Prims By the Water

Sunday, May 21, 2023

May CupboardScape

Here in Michigan the month of May to us means.
It MAY snow.
It MAY rain.
It MAY be windy.
It MAY be cold.
It MAY be warm.

Whatever the weather MAY be outside,
my cupboardscape is full of Spring colors.

Spongeware pitchers.
The one in the back is from the 1800's.
The one in front from the 1900's.

Spring faux flowers.

The zinc pitcher completes this side.

More Spring color.

With these quilts.

This blue enamel pitcher rests on top.

Pussy willow wreath.

In other news.
Wishing all of my Canadian friends a 
Happy Victoria Day.

Thank you all for the sweet comments
on our bedroom redo.
Although I do not have time to answer you all,
know that I truly appreciate them! 
Now drawing out a floor plan for our guest room redo.
Yes I need to plan out how I am going to do this.
Bob doesn't want to move furniture a million times.
I don't blame him either.

I found out on Friday that I will have to return
back to the office either in the 3rd or 4th quarter.
No more working full time at home.

Well soon we will be off to work the stores.
If you are in the neighborhood stop in and say hi.

May Blessings To All!


  1. At one time I had a collection of enamel ware but over the years I've disposed of some collections due to moving. Don't think I ever knew what kind of office work you do.

  2. Very pretty, Janice! And I love your definition of May!

  3. The quilts look like they were well used to keep warm. Were they made by your grandmother or relative?

    This is the first time I come upon this description of May. I love it... It's pretty much the same here.

  4. Oops I forgot... Thanks for wishing us a Happy Victoria Day.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Yup, that pretty much sums up our May as well LOL. Love that old spongeware pitcher. That is going to be quite the transition from working f/t at home...and not a pleasant one I suspect. Hope you're enjoying your Sunday. ~Robin~

  6. Love the quilts, love the enamelware...oh so pretty!
    I'm sorry about returning to work, I'm sure you'd rather work from home...and you've proven it works, I wish employers would be more accepting of that...especially after Covid. They've seen it works... and if I remember, it's not a quick drive, is it? I worked from home except on Mondays years ago after the kids were born...I loved it, hubby was home on Mondays so it was perfect. My bosses were good with it, but others in the company began to grumble because their supervisors wouldn't allow them to do it, eventually they ruined it for me. Again, so sorry to hear they aren't flexible...Mary

  7. I think working from home would be a great thing but somehow I don't think I could do surgery in my livingroom! Ha! I don't get why they can't let you continue to work from home since it seems to have been good during Covid. I love all your pretty blue Spring things! Yes, May has the same meaning here in Ohio. We're not that far from Michigan!

  8. So sorry you will have to return to the office full time. That will sure eat in to your free time...but I am sure it was great while it lasted.
    You always find the best faux florals!

  9. Our May is warm/hot only; no other alternatives. It's close to beginning of summer.
    Love all your pitchers.
    Sadly, in our neck of the woods, the tendency seems to be now firing workers and downsizing number of jobs, no choice between work at home or work outside home.

  10. I love the blues. :-)
    We have haze from the wildfires in Canada. The sun has been a ball of orange from the haze.

  11. Such a pretty color collection I love the blue. I have some of the enamel wear in storage I guess I should get it out. Sorry you have to go back to the office.

  12. Hi Janice! I just love blue enamelware, so pretty and sturdy at the same time. Bummer that you have to give up working from home. Just the cost of gas and wear & tear on your car all really adds up, not mention the other perks of working at home. Jane


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