Prims By the Water

Friday, March 15, 2024

A Friday Finish

 Hello dear friends.
Well today I am proud to say I have
my first finish.

I started this sampler in October of last year.
Finished in late February this year.
This will be my first in a series of samplers
where I want to add my ancestors names to.
This one is homage to my maternal
 grandparents and their parents (my great grandparents)

I chose this black frame.
Although it does not really show here,
it does have some red in it.
It compliments the red in the sampler.

We do not have any local framers in our small town,
so I travelled a half hour to or nearest
Hobby Lobby to have this framed.
I was a bit hesitant on taking it to them.
After all it took me 4 months to complete this.
However the lady who waited on me was very patient.
She even told me I did not have to pay for it
until I absolutely loved it.
Well I loved it at first sight. 

I did choose also to have museum glass. 
It was a bit more, but well worth it.
When I got it home,
I added my index card to the back
with all of pertinent information;
ie: pattern name, linen color, floss used,
date I started and finished, plus
all of the information 0n 
my grandparents and great-grandparents
on the back side.

Using the same letters  and numbers
in the sampler pattern,
I took graph paper and added my names
and dates for placement on this piece.
Stitched these using a green and red floss 
for my grandmother and her parents, 
while using gold/ brown
for my grandfather and his parents. 
We could not find a birthdate 
for my one great grandfather,
so the one on the bottom just has the date
he passed way.
He died very young of pneumonia,
and my mom never knew him.

Back in September when I first told my mom
 I wanted to do this,
she was tickled to help me in the research.
We travelled to all of the cemeteries all over the area
 so I could get the pertinent info I needed.

She will be here for Easter and I cannot wait
to show her...and I know she will be pleased.

Eventually this will be hung on one of my blank walls
in our keeping room.
I am going to call this my Heritage wall.
For now it will reside on my cabinet
until I get more samplers completed.

I already have my next one 
planned and started.
This next one will probably take me longer
than 4 months. 
It already is giving me problems....grrr,
but I am bound and determined to get this done.

In other news,
my daughter will be checking into a hotel
so that her house can be cleaned.
She did put in a claim for the fire.
We offered for her to come stay with us,
but she chose the hotel as it is closer to
her work and Mikayla's.

We had a few thunderstorms roll in yesterday,
but mostly it rained all day.
Cold and damp though.

It's Friday.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
More cleaning for me...
what will you be doing?

Friday Blessings To All!


  1. Beautiful finished stitchery and record of family history.

  2. It's a treasure! It turned out beautiful and all the personalization is so special.
    Hope your daughters house is done quickly.

  3. Just beautiful and such a treasure. I'm sure your mom will love it! Heritage wall - I love that! Hopefully they can clean up the house fast so she can get back to normal. I'm enjoying the sunny day today and cleaning. Over the weekend, teaching and baking for potluck on Sunday at church.

  4. Oh Janice that is beautiful...what a sweet way to trace your family tree, and the information on the back is a great idea! Your mom will love it - family history can be addictive! We had a tornado watch last night...rainy, wind, but all is well. Today I'm wrapping up more deep cleaning tossing away old paperwork. Still much to do, but I want to enjoy the last of Spring break while my son's home - I've been stuffing him with home cooking! Enjoy your weekend, take time to put your feet up a little bit.

  5. That is absolutely and positively incredible Janice! Wow! I love it. I may just have to stitch this one And a heritage wall? Great idea! Many have "sampler walls," but a heritage wall is better yet. Yikes...your granddaughter really did do a number on the house. Hopefully it's restored quickly. How disruptive to have to relocate to a hotel. Have a great weekend. ~Robin~

  6. This is just fabulous, Janice. It's beautiful and all those stitches -- hours of love and careful work. It is the first of what I suspect will be many treasures documenting your heritage. The frame is great and I love how you made the pocket in the back with the detail and explanation -- that will travel through generations.

    On another note, Blogger isn't always sending me notifications of who has commented so I can easily reply but thanks for coming by the other day. I'm hoping you have a lovely weekend!

  7. What a beautiful sampler and even more special with your family names on it . A very special heirloom and your heritage wall , Love that idea ! The pocket you placed on the back of your frame is a great idea .I have written on the backs of pieces family members have made , but this is even nicer . I will try to do that to . Have a nice weekend .

  8. Congrats on your finish-that always feels so good doesn't it? I love this project very much and to have a heritage wall will be special.
    I don't know where I would go now to get something framed. Nothing near me that I know of. I had found an excellent framer that did allot of pieces for me near our woods property. May need to go back there when I need framing.
    Have a good weekend

  9. Love, love, love the sampler and the index card idea for the back!

  10. You did a fabulous job on your sampler - I know it is going to be loved by all. What is museum glass? It really looks nice.
    Hope the house is cleaned up fast and your daughter can get back to her home.


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