Prims By the Water

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Window Shopping

Happy Sunday my friends!
After breakfast,
Bob and I are off to do some Christmas shopping.
Although my mom and sis love the thrill of the hunt
on Black Friday...I would rather stay home.

I do remember as a child Christmas window shopping
the downtown stores in the small town we lived.
Priehs Department store was where you found everything.
{compared to a smaller version of Macy's}
The store had three levels.

My favorite floor was the basement.
That is where the toys, 
christmas displays, childrens apparel & appliances were.
The top floor was menswear.
While the street level was for woman.
I remember the women who worked the perfume counter.
Then there was the hat counter.
If you watched the show Mr. Selfridge...
the store was like that. 

Each floor had old oak flooring.
It creaked in places, but I loved it!

Of course that is where my parents took us to see 
the jolly ole elf himself.
Each Christmas Santa and his elves
 were always there to greet us.
Afterwards we were given a candy cane.

What amazed me was the sights and smells
that store had during the holidays.
It was magical!

Then there was Malbin's furniture store.
It was where my parents bought their furniture.
Where even I bought my furniture when I was first married.

Art O Craft was where we purchased
our school supplies.
It was where I bought my drawing pencils,
charcoal and sketch pads for art school.
It was also the place to buy greeting cards.

Gibbons Bakery was also a favorite.
My parents would take us there for a treat sometimes.
It always smelled so nice in there.
My mom would always come home with homemade bread,
and sweets for us.

I so loved the bookstore.
We would pick out our favorites.
One to take home that day...
Santa would bring us more later on.

My mom would go to another
women's store...cannot remember the name now. 

Then there was the five and dime.
My mom would get her fabric there.

Kresge's was where we ate lunch.
Usually hamburgers, fries and sodas.

I loved window shopping all of these stores,
as all of their windows displayed
wonderful Christmas themes.

Unfortunately all of the stores are now gone.
When the shopping malls came to be,
it was the demise of small town charm.
It's ironic that now the malls 
are now meeting their own demise,
due to online shopping.

Fortunately we currently live in a small town,
where the hometown charm is back and alive.
This is where our store is located.
Bob and I love to decorate our window
for the seasons.
Our Christmas window always reminds me
 of the shops I use to visit as a child.

I hope you enjoyed your visit of the front of our store
decorated for this Holiday Christmas season.

Do you like to shop the Black Friday deals?
Do you shop like I do?
Or would you rather do Cyber Monday?

Window Shopping Blessings To All!


  1. Janice, I grew up in a town with a similar down town like you describe and had many of the same kinds of experiences. How wonderful that your store is in a small town that is undergoing a resurge of businesses and can offer the community a focal point of gathering. Our downtown is mostly just restaurants or clubs. The old downtown of Gainesville has never been able to have a full comeback . Maybe one day that could happen, but people down here just love those big shopping areas where there are lots of big stores and tons of parking lots. It has very little personality for me. Today, I do a lot of online shopping because there is no downtown area with all of the things one needs anymore.

  2. Love your story, felt like I was living it. I avoid Black Friday shopping and hardly ever shop on line.
    Your store looks great guys!
    I plan on doing some shopping tomorrow after I work on my booth.
    Merry Christmas Bob and Janice

  3. so beautiful pictures of Christmas..

  4. I enjoyed your photos so much and your memories. Similar to mine growing up. I do not like large crowds. We have a few small stores on our "town square" that I enjoy walking through.

  5. Great photos and memories! I do wish it were like that still now.

    I have never shopped Black Friday. But I do like shopping online. It's not as great as shopping at independent stores though.

  6. Wonderful memories is so true. I also long for those more simple times. I rarely shop on Black Friday, but sometimes on Cyber Monday (today) :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It's sad how all these small towns met their demise.
    I don't like to shop. Period. Unless it's at an antique store or a nice craft show.
    Wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.


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