Prims By the Water

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A Few Milestones

Hello friends.
Boy am I beat.
Spent 11 hours working on the
 mad scientist room.
Then another 8 on the Fall items.
Today the kitchen area and make sure everything's priced. 

As you know Bob celebrated a milestone
birthday last Friday.
SIL to the left.

Those who attended were my
BIL to the left, sister and brother to the right.

Left to right.
Daughter, grandkids and Bob's dad.

Left to right.
Bob's cousin and wife.
Bob's son in law and daughter.

Then Monday we celebrated my grandson's
20th birthday.
I cannot believe Michael is no longer a teen now.
I also teased him about his yellow hair.
Am not a fan of colored hair...
especially the green, purple and pink.
To each his own.

Yes Robin we went out to another restaurant.
We all shared wings and apps.
My daughter Michele in the middle,
Mikayala on the left.

In other news,
I neglected to answer the bedroom color
before we painted.
It was a tan from Benjamin Moore,
however I dont remember the color.

Well back to the store again.
I hope to be done today....
I did have my first sale already.
Grandpa Ed wanted to see the room
and he ended up purchasing a LED skull
for his daughter.
She loves Halloween and just bought a new house.

Summer stores sales were down almost
35% so lets hope Fall & Halloween pick up.
Not good for small business.
A few other gift shops in town already
opened their Fall and Halloween.
They usually wait until after I open,
so it must be bad all around.

Milestone Blessings To All!.


  1. congrats on the big birthday and hoping your sales improve too

  2. I enjoyed the photos!! Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday's!!!

    I am looking forward to your Halloween posts. :-)

  3. Fun to have the family all together!
    Praying your sales will pick up. Let's hear it for Bidenomics ;-(

  4. Fun celebrations. I envy you your opportunity to dine out. I do miss it. Take-out just isn't the same on any level. Can't wait to see your mad scientist room!!! ~Robin~

  5. Your life has been filled with celebrations and these all look like fun. Well done on all your hard work!

  6. You have been busy! I loved seeing the pics of the celebration. Now you need to share pics of the store. :)
    PS - My primitive friend does not have a blog. She isn't into computer stuff, but her decorating taste is amazing!

  7. Congratulations on your family celebrations yours. Wishing you good autumn sales! Aloha!

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband! A nice gathering. I am so sorry your sales have been down so much. I do hope things pick up for you. I will say I have not shopped anything like I use to part of it is my age I don't need anything the other is I am seeing rising prices at the grocery store which makes me nervous.

  9. I love family gatherings and I'll be missing out on August 18th as I've too many irons in the fire. Just too busy this time of year to spend several days away plus husband doesn't want to come and I can't leave him alone.

    Happy Birthday to Bob. I'm sorry about the summer sales being down and hopefully the fall sales will pick up. Just too much going on all over the world and people ate nervous.

    Hugs, Julia

  10. You are a busy gal! Happy Birthday to Bob and I enjoyed "meeting" your family! I went to the little shop by my house..the Parsley Pot...and they had Fall pumpkins and stuff all out. I did buy a Fall rug for the kitchen that was on sale. I hope sales are good this season for you. I can't wait to see your mad scientist room!

  11. Wishing you constant happy family gatherings and celebrations!
    Hopefully, a successful Fall season of sales will come your way.


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