Thursday, March 6, 2025

To Market I Go

Hello friends.
For those into Cross Stitch,
in  March designers all go to Nashville, TN
for the release of their new patterns.
All of the online shops share pictures
of what the designers 
will be releasing at market.
I decided to show you my top picks that
I have on my first, and second bucket list.
Then those maybe's I am mulling on.

These I will get right away.

Coco's Garden by Teresa Kogut.
Love how this was made into a basket.

Simply love the muted reds of this sampler.
This is called
A French Rose by
Running With Needles and Stitches.

Be Still My Heart by
Samplers Not Forgotten

Would love to do it in these colors
 of the motif of flowers
on the left in the above pic.
Changing the fabric to a white or cream
would change also change up the colors.
Just a thought right now.

Audie's Pink House by
Fox and Rabbit
I would change the house to Colonial Rose 
which I would prefer more to pink.

Next my second list...will order these
throughout the year once released.

Georgian Floral Basket
by JBW Design
A nice Valentine one.
Again will change the colors up a bit.

Cocoa and Kisses by Annie Beez Folkart
A Winter stitch for later on in the year.

A cool Halloween one.
This is Dance Party by
Autumn Lane Stitchery.

Then these I am still mulling over.

Eyelet Sampler Roll
by Lucy Beam 
Not a real fan of the eyelet stitch...
but do like this small sampler.
I could just do it in cross stitches though.

Peace Sampler by The Mindful Needle
Another smaller sampler.
Could be a candidate for a blessing one
 for next January. 

A French Summer Sampler by
Shakespeare's Peddler
I may get this one as a tribute to my 
great- great paternal grandparents
who were born in France,
while adding in their info for my heritage pieces.

Stench Stack by
Plum Street Samplers
I think this pattern is so stinkin cute!

Well my friends...this is my list of market releases
that caught my eye.
Do you have any favorites?

In other news,
Lauren asked me how many patterns 
I start in a week.
Well actually I start on average
two per month...then I rotate.
As Saundra calls it...need a spare to work on
when I get bored.
Many spares in my case. LOL

My co-worker resigned on Monday.
He and I have worked together for 25 years.
He had been there for 28 years,
with me being there 29.
I started in a different area before
teaming up with him.
He called me late Friday to tell me.
I was shocked and he had me crying.
He was my partner in crime. LOL
My work husband and we always had 
a great rapport. 
I know his wife and watched his kids grow up.
He knows Bob and came to our store lots of times.
It was a sad day on Monday...but he
saw the writing on the wall too,
and decided to get another job.
He is only in his early 50's, so 
I completely understand his reasoning,
but still sad that I wont be seeing him
or talking to him daily now.
I thought I would be leaving before him...
since I am retiring next year.
He beat me to it.

Its been only 3 days since his departure.
Now I am faced with the task of
continuing without him and letting 
our customers know who will be replacing him.
Am I confident they will be in good hands...
we will see...then again I will be leaving soon...
so will I be confident then too that 
they once again will be in good hands...
only time will tell.

Off to work my friends.
It is almost the weekend.
Thank goodness.

Market Blessings To All!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Starts


Hope all is well with you my friends.
Am glad March is here.
However it came in like a lion here.
Very windy and cold.
Am hoping it goes out like a lamb now.
Today I have two new starts to share.

The first is this St Patty's Day theme.
Speaking of lambs, 
this pattern is called Lucky Ewe
by the Proper Stitcher.
Stitching this on 30ct Aspen.

Decided to use floss on hand
instead of purchasing more...
but not happy with the color I chose
for the shamrock in the vase.
Cannot see it. UGH
I have to re-think this one out.

I did purchase this project bag.
Perfect for St. Patty's Day.

Next is the 12 Days of Christmas Stockings.
This patten is by Annie Beez.

The called for linen is a black 14 ct aida.
No way was I going to stitch on black linen.
Am doing this on 28 ct Earth.

It will be the same size, 
just a smaller count linen.
Well I thought this was finished,
but I realize I did not finish 
the lower right branch.
Will need to do this.
It also calls for beads.
I am only going to add the beads
 in the numbers which I have not done yet.
Hopefully I can get these done for Christmas.

In other news,
Yesterday I made wet beef burritos for dinner.
Bob made us some strawberry margaritas.
Both were good.

Tonight will make a roast chicken
with mashed potatoes and cream style corn.

Finish up my laundry and clean today.
Hopefully have time to stitch.

The wind moved the ice a bit.
It was nice to see blue water again,
and the ducks came back.
Just love watching the little diving ones.

Well off to make some chocolate chip pancakes
with some bacon for breakfast.

Let me know how March came in for you.

Sunday Blessings To All!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Whippy Wednesday

Hello friends.
Today I have lots of WIP's
to show you.
Hope you do not get bored. 

When I last showed this sampler
as a homage to my grandmothers,
I had the morning glory and dog finished.
Now the third and final motif is complete.

I wanted the third motif to reflect 
something that remined me of 
my grandmothers...not this bird.
They both had chickens on their farms...

so I purchased another pattern
called Spring Chickens Pinkeep
by Stacy Nash.
In the antique world this is called a marriage.
When you take a part of one piece
of furniture and add it to another.
So I did it to this stitched piece I am doing.

