Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Corner Decor

Good evening sweet friends.
I am often asked by our customers how
to decorate corners.
Its easy I say...

Place furniture into the corner

to give the illusion that it is a corner cabinet.

Then placing furniture in front of the cabinet
gives its coziness.
Here I placed our chair with our side table
in front of this brown cabinet.
The side table is actually a very old dental bellows.

Long and narrow pieces where there is no corner,
also makes for an eye catching space.

If you have a corner in which a piece of furniture
just won't fit...a ladder always works!

So when you are in the mood to re-decorate
your own homestead...
try moving your furniture into an angle 
in your own corners.
You may be surprised at the different look it will bring.

On another note,
please say a wee prayer for Bob's father.
We rushed him to U of M hospital late last evening.
(2 hour drive for us one way)
Since Bob is not able to drive long distances yet
from his own surgery, I had to drive.
We arrived at 1:00am in the morning.
My FIL had been urinating blood.
The hospital nurse put a catheter in and
Bob's dad continues to be bleeding blood clots
from his bladder.
They have to stop the bleeding before they
are able to do surgery to insert a camera
inside his urethra to find out what is going wrong.
They cannot do this until his blood level goes down
from 2.2 which it is currently to a 1.5.
Our worry is that he has bladder cancer.
Bob and I came home this afternoon
and we both are tired...don't even feel like eating.
Actually laying down writing this post.
Will be visiting my bed shortly.

Cozy Corner Blessings To All!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

June CupboardScape

Good Sunday morning my sweet friends.
I finished up my chores this morning.
Weeding, watering, laundry and dishes.
Now I will sit back and watch some tv
whilst working on some witch boots.
I have been working almost daily on
Halloween goodies.
Will show more pics in a later post.

I have been spending so much time 
on my needlework,
that I almost forgot my June CupboardScape.

Since June was the month I always use
to start hanging out my sheets on the line,
I thought this would be a fitting CupboardScape.
Does anyone remember their mom or gramma
using Niagara starch.
This was a staple in their homes.

My gramma would wash and hang dry 
all of the winter woolens.
My grampa H always wore longjohns in the Winter.
Gramma H would use a wood mangle to scrub clothes.

Both gramma H, gramma B and my mom
would use a fabric pouch for their clothespins.
I even have my mom's now.

Lye soap and Lava soap was a laundry staple
in both of my grandparents homesteads.
It was the only soap used
to wash off the dirt and grime on the farm.

Of course you needed something to rinse 
that soap off with.
Gramma B did not have indoor plumbing
 until I was 13. 
Enamel pitchers, pots and pans were everywhere.
It was what we used in our daily life on the farm.

It was a hard life back then,
but many fond memories of it.
It gave us strength, we were kind to others,
and never boastful. It was a simple life,
but a happy life.

Cherished Laundry Blessings To All!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Cozy Corner

Good evening sweet friends.
Hope your week is starting off good.

I was working on kitties and pumpkins
over the weekend.... and where I was sitting,

this was my view on the opposite side of the room.

This area I call my basket and crock corner.

This 15 gallon crock holds all of my drawings...
that some day will come alive....
believe when I say it is full.

A piggen bucket to the left and cake crock to the right.

With a large whiskey jug in front.

More crocks and another basket.

Love crocks!

Socks and long johns on the wall.

My collection of tobacco tins.

Complete my view.

Cozy Corner Blessings To All!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Step Sister Love

Good afternoon sweet friends!
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
I myself am staying inside with the air
as it is quite hot and humid here.

As I told you in a previous post,
I have begun my Halloween goodes.

Step sisters saying Howdee.

Isn't she a sweet lil gal?

Her pumpkin sis just loves to show off
her pearly whites.

When this kitty showed up to investigate...
like all kitties do....
well he just decided they were good company after all.

My real kitty companions all love Bob's catio now.
He makes them come in when the street lights come on.
It's funny, because we have no street lights...
it just reminds him of when he was a kid and his mom
told him and his brother and sister to come inside
when the street lights came on.
Did you have to come in when the streetlights came on?
There were no street lights where I grew up.
We just came in when it got dark.

