Prims By the Water

Monday, January 15, 2024

The End Is Near

 Hello friends.
Well the end is near
for our gift shop.
At least in our current building.
Bob and I decided to keep the shop,
but move it to our antique store.
This way it will be under one roof.

I decided to do one last post
for all four years 
of my Christmas mantle displays.  
Let me know which was your favorite.





In other news,
Bob had a much bigger fireplace mantle
stored away...where I have no idea. LOL
Any hoot, he placed that one in our new space.
Painted it an off white with a black insert
like our keeping room,
so I will still have a fireplace to create
Christmas displays once again.

It stopped raining and we had a bit of snow
the other day, but we have now hit
the deep freeze.
The high yesterday was only 13 degrees. Brrr
The only one in our family who enjoys it
is Tundra.
He keeps wanting to go outside now.
It's his time of the year being a Samoyed.

I spent 7 hours yesterday moving things
from one store to the other while Bob
worked our antique store.
I also added in some new goodies.
Both handmades I created and purchased items.
It is starting to look like a gift shop over there now.
I am very pleased how Bob placed the cabinets.
Sold quite a bit of things already.
I was quite surprised folks came out to shop.
I would have stayed home if I could.

Well back to the stores we go.
More things to pack away and to place 
at the new location.
We decided to rent a storage unit,
so Bob does not have to go up and down
the stairs carrying totes.
It will be much easier for him.
He plans on putting totes there whilst
I continue decorating.
So much still to do.

The Next Chapter Begins Blessings To All!


  1. Bet you don't regret this move at all. A consolidated gift location which will probably mean you'll be really busy ~ a good thing for sure.

  2. I think one store will be much more manageable than two!
    It was a balmy 4* here this morning with the wind chill at -11*. I am so not a winter person.
    I like the whimsy of mantle #4.

  3. It will be good to have it all together in one spot. And a storage unit will be good too. Carrying totes up and down stairs isn't fun.
    I like all the mantles and had a hard time choosing. I think I'm going with #2.
    Right now it's 8 degrees and it just keeps snowing!

  4. I like 2021 is classy and 2023 is creative. Love how you incorporated Santa! Very cute. I would love a fireplace mantle but just don’t have the room. Sounds like a good move - having everything under one roof. I bet Tundra will enjoy the snow.

  5. One store will be more manageable and more profitable and as you'll have less expenses and you can work together. I think it's a good move. You get to keep the gift shop and Bob can keep his antique shop all in one.
    I'm sure there will be draw back but things will go smoother one things settles down. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
    Are you still selling the gift shop building?


  6. The primitive look of 2022 is my favorite. I like all of them, but the primitive style does have a hearth and heart vibe.
    I hope you are taking rest between trips. That's a lot of work to do any time.

  7. It's such a cold week to be doing your moving -- it was -2 here a few minutes ago when I checked, and that doesn't count the wind. I like the idea of combining the two shops. Certainly the building costs will be less and you might attract more potential buyers for both stores. Be careful out there!

  8. We have the below zero freeze here as well. Oh, I'm so happy your are liking your new revised space. The sales are a plus too! I like them all, but 2022 with 2021 a close second.

  9. Sounds exciting although allot of work too-getting moved and set up. Having everything in one shop sounds like a really good idea too. I like all of your displays but I really love the first one the best-I think. Good luck with the move. we are soooo cold here I just posted a blog complaining about it haha

  10. Not fun moving - it never is - but I, too, think the new chapter will be a good one for you both. Can't wait to see photos of your "new" spaces. I had to laugh about Bob just producing another fireplace. Sounds like my kind of guy. LOL. As for the mantel displays, my favorite is the first (2020). You were wise to capture yearly photos like that. Stay warm...frigid and brutal here in Nod even though the sun is finally out today. ~Robin~

  11. I like the first one best. Lots of red!!!

  12. I like 2023 the best but all are beautiful! People were probably happy to be out of the house even if was cold and l'm glad they found your new location! Good luck with the combo of store goodies and I hope it's a huge success!

  13. Janice, I love them all, but 2020 was my favorite as someone else said because of all the red. So glad everyone is finding you in your new location..Best of luck..xxoJudy

  14. Every fireplace is great, I couldn’t choose! Can’t wait to see what you do in the antique shop - I know moving is such a chore, you’ll be very glad when it’s over and you’re settled. Keep warm, snow, headed our direction tonight.

  15. 2023 is my favorite, I love nutcrackers.
    Good luck with everything, and I am looking forward to hearing all about how it is going. And some photos too.

  16. I love them all for different reasons - but I think 2020 is my most favorite! Good luck with the move. I'm hoping this year to come visit your shop - we were so close to being in your area a few years ago. Hoping to make a trip this year, would love to say hi and hug you in person!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.