Prims By the Water

Monday, April 8, 2024

To Market

 To Market, To Market,
To buy a fat pig.
Home again, home again,

Hello friends.
Well I could not resist purchasing a few
cross stitch patterns from the March cross stitch market.
I was constantly getting emails almost daily
on new releases.
I did end up purchasing these.

This one reminded me of my gramma H's 
wallpaper in one of her rooms....
so this will be a fitting sampler tribute for her.
(I actually already have this one kitted up)
{ linen and floss purchased}

George Washington's horse named Nelson.
Had to have him.

My parents were married in a church on a hill.
When I get to this sampler, 
I will add their names and wedding date.

Since I love both snowman and hearts....
well this one I had to have.

I dont have anything for St Patrick's Day.
I thought this was so sweet.

Along with this one with the clover.
I may try to add in a bunny in here,
since they love eating clover.

Finally a Fall one.
I dont like the red, so will chose a different color
for this one.
Who knows, maybe a few colors.
We do have gray squirrels maybe
I might make him gray.

Where the heck am I going to find all of the time
to stitch all of these?
Not to mention the ones I have already purchased.
Are you mad woman? EGAD

For all you cross stitcher's out there.
Did you purchase any new patterns at market?
I heard that if you went in person to Tennessee,
it was overwhelming and you would have not
been able to see everything.

I truly have caught the cross stitch bug.
Have not really cross stitched since the 80's.
Now I am gung ho on every season it seems.
Once I have Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow
finished, I will be able to do more of
my other stitching.
Hopefully it will be finished by Halloween...
finished but probably not framed.

In other news,
Mary I started to write the recipe for my mom's rolls,
then there was a part that had me stumped.
She will be here later today, so I will ask
her to clarify and I will then post the recipe.
I want to make sure it is right.
I have never made them.

Not sure if we will be able to see the partial eclipse
here in Michigan.
For all of my friends in the zone,
I sure hope the weather cooperates for you.
This is an amazing sight to view if you can.

My mom will be here for 2 days,
so I look forward to her visit.
We will go out to our favorite Mexican restaurant
which is 45 minutes away.
Its been a long time since we have been there.

Well have to get to work.
Hope everyone has a magical day today!

Market Blessings To All!


  1. That's a lot of stitching to be accomplished. I can no longer do cross stitch. I just can't see those tiny holes well enough. Enjoy your visit with mom. I live in an area of experiencing a total eclipse. I'm so excited.

  2. A whole lot of stitching planned for the days/months ahead. Smart to get those favorite mom recipes written down. As much as my mother and I chatted I neglected to ask her about some recipes and questions now on my mind about distant family and her youth. So good for you!

  3. You definitely have the stitching bug-those are such beautiful patterns! And as always, you inspired me. I was doing some deep cleaning and found some little patterns I must have picked up 20 years ago. Well, I don’t know how to cross stitch, but these are called Little Stitches - hopefully simple enough for me to tackle.! 😃 And thank you for taking time on the roll recipe - really, don’t fret about it while your mom is visiting. That’s more important. Hoping you can see a part of the eclipse, it should be perfect here if the weather holds up. Thanks again for all you do!

  4. Wow. I’d love to cross-stitch but just don’t have the time. One day…

  5. I never ever learned to cross stitch - you sure did get a lot of them - but you had all good reasons to make them!!!
    Hope you can make the homemade rolls!
    Enjoy the time with your mother!

  6. I just love the cross stitch patterns you have shared. My favorite is GW and Nelson.
    xx oo

  7. Some great designs to add to your stash - my favorites are the first 3....absolutely love! And from one stitching nut to another, one can never have too much stash. ;-) If I stitched 24/7 of all my nine lives x 100, I likely wouldn't put a dent in mine...and yet I am continually tempted with new designs. At least you have a better chance of stitching more of yours than I do since you stitch so quickly. It's funny how many people have turned back to stitching. I never really gave it up, but I did slow down when I was working full time and my son was young. I was just too exhausted. We just "peaked" I guess for the eclipse here...but we were not in the path of totality and it is so overcast you can't really is dark, but not sure it's much different than so many days in Nod. Enjoy your time with your mum! ~Robin~

    1. Oh, and, yes, I did purchase 2 patterns from market - one of the BBD booklets and a small Teresa Kogut one (Where There are Birds There is Hope??) Oh...and the cookbook. Like I need another cookbook either LOL.

  8. haha I do the same with spinning fibers buy way too much great choices you purchased

  9. I love all your patterns! If I started again, I would be doing the same.
    We saw the eclipse on this side of the state! They said we were at 95%. Someone brought glasses into the office, and we all went out several times to check it. The weather was perfect and it was so interesting to see.

  10. So many fun, new cross stitch patterns!!! You need to retire and stitch.
    The eclipse was TOTALLY amazing. Being only a couple miles from the centerline, our totality time was almost 4 minutes. Truly an awe inspiring experience!!!

  11. All that stitching to do! I know you're up to the task! We had beautiful weather here and saw the eclipse with no problems. I'd never seen one before and was totally amazed! I have some pics that will be blogged about later this week. That poem you have at the beginning of your post reminds me of the movie "Miracle on 34th Street" when Santa recites it to Susan. Take care Janice!

  12. Wow !!! Lots of Wonderful Cross Stitch patterns !!! You will be busy !!!

  13. Janice, love all the new cross stitch patterns. You can do it! Love how you plan to add your parent's wedding date to the one. Very special. Have a wonderful time with your mom..xxoJudy

  14. The cross stitch patterns you chose are all so wonderful and I like the reasons you purchased them, especially the church on the hill with your grandparent's name added! I have never been to a market or a retreat and I would love to be able to do that some day! With living in west Texas, the eclipse was a sight to see. Enjoy the visit with your mom! Enjoy stitching!

  15. I love all of the cross stitch patterns you chose and which you lots of stitching time! I would like to be able to attend a cross stitch market and a retreat someday! We live in west Texas and the eclipse was a wonderful thing to see.

  16. Of course you bought cross stitch patterns! And why not? They're fabulous and isn't it wonderful to discover a new passion? Well done! (I just posted on the eclipse.) And on another note, for whatever reason, whenever I get notifications in my email, yours (and a few others) aren't coming in, so if you don't hear from me after you post, it isn't because I don't appreciate and value your visits! Just saying!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.