Prims By the Water

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Hello my friends!
Whippy Wednesday is my term
for Works In Progress (WIPS)
I stitch most evenings whilst watching tv.
It is relaxing to me after working all day...
and driving an hour each way to work.
So after dinner I stitch in my comfy chair
with my Ott light next to me.

I started cross stitching when I was 13.
Gramma B took my sister and I to the
Five and Dime in the nearest town.
She purchased a stamped cross stitch project
for me while she bought my sister a kit to make
hot pads with the loops.
I was hooked once she taught me what to do.
Whenever she went back to that store
or Ben Franklin's, she would get me a new
project and my sister more loops.
My sister was only 8 at that time.
We spent the summer months with both
of my gramma's.
Half of the time at each. 
I loved spending time with each gramma,
as I learned so much from both of them.

Did a family member teach you something?

Here are my WIP's.
This first sampler I am stitching is for
gramma B who taught me cross stitch.

Two of three large motifs are completed now.

Also the dog and bird.
I love how the red pops against this mottled linen.

I also finished my third block
on Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow.
I left the moon for last.
Outlined it first after the stitches were 
complete all around and then
 it was mindless stitching. 

Three down.
Nine more to go.
Well, one block is actually 2 blocks in one,
but when I get to that one, will do half at a time.

Finally, my little progress on
Little Pear Tree.
This is the one I wanted to finish as an ornament
for my tree last year.

I finished the large bird on the  lower left.
Also finished the tiny bird.
I quit again when I realized there is an error
in the bottom left leaf.
Must frog it and start again. UGH
For those not familiar with the frog term.
You have to RIP IT it out...kinda sounds like a frog
when you say it lots of times. 

In other news....
I made a plan for my stitching now.
Caught the bug to cross stitch again,
and am loving it!
Purchased many patterns in the last
four months...and linen.
My plan is to work on seasonal patterns monthly.
Certain days dedicated for certain ones.
I will continue to stitch on
Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow,
but stitch on my sampler(s) on Sundays.
It sounds like a bit much right,
but I needed a plan to start with.
Things may change...who knows.
Will start this in February, and I already know
which ones I plan on starting.

We also finally got some significant snow.
I was at work yesterday when it start.
Two hours later the ground was covered.
My boss knows I have a long commute
and has always told me I could leave
 whenever I wanted to.
At 11:00 I decided to drive back home,
It took me an hour and a half,
but if I had left at rush hour....who knows
how long it would have took me.
It was pretty looking out the window.
I only wish I had been at home,
curled up with a hot chocolate watching it fall.

Speaking of work,
have to get ready and drive back in.

Whippy Wednesday Blessings To All!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

January CupboardScape

Hello friends!
My first CupboardScape of the year,
is a memory of spending 
winter days and nights at gramma B's farmhouse. 

The wool blankets, 
quilts and socks would come out.
Along with crocheted
 scarves and hats she made for us.

Granite would be on the cook stove.
She had no indoor heat other than the stove.
She had granite ware plates, cups, 
pitchers and coffee pots.

She always placed a clothesline above the stove
in the Winter, so she could hang up our
socks, scarves and mittens to dry
after we came back inside from playing
in the snow.

I kept up my white Christmas lights for this
long Winter month to brighten up our nights.
It also reminds me of the warmth my gramma
provided us even though she had very little money.

Not much in other news.
I plan on doing laundry and stitching this weekend.
Will put a roast in the slow cooker.
What will be your plans?

January Blessings To All!


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My First 2024 Winter Display

Hello friends!
Hope everyone is warm and cozy.
I drove home from work last night
in freezing rain and it was not fun.
Am working from home today.
Don't want to do that again.


Today I wanted to share with you
my first 2024 Winter display.
When I take down my Christmas,
I always decorate for Winter.
It cheers me up on these cold nights.

Who says you cannot keep up a few trees.

Candlelight also helps.

I kept out the antique sleigh and just added
in a few reds and blues to warm my heart.

This pillow surely warms my heart,
as my mom made it.
I bring it out every Winter.

Do you decorate for Winter?

In other news,
The other day Bob and I went up to grab
some ink for the store and get more totes.
On our way back the white car in front of us
went through a yellow light.
A black car came barreling through
from the right and struck
the white car in front of us.
I had already stopped 
as I knew the light was turning red.
It was a horrible sight to see as the white car
hit four more cars that were stopping for the light
on the other side.
The black car flew into the parking lot 
of a store and hit more cars parked.
We know the person in the white car was alright
as she got out.
Not so sure about the lady in the black car. 
There was a fire truck coming back from a run,
and stopped right away to assist. 
Lots of folks were also running to assist,
which was nice.
I froze and so did Bob.
It happened in an instant.
We do not even know who was at fault
With that being said,
I do not like how Michigan has been 
moving the traffic lights past the intersections now,
instead of being right in the middle.
If you are behind a truck you cannot see
the traffic lights.
I wont run a yellow light as I use to in the past.
Whomever decided to change the placement 
of these now was a horrible engineer.
I just pray that the lady in the black car was alright.

Last week my daughter and grands all caught covid.
Was just glad Bob and I did not visit with them.
We do not need it again...knock on wood.

Looks like more ice and snow on the way today.
Glad I am working rom home.

Well better get to work.
Hope everyone stays safe and warm.

Winter Blessings To All!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday Finishes

Hello friends.
Today I have a couple of finishes
that I want to show you.

First is this Quaker House Sampler.
I started this on New Year's Day.
In the stitching world,
they say if you start a new sampler on 
the first day of the year, you will be blessed
throughout the year.
I am not a superstitious person, 
however I thought it would be nice to do one...
and maybe see if it is true. :-)

I stitched this on 32 ct Milk & Honey linen
using all of the called for DMC floss.
I was not really happy with the gold
as I purchased this pattern because I liked the
colors in the photo.
There is a bonus pattern to this,
so if I do the other one,
I will try to find the color in the pic.

