Prims By the Water

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Re-Visiting With Old Friends

 Hello friends!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Today is an update on our keeping room.

I think I showed this old rug before.
I purchased it right off the floor 
from an antique store.
I knew the owner and asked her if it was for sale.
Guess it was since I bought it. LOL

When I brought it home I had it on a table.
Then one day the light bulb went off.
Janice I think it would look good in front of the fireplace.
Well it did and I think it looks really good here now.
You can see my big Halloween project to the right.
This is where I stitch at night while watching tv.

I had purchased this leather shot bag
last year and just decided it would look good here.
It now resides on the mantle.

Bob finished the wood trim around the ceiling now.
He had a nice day a few weeks back,
Decided it was time to finish this.
So glad he did.

The wall where my light is will become
the heritage sampler wall.
I need to at least finish one more,
before I decide where to start hanging these...
so stay tuned.
At the rate I am going with 
Little Quakeresque it may be at the end of the year.

Finally one more old friend.
Our happy dog Tundra.
He is here on our couch with daddy 
laying next to him.

In other news,
I will post my mom's roll recipe next time.
I did not have to post for this one.

Bob and I went out to our favorite 
Italian restaurant last evening.
It is a half hour drive up the river,
but well worth it.
Bob had Eggplant Parmigiana.
I had Cajun Chicken  with artichokes,
fresh tomatoes and capers
in a rich cream sauce with angel hair noodles.
They have the best bread with dipping oil too.
I could not eat all of mine so will have the rest 
for lunch today.

Well have to get to work.

Old Friend Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning, you found a beautiful and perfect rug for your home. My husband was into mountain man reinactments in his younger years-we both love that time period in history.
    Your dinner out sounds delicious-

  2. I always get the best ideas when I come to visit - the rug is perfect, so glad it was for sale! The mantle looks great-what a cozy place to unwind at the end of the day. Can you share what the paint color is? I have a fake mantle that I was given, not sure how old it is, but it has the artificial wood with the little spinning light in the back- haha. I may put it in the milkhouse, but then again, if I can dress it up, I may just bring it inside! We have a marble one in the living room that I just hate - it messes with all of my primitive decorating wants. I think I’d feel guilty painting it, but then again.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks for sharing the recipe when you find time, I love that it’s been passed down and will be a tried and true one I can make.

  3. Tundra is so cute and looks happy. Your hubs did a beautiful job on the ceiling that is awesome. I love the rug in front of the fireplace. What is a leather shot bag?

  4. Both the dog and its name Tundra are cute!
    The old rug is Persian work, I think. I had a similar one , and it improved any spot I put it on.

  5. My grandma had rugs like that!!

  6. Your keeping room turned out so beautifully. The rug looks perfect in there - and love Bob's ceiling trim. I have a shot bag but haven't seen it - nor thought about it - for years. It must have gotten packed away during WWR. Hadn't thought about it until I saw yours. Dinner sounds yummy and well worth the trip. Then again, any meal out is 1/2 hr away or more from Nod. LOL. Tundra is adorable as aways. ~Robin~

  7. Oooh - that rug is beautiful and looks perfect in front of the fireplace. Bob did good with that trim. Now I can't wait to see your samplers on the wall.

  8. Hi Janice. Your room is looking beautiful Love that beautiful rug. We found an old powder flask made out of copper in the rafters of my grandparents barn before the place was sold. I t is sure beautiful with engraving but wish I knew its story..Happy Spring xxoJudy

  9. Your things look so wonderful!!!

  10. What a cosy spot to sit down and stitch. The rug looks great in front of the fireplace. Bob did a great job and so did you.
    Hugs, Julia

  11. Your home looks so cozy and your hubby is very talented and handy! Tundra looks super happy and comfy. Your rug is very pretty and in a perfect spot. I'm glad you had a nice dinner out. Have a good rest of the weekend. We're gearing up for the eclipse on Monday. There's lots of things going on in our town but I think we'll just hand out here!

  12. Hello, I just love the rug and fireplace... so cozy and home sweet home.


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