Prims By the Water

Saturday, August 5, 2023

In The Good Old Summertime

Hello friends!
I love the movie
In the Good Old Summertime.
I know I am aging myself, but
I just love the old movies.
Might be because they were wholesome
and fun to watch.

Well today's post is all about Summer
in the gift shop.
Am just going to let the pics show what
it looked like.
Hope you enjoy.

In other news,
this evening I will start creating my
Mad Scientist themed Halloween room.
Am getting excited now.
All of the new Autumn goodies
 will be added as well.
It will open next Thursday.

Also Bob reached a milestone birthday.
He turned a young 60 yesterday.
I had a surprise party for him at our local
restaurant last night and I pulled it off 
without him knowing.
I invited his family and mine.
At least everyone enjoyed their dinners this time.

Well going to grab some breakfast
and then head out to the store to work.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Summertime Blessings To All!


  1. Some sweet summertime items; was reminded of my departed mother when I saw that pink flamingo. I used to tease her about the pink flamingo lawn ornaments she used to put out.
    Good that everyone had a great restaurant experience this time, particularly for Bob's birthday.

  2. Your shop always looks so wonderful and inviting.
    Happy birthday to Bob ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday Bob --- Summer is crazy busy. You always have the neatest things on your blog!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Bob! My hubby has an August birthday too and it's a milestone also..70..he's 6mo younger than me. He always jokes he sleeps with an older woman! Ha! I love the things in your store. Goes well with the river area. I can't wait to see your Halloween and Fall decor. I signed up to help decorate our historical societie's home for Halloween. My friends and I took the witches room to decorate...can't wait! Until then let's just try to enjoy the rest of the summer!

  5. The store looks cute in the summer! I see lots of nice stuff.
    Happy Birthday to Bob! What fun to surprise him!

  6. Happy birthday Bob!
    Your store looks fun I do hope sales have picked up for you since the last time you posted about your store.

  7. Such fun summertime ideas - and I know the Mad Scientist theme will be fabulous! Summer seems to have slipped by for me this year...I'm the cranky one complaining the heat & humidity will never end. Happy b-day to Bob - yay!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to Bob...yikes, he's a young'un. I had to laugh, guys have been out to eat more times in the past week than I have been in the past year...maybe even year and a half. It is something I really miss. LOVE all your summer time goodies. I'd go nuts in your store! I'm especially in love with that mermaid on the rock. My master at the lake has a touch of merfolk to it and the colors would go so well! ~Robin~

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to Bob. He's still young.

    I'd go crazy in your store. I love the nautical theme decorations. Such nice pieces. Perfect for a beach house or cottage.

    Sorry, I'm late to comment. It's been a very busy time of year for me.

  10. Judy Garland and Van Johnson. What's not to love! Happy Birthday to Bob. Oh, I think many of us wish we were 60 again!

  11. Happy Birthday to Bob!!! That is a great memory to have that you pulled off the surprise party. YAY!!


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