Prims By the Water

Monday, March 11, 2024

Spring Fling

Today's post is all about Spring.
Don't know about you,
but I am ready for it.
So is our store.
Without further ado,
lots of store pics for you viewing pleasure.

Bob had a much larger fireplace mantle
stuffed away somewhere.
He always amazes me.
He placed it in the middle.
Painted it an off white with a black insert,
like our keeping room.
Then he built bookcases on either side.
Slat board on top.
It fits our new space well.

Hope you enjoyed my first pics of Spring.

In other news,
Saturday I did more Spring cleaning.
This time the living room.
Also did laundry, swept the floors,
and found 2 more dogs. (dog hair) LOL
Then stitched a bit.
Made dinner which was a stuffed pepper casserole.
Had it again last night as I made too much,
but still good.

Counting the days until the Soo Locks open.
Which is March 22nd this year.
The St Lawrence Seaway also opens same day.
Then we will see the freighters more.
Not many coming through this Winter,
even though there was no ice this year.
Guess the economy is hitting them as well.

We had an inch of snow overnight into the morning,
but by evening was gone.

Take care everyone.
Off to work.

Spring Fling Blessings To All!



  1. That big beautiful bunny is an eye catcher and bet someone takes him home soon. The white 3 layer enamel tray would be nice for those who entertain, and your homemade prim bunnies are certainly affordable; good luck with sales.
    Leftovers are the best and most times taste even better the second time.

  2. Spring is looking good in your shop. I love the mantle and bookcases.
    I've been doing clean outs over here too.

  3. Everyone should be so fortunate to have a man who can just pull fireplace mantels out of his sleeve LOL. It is beautiful - and the bookshelves are perfect for the space. You pack a lot of lovelies in there. I am in love with that huge bunny! Wow! When I was young, one of my older cousins convinced me she had seen the Easter Bunny in their house behind her father's chair. This is exactly how I imagined him to be. ;-) I also love the grungy carrots. It looks as though they came straight from the garden. You certainly pack a lot into your days. Have a good new week! ~Robin~

  4. Spring is in the air in your shop. :). It all looks lovely.

  5. Oh my your Saturday was packed! And yes...the dust bunnies, they sure do multiply here. The shop looks great - so many fun items, I need to zoom in on each photo to get a good look! And how do you get these posts off before leaving for work - wow, what's your secret?!

  6. I am so ready for spring -- and sometimes it seems like it's here -- then snow the other day! Your store looks just great!

  7. Happy almost Spring! I love the selection you have and what a beautiful fireplace mantle! Your peeps bunnies are super cute but that big bunny is awesome. I hope you named him the movie? Anyway, it all looks so inviting and I know you'll sell out!

  8. Your shop looks festive and inviting! Wish I lived closer to visit! Economy hitting hard....wait till all the "extras" start adding up....I know "we" can't afford all that!

  9. I love the pastel paper chain. :-)
    Happy Spring!!!


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