It was a perfect marriage indeed.
I also added in my paternal grandmother.
Ilda Husson 1903-1986
Working now on the final row,
then will add in my maternal grandmother,
then finally after that the bottom border.
Getting close to the finish line.

Next up is the Prairie Schooler Mini February.

Just finished up the second pane.
This is suppose to be a groundhog.
Not sure if this will be done this year though.
Taking longer than expected.

This is where I left off doing Two Hearts.

I now have one snowman holding a heart completed.
This one will also go back into hiding
until next year now.
I am tired of Winter.

Getting the urge for Spring now.
This is where I finished up 
on this pattern last year.
It is called Spring Gathering. 

Started working on it once again.
Almost finished now with the bunny.
Added in the key and a few motifs.
Working on this one during my lunch at work.
Just not sure if I should outline his tail.
What do you think?

It seems like forever that I picked up a hook.
This was Potted Plant 
before I put my hook down.

I finally picked it up and hooked a bit more.

It took me longer to try and find
 my wool than it did to hook this.
I forgot where I put the wool I had
planned out for this piece.
Still have not found I re-planned
this part out again.

Finally Viola Martini.

This red sampler will include
all of my great grandmother's 
names and information for my 
heritage wall.

I finished the first set of alphabets.
In place of the crown at the far right,
I added in my initials and the two
digit year on the right.
There are no letter "J's" in this pattern,
so I had to make up my letter "J".
I took the number 25 from the numbers
in the pattern.
Am using the floss color
Cranberry by Classic Colorworks.
Although you really cannot see it,
there is a variegation to this floss.
It goes from dark to a medium color.

In other news,
these past few days we had 50 degree weather.
It was so nice...but the cold will return.
Not sure if we will get rain or freezing rain.

Our backyard is getting mushy from 
the snowmelt that even Tundra does not
want to walk on the grass.

The coast guard is back.
I believe they are monitoring the ice bridge 
in lower Lake Huron.
Once that breaks, the ice will come down
into our river.
It is already jammed down here,
so they have been cutting the ice trying
to get it moving...but with 
Lake St Clair 100% covered in ice,
not sure where it will be going.
Our St Clair river is between 
Lake Huron and Lake St Clair.

Changes are coming at work.
The job I do is being more
centralized with my peers being 
afraid our jobs will be cut.
They keep saying this Summer things
will be different....I see the writing on the wall.
I told my boss if she needs to let someone go,
she can let me go.
I would get a years severance....
and since I plan on retiring next February
anyway, I don't care if they let me go. 
If it means I can save another person's job
who needs it more than I do, then so be it.
Well off to work I go for now.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week.

Wednesday Blessings To All!



Saturday, February 22, 2025

It's The Love Month

I keep my Valentine's decor out 
the entire month of February. 
The month of love is almost 
over as I call it.
Not many folks I know decorate
for Valentine's, but I do.

Let's start off where I placed Eliza's French Birds.

The pears and hearts I also made over the years.

Bob brought home this red enameled milk pail.
I told him it would be perfect in one of my displays.
I also have a blue now I just need 
a white one...can you guess why???

I happened to find these dark pink lights
in my laundry room back in December.
Why they were in there is beyond me....
but thought they would look pretty on my tree
for the month of February.
When they are on at night, they look more 
of a dark pink...not as light as these pics.

My snowman likes them anyway. LOL
If you noticed...I added some of my
crocheted hearts to my tree too.

Hall display.

Bedroom display.

As you can see I mostly love red.

I just purchased this heart.
It was made from an antique coverlet piece.

A few red textiles out.

My prim doll holding a Hershey's kiss.

I made yo yo's from fabric and created 
this heart pillow.

My teddys came out to enjoy the month.

I also made this wool penny mat.
Tea stained it to make it look a bit old.

In other news,
the second polar vortex is over...
lets hope it wont come back.

Thursday morning as I headed out of my
driveway early in the morning for work,
I had to stop a few houses from mine.
There was a deer in the middle
of my street.
I stopped and it finally took off.
Then another one crossed which
I did not see at first.
 Just glad I was not going fast. 
Not only was I surprised to see the deer,
I was more surprised they were out there
as it was snowing pretty hard that morning.

Then when I got to work,
as I was pulling into the parking lot,
I hit a patch of ice and almost ran into
the shrubs. 
The road in to the lot is not lit and I did not see the ice.
God was with me that morning for sure.

So I read this week that
the ice on Lake Erie is near 98% coverage
which is skewing the totals for all of
our Great Lakes total being at 33% now.
This really means that the other lakes are 
really not that much covered in ice, because
Lake Erie is making the combined numbers higher.
Our state is surrounded by 4 of the 5 lakes.
We have Lake Superior to the way North.
Lake Michigan is to the West of where I live.
Lake Huron starts an hour North of me.
Lake Erie is about 1 1/2 hours South of me.
Lake Ontario is the only lake that does not
border Michigan.

Just thinking of all that ice
is making me cold. LOL
Decided to make some chicken noodle soup
today for dinner.
Keep warm out there my friends.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Love Blessings To All!