Prims By the Water

Friday, November 24, 2017

Christmas Memories

I started decorating after returning
home from sis's after Thanksgiving dinner.
We had a wonderful dinner!
Hope you all enjoyed your day with family/ friends too.

Let the Christmas Season begin! Christmas for me was always about making memories.
Family was very important growing up.
We spent each and every Christmas
with both Gramma/ Grandpa H and
Gramma/ Grandpa B.
Even after my grandpa's passed,
 we still spent Christmas with both grammas.
Then when my gramma's passed,
the torch was passed down to my parents,
and now us kids. 

My most favorite Christmas memory
was when gramma H
decorated our playhouse for Christmas.

Our playhouse was a former chicken coop.
This coop was previously used for her baby chicks.
It was the size of an overly extra large garden shed
by today's standards.
She had a much larger coop for the adult chickens.
Once grandpa passed, she sold the chickens,
and the coop was converted to our playhouse.

We had a couch, table & chairs.
Even curtains on the windows.
Shelves for kitchen stuff..which included 
pots/pans, toaster and empty food boxes 
and used washed food cans.

Us cousins would play in there for hours.
We would play house, board games and cards.
Even though there was no electricity in our playhouse.
It was cozy!
One door and a row of windows on the South side only.
A row of trees lined the North side,
so it was cool in the Summer 
and even quite warm in the Winter.
{at least most of the time}
We played in there when it was sunny, raining and snowing.
The only time we left was during a thunderstorm,
or when it got dark.

Although I have many Christmas memories,
The one that was the most special, 
was when gramma H purchased her new
aluminum tree with the color wheel.
She sneaked her old artificial tree inside
our playhouse and decorated it...
minus the lights.
She also added garlands around the windows.
Then a live Christmas wreath was tacked to the door.
It was a magical Christmas treat for us that year.
We felt very special...
with our very own Christmas decor!
I wish now I had a photo of it,
but that Christmas memory will last forever with me.

Do you have a special Christmas memory?

Christmas Memory Blessings To All!

PS- Did you notice that the elf 
had to make an appearance in this post?


  1. Janice, I love your memories of the playhouse at your grandmother's home! It sounds like just the perfect place for hours and hours of good times. I bet you all were thrilled with the Christmas decorations too! Perhaps that gene is one of the sources of your love of decorating and making ordinary spaces beautiful and special??!!!

    Like many, I have fond memories of Christmas growing up in a big family. My Aunt and Uncle, sho did not have children, always came down from NYC to join us and they made Christmas even more special. My Uncle Bob, sang Baritone in the NYC Men's Choir and each Christmas Eve, my Dad would play the piano and we would all gather around and sing Christmas songs. Listening to Uncle Bob , accompanied by alto, Aunt Ellen, was such a treat. We all loved that their voices joined ours and made the home choir beautiful!

  2. how very lucky to have a decorating gramma.sounds like you had a good childhood. my parents always made grear Christmas's for us nancy.[ i did spot the elf right away]

  3. What a lovely memory. I do think Christmas is all about the memories not the stuff.

  4. What wonderful memories. Lucky you :)

  5. I grew up living with my Grandmother, so I remember the sweet times for sure. Loved your pictures and do see the Elk, who made his appearance. I am visiting from Carol Z.'s blog. Wishing you a happy Christmas season. Linda in Tennessee


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