Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Finish

 Hello friends!
No cross stitch finish this month,
but I do have an FFO (fully finished object).

For those who have been following for awhile,
knew that I had finished hooking
Woman On Horseback.

Well she is FINALLY finished.
I so loved the colors I chose for this one.
Saundra has wonderful patterns that she will
draw up for you in whatever size rug you want.
She did this one for me.
 I also purchased another 
one from her called Potted Plant that I am slowly
hooking at a snails pace.
Hopefully I will get back to it soon.

Any hoot, when I finally finished it,
I knew it had to be hung here.
The colors mimic each other and I simply
love it here now.
Don't you love how a plan goes together?
Taking my time with this wall really helped.

Although the displays on top will change,
the rug and picture and cupboard will remain now.

Currently on top is a 18th century bowl
filled with stone fruit.
A stoneware pitcher filled with turkey feathers.
Plus my pewter candlestick with its beeswax candle.

A side view.
I did move the burgandy candles.
Just noticed the candle on top is crooked.
Will need to fix that. LOL

All decked out now in Patriotic Pride.

Most definitely now we need to paint 
those switch plates.

In other news,
Yesterday I had the day off.
Bob and I decided to go out for breakfast
at this new restaurant near us.
It was good and we never eat out for breakfast,
so this was a treat for us.
Then we went grocery shopping.
Came back home, unloaded
and put everything away.
Then we were off again.
This time with  Tundra
We took a half hour drive to this 
meat market that was having 
a  June meat special.
We love their meat!

I also have today off. 
Today am going to do laundry and clean
then hopefully get some hooking and stitching in.
I actually took three days off as a mini vacation.

Will also be making some banana bread
using up some bananas which were overipe...
which makes the BEST bread.
Then this weekend, also going to bake
some strawberry rhubarb bread and a
strawberry pie.

What will your plans be for this weekend?

Friday Finish Blessings To All!



  1. Good morning, so good to read you were able to get 3 days off together. I Loveeee your hooked piece and how you displayed it very much-growing up in the 50's and'60s I watched my Mom hook many rugs, and she dyed all her wools too.
    Happy weekend Kathy

  2. Great FFO and it looks fantastic in that corner scape. Enjoy your mini-vacation. Am sure you don't regret selling one of your shops as it gives you just a little more time to enjoy rather restocking two of them.

  3. Looks very nice. You have quite the flair for decorating.

  4. I couldn't love this corner more! You nailed it my friend. Love the colors. That mat is another one that has tempted me but I need to tackle some of the things that are already started. Too MANY things that are already started. Sounds like a fun mini vacation. I love going out for breakfast - one of my favorite meals but given that I am not a morning person, I don't get to do it very often. Oh heck...who am I kidding...even if I DID get up early, I wouldn't go out to breakfast...or lunch...or dinner. Such is the life of a hermit. I'm scrambling to get ready for my Country Sampler trip....just taking a quick break to give my back a break and then back to running. Enjoy your weekend! ~Robin~

  5. Enjoy your mini vacay!
    Rug came out great!!! It always feels good to have a FFO.

  6. Enjoy the 3 days off!
    I love, love, love that corner! The colors are perfect and it all came together so well.

  7. 3 days in a row off...whee ha! Good for you, enjoy them. You've been busy - hope you're getting the weather we are, in the 60's, it's like fall (of course it's jumping 25 degrees next week.) Nothing exciting here - still working to get the outside in shape...I'm so far behind, don't even have the garden in yet - I may just have to hitch up a horse to a plow! Have fun stitching and hooking...put your feet up and relax.

  8. Your hooked rug is very handsome and it looks terrific in the corner by the portrait! Enjoy your long weekend!

  9. All of your goodies you plan to make sound wonderful! How lovely your hooked rug is! I love the colors and it looks wonderful on how you chose to display. You always decorated and display everything so well! We have just returned home from a trip, so I hope to catch up on what needs to be done and hopefully get some stitching done. Have a wonderful weekend

  10. congratulations on your finish! Great place to hang it too.
    All your baking sounds great. I need to grocery shop this week.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.