about you?

I am feeling a sense of accomplishment
finally with this piece.

I will also enjoy doing the next block.
At least it is Halloween themed.

Only 4 more blocks to go.
Thanks for following along!

In other news,
It has been extremely hot and humid here.
The air has been on mostly non-stop.
Thankfully for us we have air.
I hope everyone is alright out there that does not.
It was not until Bob and I got married 
that we got air ourselves.
Am so glad we did.

I have the day off today so Bob and I are treating
ourselves to lunch up the river to a cafe that we love.
We love their salads and sandwiches.
I plan on getting their lobster bisque soup.
Bob will probably get chicken tortilla.
They have 5 different soups on their menu.

Looks like we also may get some rain today too.
Hopefully the humidity will go away....
but not today it seems.

Take care everyone.

Whippy Wednesday Blessings To All!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

June CupboardScape


Hello my friends!
Today's CupboardScape
is for Father's Day.
I pulled together some of my 
colonial items that our forefathers
may have used in their time.
Hope you enjoy.

In other news,
I believe Summer has already arrived.
Temps in the 90's with no relief in sight.
Next week the humidity will accompany the heat.
Tundra does his business and wants in.
He hates the hot weather too.

I finished up my July 4th decor.
I did not do as much this year.
Only the living room, keeping room,
 hall and cabinet in the room my mom stays in.

I laughed at Lauren's response to me not moving
any more furniture around.
I am trying not too, as it is so hard for Bob
lately to move it.
He is not even buying much furniture
as far as  our antique store goes.

Hope all the father's out there enjoy their day!

June Blessings To All!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My Next Project


Hello friends!

Wanted to share with you all
my next project.

 I use to have had my bucket bench here.
Decided to move that in the kitchen 
while swapping out my pine cupboard here.
I just felt it would look better in this room.
It is not that heavy so Bob was not mad at me.
Plus I told him I am done moving furniture after this.


Now I have another project.
What to add on the walls and top.
As you can see I also need to hide the timer.

I did that by moving my chair here in the corner

Adding in some textiles.

One of my antique splint baskets
on the bottom.

So far am liking this.

Grabbed one of my benches and added
a flag inside my stoneware jug.

I can do so much more with this cabinet here.
Now I need to decide how to decorate this part 
of our keeping room.
Any suggestions on this?
I know for now it will remain a blank slate.
Just hope it wont take me years to decide. LOL
We might go antiquing next month.
Maybe I might find something that 
will need to come home....maybe.

In other news,
Am so tired of getting spam calls.
I am on the do not call list
and I must get at least 10 calls per day.
I don't answer them and send them to voicemail.
One yesterday wanted to tell me they have
my loan docs ready and they just
 needed some more information....yeah right.

Last week we had another tornado
where a 2 year old boy died.
This was 2 blocks from where my boss lives.
I called her the next day just to make sure 
she was ok as I was on my mini vacation.
So sad.

Well speaking of bosses,
you know where I am headed now.

Have a wonderful day my friends.

My Next Project Blessings To All!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Finish

 Hello friends!
No cross stitch finish this month,
but I do have an FFO (fully finished object).

For those who have been following for awhile,
knew that I had finished hooking
Woman On Horseback.

Well she is FINALLY finished.
I so loved the colors I chose for this one.
Saundra has wonderful patterns that she will
draw up for you in whatever size rug you want.
She did this one for me.
 I also purchased another 
one from her called Potted Plant that I am slowly
hooking at a snails pace.
Hopefully I will get back to it soon.

Any hoot, when I finally finished it,
I knew it had to be hung here.
The colors mimic each other and I simply
love it here now.
Don't you love how a plan goes together?
Taking my time with this wall really helped.

Although the displays on top will change,
the rug and picture and cupboard will remain now.

Currently on top is a 18th century bowl
filled with stone fruit.
A stoneware pitcher filled with turkey feathers.
Plus my pewter candlestick with its beeswax candle.

A side view.
I did move the burgandy candles.
Just noticed the candle on top is crooked.
Will need to fix that. LOL

All decked out now in Patriotic Pride.

Most definitely now we need to paint 
those switch plates.

In other news,
Yesterday I had the day off.
Bob and I decided to go out for breakfast
at this new restaurant near us.
It was good and we never eat out for breakfast,
so this was a treat for us.
Then we went grocery shopping.
Came back home, unloaded
and put everything away.
Then we were off again.
This time with  Tundra
We took a half hour drive to this 
meat market that was having 
a  June meat special.
We love their meat!

I also have today off. 
Today am going to do laundry and clean
then hopefully get some hooking and stitching in.
I actually took three days off as a mini vacation.

Will also be making some banana bread
using up some bananas which were overipe...
which makes the BEST bread.
Then this weekend, also going to bake
some strawberry rhubarb bread and a
strawberry pie.

What will your plans be for this weekend?

Friday Finish Blessings To All!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Change Is Good

 Good morning friends.
Hope this post finds you all well.

Last Thursday I had asked Bob if we
could move a few things in our keeping room.
He always says...
Happy Wife, Happy Life. LOL
He obliged me of course.
This is what we did.

We moved the tv and the tall stepback here.

Moved my horse underneath the tv table.

This cabinet looks much better on the taller wall.

Am liking this look better now.

The tv was where we now moved the couch too.
Before the couch was on the taller wall.
We have more sunlight now with the window in view.
Plus the couch was rather small for such a tall wall.
The blue afghan I crocheted eons ago.
Tundra likes to lay on it.

It fits perfectly in the middle of this wall.
Someday I hope to find another antique red rug 
to replace this blue one I purchased from Lowes.
For now the red white and blue goes very well.

This is the view now coming in from
our back side door.
Am thinking I may sew some curtains for all
of the windows now.
Will see.
As you can see, this room is vaulted.
It goes from 7 feet to 11.
I also started to put out some patriotic displays.

A few close ups.

Two nighttime shots.

With this change I now have two empty walls.
The thrill of the hunt is on again to fill er up.

In other news,
Saturday night we had our bedroom windows
open and oh my gosh.
A skunk was in the near vicinity.
Tundra must have heard him first,
and of course he started barking.
Well then the skunk kept spraying.
It smelled so bad in our bedroom.
I ended up sleeping on the couch.
Bob did not smell or hear anything.
Thankfully Tundra was NOT outside.

I managed to plant some veggies and 2 flats
of flowers Friday and Saturday before
 the rain came in, so that was good.

Stitched and cleaned over the weekend.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Well have to get my butt to work.

Change Is Good Blessings To All!