Prims By the Water

Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday Finishes

Hello friends.
Today I have a couple of finishes
that I want to show you.

First is this Quaker House Sampler.
I started this on New Year's Day.
In the stitching world,
they say if you start a new sampler on 
the first day of the year, you will be blessed
throughout the year.
I am not a superstitious person, 
however I thought it would be nice to do one...
and maybe see if it is true. :-)

I stitched this on 32 ct Milk & Honey linen
using all of the called for DMC floss.
I was not really happy with the gold
as I purchased this pattern because I liked the
colors in the photo.
There is a bonus pattern to this,
so if I do the other one,
I will try to find the color in the pic.

I did a few other changes to this pattern.
The bird was supposed to be the lighter blue color.
I chose the darker blue. 
The motif on the left was to be in both blues.
I went for blue and gold.
Then the initials were also suppose to be stitched
 in the lighter blue.
I did those in the last color to be used for the
second pattern...I should have used this color
for all of the gold. Oh well.
I also changed the initials to represent Bob and I.
JU for the month we were married in July.
09 for the year we were married.
AU for Bob's birthday month of August.
DE for my birthday month of December.
MI for Michigan,
which ironically was already in the pattern.
Finally JH for my maiden name initials,
and RA for Bob's initials.
One more change was the initials were 
to be completed one over one.
I chose one over two to make them bigger. 
I finished this on January 17th.
Will send this off to be framed for my wall.

My next finish is this heart.
Well actually I made four total.
The other three are in the store for sale.

Once again I used what was left 
of my vintage quilt.
Hand stitched using both
a quilt batting and Warm & Natural.

The finished heart.
This one I am keeping for myself.
Also each one is different.
I loved how they turned out.

In other news,
mantle year 2020 won your votes.
2021 came in second.
2023 came in third whilst 2022 came in last.
Thank you to all who were able to vote.
I know it was hard.

We are finally finished setting up the new
space for our gift shop.
Thank god.
We spent 6 days moving things.
We also rented a storage unit so
Bob does not have to continue going up and down
our stairs at the store.
They are steep and I worry about him going up there.

Today I am going to clean house,
do laundry, go grocery shopping
and make some beef stew for dinner.
I also plan on creating this weekend.
What's on tap for your weekend?

Friday Blessings To All!


  1. That turned out lovely! That is a nice saying too. Let's hope for all good luck! Good job on the move! I can't do stairs carrying anything anymore either...I've fallen one too many. We are looking at a partial estate. Office open for pickups on lots. I also see some kind of a scone in my future. Have a great weekend!

  2. The three stitch works (Quaker house sampler, the pattern on the linen, the hearts) are real masterpieces!
    Well done with the setting for the gift shop!
    Have a wonderful, blessed weekend!

  3. I really love the Quaker sampler - so pretty. You’re very talented.

  4. The sampler is really pretty - it’s so sweet that you have your initials on it. Glad you’re done moving boxes- what a job in this weather. We finally got snow today- yay! I’m making bread and planning BLT”s for dinner - or as my daughter says BLAT’s - she adds avocado 😊. My plans - still deep cleaning - how did I get so far behind?! Keep warm.

  5. Your sampler is great -- I love how personal it is to your lives. And so glad about the move to the other store so you can avoid those steep steps. I think that's a great idea!! Love your heart pillow too.

  6. The sampler pattern is nice. The bird looks better darker. I think if it was the light blue, it might be lost.

  7. Hi Janice, I forgot to vote but it would be 2020 also.
    You did a lovely job on the sampler and hearts. Valentine is just around the corner.
    I'm glad that you have finished setting up your new gift shop. I don't know where you find the time to sew and cross stitch.

    Take care, hugs.

  8. I really like that sampler. If you keep showing these things you're going to make me start cross stitching again. :)
    The hearts are so cute!
    Glad you are getting settled in the shop.
    No big plans for us this weekend, just finishing some things around the house, some cleaning and some cooking!

  9. Your sampler turned out wonderfully. I've never done the blessing sampler thing...wonder if that is why the only luck I've had seems to be bad? Your quilt hearts are sweet as well. As always, you are busy and productive. No major plans for the weekend other than to catch up on at least a few long-neglected and overdue things around the house...and baking of some kind as I am out of sweet treats...and we all know that no treats makes a cranky crow even crankier. ~Robin~

  10. I love your sampler. I remember in the olden days of my Mom and her Mom talking about their samplers when they were very young girls-would be nice to bring that stitching back again. It is something my Mom did not pass on to us.
    I am happy you got your new space set up I love your little heart pillows very much. do you happen to have an etsy shop where you sell items too?
    I love football and the two teams I follow are Green Bay-since the '60s and Kc since moving to Missouri. we are back to cold temps again so I may just bake us pizzas over the weekend

  11. Love the sampler and the meaning behind what's on it. Also love the hearts. I need to get in and purchase one along with the eggs Bob had a photo of on the website. You do wonderful work

  12. You stitched that little Quaker sampler quickly and you can't go wrong with a heart made from an old quilt!
    I finally got to a local restaurant for my Woogie Bear...kind of like a one person calzone. I have been craving one and finally satisfied my craving. Also trying to clean and organize the hooking room closet. What a disaster!!!

  13. Oh, and tomorrow it's off to the Flea Market of Collectibles ;-)

  14. I love the finished sampler and I know it will bring tons of good luck! Those hearts are sweet! Love them! You are a busy gal and I got tired just reading all you've accomplished and all you are doing this weekend. No big plans here but I will get my Valentine's decorations up. Staying warm until next week is also a priority. Take care Janice!

  15. That sampler is wonderful and to have it altered to your life is wonderful! and your fast.
    I love the hearts

  16. I love the sampler and the superstition as well. ;-)
    Have a great new week,


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