Monday, February 10, 2025

Maker's Monday

Hello friends.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
For those who asked,
Maker's Monday is something 
I just made up for blog posts.

When the Polar Vortex hit,
I decided to get out my crochet hook,
some yarn and ribbon.

Remember not a pink fan,
but I have customer's who are.

This was the color taking the yarn from
 inside the skein which I prefer to start with.
I started with two rows 
which mimic a granny square.

Then the third row made the heart shape.

Added the ribbon for hanging if you choose to.

This was the color on the outside of the skein.

I packaged these with three to a cello bag.
Hang them on your Valentine tree,
a cabinet door or wherever you choose.

Next I took this antique coverlet
piece I had.

With some leftover linen,
stitched the words Be Mine.
Do you see where my mind is?
Why Valentine's Day for sure.

Stitched into a small pillow.

Sewed on the stitch piece.
So sweet for my primitive customers.

All already have gone to the store.

In other news.
last Thursday when I walked out the door
to go to work...we had freezing rain overnight.
My car doors were stuck.
I tried desperately to get the driver's side open.
No avail...but did manage to get
the passenger side to open.
I then had to crawl over my console to
get to the driver's side.
If anyone would have seen me..
it would have been a funny sight for sure.
Then ten minutes into my drive,
the door ajar light came on and my inside
car lights also came on.
I had to pull over and open my door
and close it right away.
Then it started freezing rain again.
Again 10 minutes more into my drive,
I had to pull over and scrape the ice off
my windshield wiper blades.
Finally get to work...and the internet 
was down in the office. UGH
I called my boss to let her know.
She told me I should have stayed home,
but then told me to go back home
and to drive safe.
So almost 3 hours later I was back home.
Oh and also into my drive to work,
an idiot driver decides to pass three cars at once.
Then later on, another idiot did the same thing.
So glad no accidents occurred.

We watched the Super Bowl last night.
I made Hot Wings and Cheese Nachos.
Although I don't care who wins this year,
I always enjoy watching the commercials...
however not many good ones this year.
Just a few I liked.
Maybe one year our Detroit Lions
will make it to the Super Bowl.
One can hope anyways.
Congrats though to the Eagles.

I have today off.
Bob and I both have appts.,
so will be going to those this afternoon.

Monday Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning I love your little hearts and the pillow too.
    I remember a drive like that to work-scary stuff-glad you made it back home safely.
    I agree the commercials were not all that great at all. Budweiser was the only one that I really liked. That half time show was horrible Congrats to the Eagles I turned the game off in the beginning of the third quarter.
    Enjoy your Monday hugs

    1. PS I really thought the Lions would make to the super bowl this year they had such a good year too

  2. Idiot drivers in such bad weather. Glad you got there and back home safely.

  3. Your little hearts are cute and I really like the pillow!
    Driving in freezing rain is awful and why are there always those drivers who think they're immune and fly past you?
    I thought the Lions would make it this year...

  4. Love the little coverlet pinkeep.
    I have had issues with my driver’s door locking mechanism and had to crawl over the console to get in and out. Not a pretty sight. Thankfully I was able to…if someone with mobility issues had that happen, they would have been stuck. There was no way to open the door from the inside or outside. Thankfully DSO is very handy and bought a replacement part and installed it for me.
    I did not watch the game but watched the supposedly 10 funniest commercials this morning. Not funny at all. I wanted to see Elon’s DOGE commercials but could not find them. I will have to try again later.
    Hopefully you will have some “me time” after your appointments!
    Rugs and Pugs

  5. I like the little crochet hearts and while I don’t wear or decorate with the color pink, I do like seeing it. That must have been very frustrating about the door and then having to climb over the console. That must have been a sight that I’m sure others have done before! Stay warm and God bless.


  6. Hello, I like the crochet hearts. I do like the color pink. It is my second favorite color.
    Sending you a hug... freezing rain is NO fun and driving in it is also NO FUN!

  7. Wow what a trip home. Ice is NOT fun.
    LOVE the heart - and I do like pink!!!

  8. Oh love the Be Mine with the clever! And soooo frustrating getting to work on ice and then turning around. Good'd think there would have been the option to work from home. And those who pass on the road...don't get me started, so many near miss collisions. Hunker down and keep warm...more chilly days coming our way!

  9. You are always so creative. How awful you got all the way to work in the ice and had to turn around to go home.
    I figured the Eagles would win they were playing so well.
    Here is to warmer days.

  10. You were brave and very dedicated to make that drive! Your boss should have called you and told you to stay put before you headed out. Glad you made it back safely. I love your pink heart and your Valentine decor. I know we're in for a few more ice and snow storms this week and weekend. I hope you don't have them but if you do...stay home! Take care Janice!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.