Prims By the Water

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Act 2 Bedroom Reveal

Hope everyone enjoyed part 1.
Here comes part 2
of our bedroom redo.
Since this is a long picture post,
I will try to keep my words to a minimum.

Slant desk.

Leather covered dictionary with double ink wells on top.

Ginger beer bottles.

Ink bottle and oil lamp.

Goodies inside the desk.

Cabinet which previously held
 all of my coverlets and quilts.

Now more of a colonial look.

With wax dealer crocks.

Pewter mugs.

More leather books with clay pipes.

Hand mirror and tankard.

Rye basket with flax and heather.

Hogscraper candle on stool.

Script jugs.

Attached candle holder to side of cabinet.

My favorite basket in original blue paint.

Love this old hooked rug. 
Kept this one in the bedroom.
Just moved it to a different wall.

A bit of Spring with faux daffodils in wood bowl.
Sweet lil pillow in back.

This chair belonged to my paternal great grandparents.
Too precious to allow anyone to sit in it.

Moved our blanket chest to the corner.
Holds all Christmas items inside.

This large basket came from Virginia.
Filled with wool on top of a coverlet piece.

Boxes all hold floss and cross stitch hoops.

Close up.
Coverlet pillow in between.

This cabinet is the only item that remained
in its same place after painting.
It was usually closed and held candles and more Christmas.

Now remains open with pantry boxes.

Child's dress hanging.

Another candle holder.

This small bucket bench use to ne in our loving room.
It held my tiny crock bowls.
Now it holds my collection of children's shoes.

I ordered a light for this wall.
Waiting for it to come in.
Then will finish this wall.

Looking in from the hall.

Corner view.

View from our bed.
Need something for above the desk too.

Added a few more crocks by the door.

Hope you enjoyed out bedroom tour.
Kudos to Bob for helping me move out
 all of the furniture.
Cannot tell you how much dirt and dust bunnies
were found underneath our bed on the rug.

In other news,
it was a sad day for our family over the weekend.
My cousin passed away at 66.
She was only 2 years older than me.
More like another sister than my cousin.
I will miss her dearly.
Life is way too short.

My cousin from San Antonio flew in
to see her sister before she passed.
She told me folks in her neighborhood
are afraid to go out at night because of all of
 the illegal immigrants coming over.
On Saturday my brother told me he actually saw
a bus load of illegal immigrants unboarding
in the city he lives in.
When is this madness going to STOP?
I am all for immigrants coming in the legal way.
We are a nation of immigrants.
How as a nation are we going to survive with
over 6 million illegals that have come in these 
past two years?  
Who is financially responsible for these people?
The Biden administration is allowing 
these people to come in with a court date.
What a joke that is now.
With court dates out to the year 2027,
do you really think these folks are going to go back
to their point of entry for a court date?
Some may, but the majority will not.
We are all in for a heapful of trouble I fear.
May God help us all with this wave.

Well enough of my rant.
Hope everyone enjoys their week thus far.

Act Two Blessings To All!


  1. Love part 2! The primitives! Love it all!
    Yes, we are in a heap of trouble - financially unsustainable - our "own" need help and we are not able to provide to them! Crash of the dollar - one world currency coming up!

  2. I love that antique rug too. The item you call an ink bottle ~ my father had several in that shape but they were more crudely made and often wondered what they were. Sadly I tossed them before finding out just what they were but don't think his were ink bottles.
    So sorry for your loss of another family member and so young at that.

  3. Who is financially responsible for all the illegals? Sadly, we are. Our government has gone insane. It is ok to break the law and we welcome the illegals with open arms. Why are they getting benefits our American citizens are not? Nobody gives me free clothing, a cell phone, food lodging, etc. I had to work for everything I have. America is the land of opportunity...if you work hard for it and obey the law. Oh, you got me started. Off my soapbox now.
    How sad about your cousin. Life is so very fragile and precious.
    Love your bedroom, but those crocks make my heart go pitter patter. Yesterday I got a text from my longtime friend who got me started on my antique journey. She was in a consignment store in Dayton, OH, and sent me a picture of an antique bird crock, Underwood Pottery, NY. No chips or cracks. Since she hasn't been keeping up with antique prices in recent years, she wanted verification that $300 was a good price. I told her that was a steal and if she decided not to buy it for herself, buy it for me. I am so jealous but happy she bought it!!!

  4. Love your bedroom redo - it must seem so fresh and new. You have so many wonderful treasures but, yes, those crocks. GAH! Love that chair of your grandparents too...I have a chair fetish...and that little bucket bench is a favorite as well. So sorry for the loss of your cousin and hoping you find comfort in her memories. The flood is illegals is absolutely disgusting. We are displacing veterans from hotels and children from schools in order to "accommodate" people who are breaking our laws to come here illegally....and then bend over backwards to make sure they have food, clothing, health insurance, etc. I could ran on, but I know you "get" it. Too bad our government doesn't. ~Robin~

  5. Your bedroom redo is lovely - You have so many of the primitive heirlooms - It's like stepping back into time. Just beautiful.
    I live in the rural part of California and someone told me the other day, they saw a bus load of the illegals pull into a smaller town than mine. We already have a housing crisis here - with so many homeless in the cities that are starting to branch out to other parts of the state. But you can be sure, the illegals will get a proper roof over their heads - while many who have been displaced through no fault of their own, will be homeless eventually if something isn't done.

    It's a sad state of affairs in this country. I'm sick about it.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences on the passing of your dear cousin. I'm glad that her sister could see her before she died. 66 seems so young.

    I love the script jugs, the ginger bottles, the baskets and those crocks and your bedroom is looking like someone said, a step in time. You must be so pleased with the result.

    The illegal immigration mess could have been avoided but it's too late now. I think it's all part of the great reset and one world order and digital currency after the crash of the dollar. It's coming faster than we think. God help us all, I'm praying and it's all I can do.

    Take care and try to enjoy the rest of the week.

  7. You have such talent in decorating...thank you for sharing with us, now I have more ideas to try here!

    I'm sorry to hear the sad news...sending prayers for strength and peace. This week the kids elementary school librarian passed suddenly...she was my age. It's left me unsettled...

    And you're right...I continually pray for inspired leaders for our country...where are the good, honest, moral men/women we need? Sadly, probably not running for office, what a tangled web of dishonesty they would have to try and fight.

    Take care this week...go to bed early, read a favorite book in bed with a cup of tea and enjoy all the hard work that went into the bedroom!

  8. You have so many lovely things it looks wonderful. So sorry about your cousin passing much to young.

  9. Part 2 of your bedroom redo certainly didn't disappoint. It definitely is like taking a step back into time. I can imagine the wonder of waking up surrounded by these wonderful old collectibles.

  10. Your redo is lovely and you have so many things you love that bring you joy and that's the best part! It always feels good to move things around, clean and get a fresh start. I'm so sorry about your cousin. I read somewhere that cousins are our first best friends. 66 is very young. I'm glad her sister could see her before she passed. My condolences to the whole family.

  11. Oh I love your re do!!
    I would love to come visit you and learn all the history from the lovely collections you have.

    I share with you the sadness of the state of our nation. My heartbreaks.


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