Hello friends.
Today am showing you my WIP's
for this month.
First up is Penny Pumpkin.
I continue to stitch this during
my lunch break at work.
Did my own color conversion of this pattern.
I wanted a more primitive look.
The pumpkin is finished now.
Along with the leaf and vine on the left.
Plus a bit more of the border.
Next up is House On Pear Hill.
The house is finished.
Working on finishing the grass now.
This has been my nightly stitch after dinner.
I want to get this finished and framed
for my Christmas decor.
Once again my primary Christmas colors
for our keeping room this year
will be yellow and orange.
I call this my un-traditional color scheme.
Once the grass is completed,
the bottom row of pears is all thats left
plus a small border row.
Finally Laura Vorgensen 1853. This one am doing with my mom and dad's
wedding date for my heritage wall.
She is a biggie.
You can see my feet (slippers) at the bottom.
In order to take a pic of this one, have to place
it at the end of the bed....and still it is all not in.
Have my moms name in now.
Then added my dad's name in.
Now working on the center motif.
I have a confession.
When I purchased this pattern online,
I had thought it was a church on a hill.
My parents were married in a church on a hill.
Upon further inspection once I had
the paper pattern, what I thought was a church
was just a house with shrubs and a pond in front.
I was very disappointed in this.
So I ended up stitching in a steeple
to make this a church.
Will add in a brown cross on top of that as well.
I hate this pattern so much.
The symbols are very hard to read.
Even the colors are too similar to read.
Also the picture was deceiving on how
much confetti (color change) stitching there is.
It will be nice once completed,
but am just not happy with the pattern.
I recently just purchased another one
from this designer.
A very small one this time.
Looking at that pattern...same issue
as the symbols are very hard to read.
Will not be purchasing any more from this designer.
Will also be glad when this one is over.
If not for being a part of my heritage wall,
this would have been sent to the closet unfinished...
that is how much I hate this pattern.
In other news.
Friday afternoon I am heading back to my mom's.
Am doing her church bazaar with my sister there.
Saturday is the show.
Have not vended anything since covid.
Bob and I use to vend antique shows and craft ones.
We dont do either anymore,
however my sister talked me into this one.
It will be fun visiting with her and my mom though.
Bob will be home spending some quality time
with Tundra. LOL
We have also been having some unusual high temps.
Am not complaining, but do know the colder
weather will make its return eventually.
Well friends.
Have to get ready for work.
God Bless America Blessings To All!