Prims By the Water

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day Blessings

Hello my friends!

Please take some time to remember
all of our servicemen and women
who lost their lives to protect our country.
Let us never forget the sacrifice they gave 
for the freedom we have.

"Our flag does not fly
 because the wind moves it.
It flies with the breath of each soldier
who died protecting it."
                                   ~Author unknown

Memorial Day Blessings To All!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

A Red Beauty

 Hello friends!
Today I want to show and tell
my red beauty!
This piece has lived under our tv table
since I brought it home 6 years ago.
Time for this piece to shine. 

The left side.

Mouse hole in the front.

Right side.

Can you guess what it is?
Even though my bad pics do not look like it is red,
it is an old red color in person.
This red beauty holds some more of my magazines.
I actually had to take those out before moving it.
If you guessed dough box, you were correct.

With my recent plans of moving furniture
in there final place here in the house,
the dough box is one that will remain here on 
the table now for many years. 

I can always change what goes on top.

For now my horse resides on it.

In other news,
Saundra wondered where I work.
I am a Commercial Loan Officer for a major bank.
(cannot say which one though)
I assist business clients with their accounts.
I actually went to one of our offices yesterday
for a team meeting.
It took me an hour and a half to get there,
and 2 hours 15 minutes to get home.
When I return back to my office it will take
me approx. 1 hour each way in good traffic.
I miss my co-workers, but not the drive.

Lauren stated that I always have the best faux flowers.
All of my florals either come from 
Ragon House or Sullivan's wholesale companies.
I have to purchase between $300-$500
with every order for the gift shop.
I figure I am entitles to take a few home.
You have to have a business tax id to purchase.

With our nice weather this week, 
I have been grilling each night.
Cajun Turkey Sausage, Shrimp & Corn on the cob
Chicken Kabobs with Pineapple, Red Pepper & Onion
Yesterday though I brought subs home.
Tonight we are going out for Thai food with friends.
No rain  for another week...knock on wood.
Means more grilling for me.
I LOVE grilling season!

What will your Memorial Weekend plans be?

 Blessings To All!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

May CupboardScape

Here in Michigan the month of May to us means.
It MAY snow.
It MAY rain.
It MAY be windy.
It MAY be cold.
It MAY be warm.

Whatever the weather MAY be outside,
my cupboardscape is full of Spring colors.

Spongeware pitchers.
The one in the back is from the 1800's.
The one in front from the 1900's.

Spring faux flowers.

The zinc pitcher completes this side.

More Spring color.

With these quilts.

This blue enamel pitcher rests on top.

Pussy willow wreath.

In other news.
Wishing all of my Canadian friends a 
Happy Victoria Day.

Thank you all for the sweet comments
on our bedroom redo.
Although I do not have time to answer you all,
know that I truly appreciate them! 
Now drawing out a floor plan for our guest room redo.
Yes I need to plan out how I am going to do this.
Bob doesn't want to move furniture a million times.
I don't blame him either.

I found out on Friday that I will have to return
back to the office either in the 3rd or 4th quarter.
No more working full time at home.

Well soon we will be off to work the stores.
If you are in the neighborhood stop in and say hi.

May Blessings To All!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Act 2 Bedroom Reveal

Hope everyone enjoyed part 1.
Here comes part 2
of our bedroom redo.
Since this is a long picture post,
I will try to keep my words to a minimum.

Slant desk.

Leather covered dictionary with double ink wells on top.

Ginger beer bottles.

Ink bottle and oil lamp.

Goodies inside the desk.

Cabinet which previously held
 all of my coverlets and quilts.

Now more of a colonial look.

With wax dealer crocks.

Pewter mugs.

More leather books with clay pipes.

Hand mirror and tankard.

Rye basket with flax and heather.

Hogscraper candle on stool.

Script jugs.

Attached candle holder to side of cabinet.

My favorite basket in original blue paint.

Love this old hooked rug. 
Kept this one in the bedroom.
Just moved it to a different wall.

A bit of Spring with faux daffodils in wood bowl.
Sweet lil pillow in back.

This chair belonged to my paternal great grandparents.
Too precious to allow anyone to sit in it.

Moved our blanket chest to the corner.
Holds all Christmas items inside.

This large basket came from Virginia.
Filled with wool on top of a coverlet piece.

Boxes all hold floss and cross stitch hoops.

Close up.
Coverlet pillow in between.

This cabinet is the only item that remained
in its same place after painting.
It was usually closed and held candles and more Christmas.

Now remains open with pantry boxes.

Child's dress hanging.

Another candle holder.

This small bucket bench use to ne in our loving room.
It held my tiny crock bowls.
Now it holds my collection of children's shoes.

I ordered a light for this wall.
Waiting for it to come in.
Then will finish this wall.

Looking in from the hall.

Corner view.

View from our bed.
Need something for above the desk too.

Added a few more crocks by the door.

Hope you enjoyed out bedroom tour.
Kudos to Bob for helping me move out
 all of the furniture.
Cannot tell you how much dirt and dust bunnies
were found underneath our bed on the rug.

In other news,
it was a sad day for our family over the weekend.
My cousin passed away at 66.
She was only 2 years older than me.
More like another sister than my cousin.
I will miss her dearly.
Life is way too short.

My cousin from San Antonio flew in
to see her sister before she passed.
She told me folks in her neighborhood
are afraid to go out at night because of all of
 the illegal immigrants coming over.
On Saturday my brother told me he actually saw
a bus load of illegal immigrants unboarding
in the city he lives in.
When is this madness going to STOP?
I am all for immigrants coming in the legal way.
We are a nation of immigrants.
How as a nation are we going to survive with
over 6 million illegals that have come in these 
past two years?  
Who is financially responsible for these people?
The Biden administration is allowing 
these people to come in with a court date.
What a joke that is now.
With court dates out to the year 2027,
do you really think these folks are going to go back
to their point of entry for a court date?
Some may, but the majority will not.
We are all in for a heapful of trouble I fear.
May God help us all with this wave.

Well enough of my rant.
Hope everyone enjoys their week thus far.

Act Two Blessings To All!