Mid Weekend Blessings To All!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Guest Room Part Two

Good evening sweet friends.
Woohoo the weekend is almost here!
Did I tell you that I am sooooo
glad to get our room back...well I am.
Plus in a few weeks, Bob will be
once again working on our master bedroom.
Once he is able to that is.
Cannot wait to show you what I have planned
for that room.

As I stated in my last post,
I decided to have a sewing/ seamstress theme
for our guest room, while still having it 
somewhat cozy.
This early dress form I will NEVER part with.

We found this pine washstand
and then the ironstone pitcher afterwards.
One of my many splint baskets underneath.

Even though this chippy white painted cupboard
looks like a corner cabinet...
it was just placed on an angle.

Another splint basket rests on top,
along with a hurricane kerosene lamp 
and hat pin holder.
I am still on the hunt for some more early hat pins.
The hunt is always fun for me. 

An early brown bonnet with a repo blue one.
This is my sewing table. 
My sewing machine is on the floor
underneath the table when not in use.

Corner chair with a large doll I made.
Her hat is an early one I found.

Brown cabinet to the right completes the room.
I store craft supplies in here along with the other
chippy white one.

This brings us right back to the bed.
The brown cabinet above is just to the left of the bed.
The portrait above the bed
 is my great grandpa Robert's sister Teresa.
My sister Teresa was named after her.
However this picture gives her the creeps,
so she gave it to me.
I think it is a lovely portrait and so it hangs
proudly over our guest bedroom!

Do you find that some antiques give you the creeps,
or do you enjoy them as mush as I do?
Or maybe both?
I did have a bad feeling once when Bob
brought home a different portrait.
It was the weirdest feeling and I screamed
at him to get it out of the house NOW....
which he did.
That never happened to me before, but for some reason
it did that time.
Something I cannot explain in the 20+ years
I have been buying and selling antiques.
Hope it does not happen again.

Guest Room Blessings To All!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Bedroom Part One And Rug Progress

Good evening sweet friends.
Saying a prayer for those affected with Tropical Storm Colin.
Bob's sister lives in one of the areas. Bob called her earlier to make sure all was well.
Its hard to imagine winds being that severe,
 along with the rain.

My son moved out just before Bob's surgery,
and we were able to move our furniture back mere days before Bob's surgery.
Thank you again for the well wishes and prayers.
Bob is doing fine...just has to keep doing his excercises,
and soon he will be back to normal.
Well not until the end of August if all goes well.

Tonight I will feature part one of our spare room.
Its been over a year since we have had our room
looking like this, so its nice to get back to a prim look.
Ace loves sleeping on his rug again.

I asked Bob if he would hang my early pattern
picture above this chippy white cabinet.
Since this bedroom is also my sewing room,
I wanted to keep a seamstress/ sewing theme in here.

Shadow decided to take his turn on the quilt.
Decided on a lighter summer quilt for Spring/ Summer.
The wrought iron bed is an antique 3/4 bed.
We still have to order a mattress to fit perfectly on it.
Right now we have a twin on it which makes it look smaller.

Side view towards the closet.

Closet door which Bob bought at the 1800's house
which was being torn down.
Bob managed to save 8 doors which all but two
have been hung up.
One for our bedroom closet once Bob is able to redo,
and the other for our laundry room.

On another note,
4 hours while Bob was in surgery,
I worked on my newest hooked rug.

As you can see I am almost finished with the background.
Just have this tiny piece of orange background,
and then will try another technique to finish it.
If all works out, it will be for sale.

Well off to play Soda Crush...that and Candy Crush
are my guilty pleasures....shhh don't tell Bob. LOL

Monday Evening Blessings To All!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Hidden Jewel

Good evening sweet friends!
Can you believe we are already half through the year
 at the end of this month?????

Am working on Halloween goodies for shows and our store.
Yes, the blacks, oranges and brown fabric has shown up
in our house...confined to the living room
right now. LOL
When I get into the midst of things...
it seems to creep into the whole house.
Its as if the ghosts and goblins take over.

I wanted to show you our hidden jewel.
I have always wanted a cabinet like this.

My glass coffee jars fit just right.

Do you know what is hidden behind the curtain...
er doors?

If you guessed our tv, then you are correct.
It fit our 42" tv perfectly.
Now we can close the doors and it is prim perfect.
Now to find one for the other tv in our living room.

Do you have a cabinet to hide your hidden jewel?

Hidden Jewel Blessings To All!