Monday, June 3, 2024

Change Is Good

 Good morning friends.
Hope this post finds you all well.

Last Thursday I had asked Bob if we
could move a few things in our keeping room.
He always says...
Happy Wife, Happy Life. LOL
He obliged me of course.
This is what we did.

We moved the tv and the tall stepback here.

Moved my horse underneath the tv table.

This cabinet looks much better on the taller wall.

Am liking this look better now.

The tv was where we now moved the couch too.
Before the couch was on the taller wall.
We have more sunlight now with the window in view.
Plus the couch was rather small for such a tall wall.
The blue afghan I crocheted eons ago.
Tundra likes to lay on it.

It fits perfectly in the middle of this wall.
Someday I hope to find another antique red rug 
to replace this blue one I purchased from Lowes.
For now the red white and blue goes very well.

This is the view now coming in from
our back side door.
Am thinking I may sew some curtains for all
of the windows now.
Will see.
As you can see, this room is vaulted.
It goes from 7 feet to 11.
I also started to put out some patriotic displays.

A few close ups.

Two nighttime shots.

With this change I now have two empty walls.
The thrill of the hunt is on again to fill er up.

In other news,
Saturday night we had our bedroom windows
open and oh my gosh.
A skunk was in the near vicinity.
Tundra must have heard him first,
and of course he started barking.
Well then the skunk kept spraying.
It smelled so bad in our bedroom.
I ended up sleeping on the couch.
Bob did not smell or hear anything.
Thankfully Tundra was NOT outside.

I managed to plant some veggies and 2 flats
of flowers Friday and Saturday before
 the rain came in, so that was good.

Stitched and cleaned over the weekend.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Well have to get my butt to work.

Change Is Good Blessings To All!


  1. I love it! It's great to see the whole room and all the pieces you have in it. You have a great knack for decorating.
    Uuugh, skunk! So glad Tundra wasn't outside to get sprayed.

  2. As Bob said, 'happy wife happy life', lol. Looks good and I noticed that slant and wondered if it was vaulted.
    Oh my it is so hard to get a skunk smell off dog hair, lucky Tundra wasn't sprayed.

  3. Thank goodness Tundra wasn't outside!!!
    So funny. I never move anything around. Maybe if I had a live in furniture! Everything looks great.

  4. The room looks great! And sometimes just shuffling things around makes it all seem brand new! I love the rug from Lowe’s, and it looks old – I’ll have to see what our local store has. If you’re not in the mood to sew or don’t have time, I’ll make my next post about some super simple curtains that need nothing but a length of fabric, some clothes pins, and heavy duty stapler. It’s what I did in the family room and makes such easy swags. Enjoy the day, And hopefully the smell of skunk or air out quickly!

    1. Oh, and I wanted to say thanks again for your input on the old dough trencher-I looked at it again yesterday and it was rough on the inside on the bottom – I just felt that if it was really old, it would’ve been worn smooth from use. Hate to think that people would be less than honest…🙄. You don’t have any in your shop by chance do you?

  5. Looks awesome! sorry about the skunk hoping not too difficult to remove the odor--have a good week

  6. Windows should offer maximum light and view, and not be obstracted. Even when it comes to curtains, I prefer the semi-transparent kind.

  7. It all looks so nicely done. I used to move furniture around all the time. Now I don’t because my living room is the only way it can go that works. If I moved furniture we’d have to move everything on the walls and all my husband sees are “more holes in the wall.” I might move smaller pieces of furniture or rotate decorations. It used to be fun. Now it’s work and when it doesn’t look right it won’t feel right. lol
    Thankfully Tundra wasn’t outside for the skunk show. Terrible smell. Have a good week!

  8. You are fortunate in many ways - having so many spaces to rearrange, having rooms that are amenable to furniture changes, having the vision to see the possibilities, and having an obliging furniture mover. I really like the changes you made in this room - opening up the window brings in so much more light. I would think it also makes it a bit easier to watch tv without competing light coming from behind it. My rooms have pretty much been exactly the same since WWR. There is only one way the living room can be arranged as there are only 2 walls, one of which is covered by 3/4 wall-length windows and the other with the fireplace. The other edges of the room have the "hall" railing as the living room steps down and the odd hexagonal shape of the circular staircase. And the other rooms are just small....really small. Ick on the skunk. So far, I haven't had any. Some years can be bad and I would wake in the morning to find our entire yard dug with skunk holes. :-(. Happy Monday! ~Robin~

  9. A SKUNK!!! Yikes. Thank goodness Tundra was inside. :-)

  10. It's a wonderful room and that step back cabinet looks especially nice there. It's a terrific space. Oh, skunk. Just hate it!

  11. I like to rearrange every so often but my rooms don't really have a lot of ways to do that. Yours looks great and I like the more light that comes in. Oh the skunk...whew that Tundra wasn't out there. I've smelled a skunk every so often but no sightings and thankfully Annabelle hasn't been hit ever. My weekend was super busy and so was today with a day off that felt harder than work! Anyway, have a great week Janice!

  12. It's wonderful and refreshing when a room comes together so well after rearranging furniture. I like the idea of more light and Happy Wife Happy Life. lol... I had never notices the slant ceiling before. It all looks great.

    Oh, so fortunate that Tundra was inside. The smell of skunk is one foul smell and difficult to get it out of the house.

    Take care and good luck with treasure hunting for the other walls.
    hugs, Julia

  13. You know I used to move things around like you do but usually it was my teen daughter and I but rarely do I ever move things now. It does give things a fresh look.

  14. Love your rocking horse.
    Those skunk smells ARE pretty bad!!!


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