I did a few other changes to this pattern.
The bird was supposed to be the lighter blue color.
I chose the darker blue. 
The motif on the left was to be in both blues.
I went for blue and gold.
Then the initials were also suppose to be stitched
 in the lighter blue.
I did those in the last color to be used for the
second pattern...I should have used this color
for all of the gold. Oh well.
I also changed the initials to represent Bob and I.
JU for the month we were married in July.
09 for the year we were married.
AU for Bob's birthday month of August.
DE for my birthday month of December.
MI for Michigan,
which ironically was already in the pattern.
Finally JH for my maiden name initials,
and RA for Bob's initials.
One more change was the initials were 
to be completed one over one.
I chose one over two to make them bigger. 
I finished this on January 17th.
Will send this off to be framed for my wall.

My next finish is this heart.
Well actually I made four total.
The other three are in the store for sale.

Once again I used what was left 
of my vintage quilt.
Hand stitched using both
a quilt batting and Warm & Natural.

The finished heart.
This one I am keeping for myself.
Also each one is different.
I loved how they turned out.

In other news,
mantle year 2020 won your votes.
2021 came in second.
2023 came in third whilst 2022 came in last.
Thank you to all who were able to vote.
I know it was hard.

We are finally finished setting up the new
space for our gift shop.
Thank god.
We spent 6 days moving things.
We also rented a storage unit so
Bob does not have to continue going up and down
our stairs at the store.
They are steep and I worry about him going up there.

Today I am going to clean house,
do laundry, go grocery shopping
and make some beef stew for dinner.
I also plan on creating this weekend.
What's on tap for your weekend?

Friday Blessings To All!

Monday, January 15, 2024

The End Is Near

 Hello friends.
Well the end is near
for our gift shop.
At least in our current building.
Bob and I decided to keep the shop,
but move it to our antique store.
This way it will be under one roof.

I decided to do one last post
for all four years 
of my Christmas mantle displays.  
Let me know which was your favorite.





In other news,
Bob had a much bigger fireplace mantle
stored away...where I have no idea. LOL
Any hoot, he placed that one in our new space.
Painted it an off white with a black insert
like our keeping room,
so I will still have a fireplace to create
Christmas displays once again.

It stopped raining and we had a bit of snow
the other day, but we have now hit
the deep freeze.
The high yesterday was only 13 degrees. Brrr
The only one in our family who enjoys it
is Tundra.
He keeps wanting to go outside now.
It's his time of the year being a Samoyed.

I spent 7 hours yesterday moving things
from one store to the other while Bob
worked our antique store.
I also added in some new goodies.
Both handmades I created and purchased items.
It is starting to look like a gift shop over there now.
I am very pleased how Bob placed the cabinets.
Sold quite a bit of things already.
I was quite surprised folks came out to shop.
I would have stayed home if I could.

Well back to the stores we go.
More things to pack away and to place 
at the new location.
We decided to rent a storage unit,
so Bob does not have to go up and down
the stairs carrying totes.
It will be much easier for him.
He plans on putting totes there whilst
I continue decorating.
So much still to do.

The Next Chapter Begins Blessings To All!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

A Victorian Christmas

Hello friends.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Looks like we finally got some snow overnight.
Its been a weird Winter start for us,
with very little snow and lots of rain.
In fact so much that our ground is getting
really mushy to walk on.

December 2nd was my 65th birthday.
At that time I decided to book tickets
 for the annual Victorian Christmas dinner
 at the museum in the town my mom lives in.

It was an evening event.
This was the centerpiece at our table.
There were 4 tables of 10,
however ours had 12, so a total of 42 folks came
to the event this year.

The mansion was once owned by Dr. Loop originally,
who was the towns doctor in the late 1800's.
Back then the town was called Bark Shanty,
but now it is the still the small community
of Port Sanilac, Michigan.
The home was styled in the Victorian era.
Our table was actually the doctor's office.

All of the pieces in here were original  to the house.

My mom looking at the song book.
Bob next to her.
We sang Christmas carols before and after dinner.

This tree was in the main room.

This was in the parlor.
I loved how they tucked in 
the poinsettias behind the picture.

This wall hat rack was by the front door.

Looking back at the front door.
It was massive and hard to open.

We were not allowed to go up into the second
or third floor, but I did take a pic looking up
the first set of stairs.
There was a tree at the top,
but I forgot to take a pic of that one.

This tree was in the parlor.

A buffet in the dining room.

The tree in the room we were in.

The dining room tree.

Each table setting had a gold charger 
with a green napkin folded like a tree and 
a star with our name on it.

We all had a wonderful time.

Since it was a night event,
I asked Bob to take this picture
of the mansion as we were leaving town
the next morning.
The yellow is actually brick made from 
yellow clay which came from Detroit.
My previous  home had yellow clay for dirt.
The gray barn to the left was the actual barn
to the property.
It now is used for plays in the Summer.
We have gone to many of these over the years.
It is called the Barn Theatre.

In other news,
took the day off today.
Bob has a cardiologist appointment, and I wanted
 to go with him.

After that we are headed back to 
the gift shop to move more inventory.
I need to get organized to bring out the new goodies.

I forgot to answer a few comments from before.
Carla, the crutch we purchased.
I actually have two.
Sometimes I tie a red ribbon at the top for Christmas.
This time I left it plain. 
They remind me of Tiny Tim from the Scrooge movie.

I think Debby gave me the You Tube links
for the young couple that live the early life.
I subscribed to them and love it, so thank you.
If it was not Debbie, then please remind me
 so I can properly thank you.

Victorian Blessings To All!