Prims By the Water

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Elf In The Trees

Howdy friends!
Hope your weekend is going good for you.

For my Nordic themed Christmas
I just had to have a Nordic elf.

Striped legs.

In the colors of gray and red.
I crocheted his gray scarf too.

Now for the crocheted trees.

I made three pink, but forgot to take a pic
of the third one.

Looks like I forgot the third gray one too. UGH

The green ones.

In other news,
I had so much fun with my mom and sister.
My mom went to bed early after we got back
to her house from dinner, cause she
was up early so my sister and I just
talked and talked til we went to bed.

Going home I almost hit a deer.
Slammed on the brakes. 
So scary.

Yesterday it snowed big time.
Another UGH

Well off to the store.
Enjoy your day!

Elf Blessings To All!


  1. Glad everyone, including the deer, survived. Elf is cute and the pink trees are my least favorite, sorry. I'm a traditionalist.

  2. Sounds like a lovely time Your trees are darling and I love your elf.

  3. I'm glad you missed the deer. It could have been disastrous.
    I saw three deers on my trip to St Andrews last weekend but they were not on the road, thank goodness.

    You are very creative with your crochet. I love the green tree. I'm a traditionalist too and prefer realistic trees, although for convenience, I have an artificial green Christmas tree for Christmas.

    Having a sister to talk to is extra special. I'll be seeing my family this weekend and it will be extra special.

    Take care,

  4. When my sister and I get together it's non stop talking! Actually it's non stop talking when we phone each other! When Mom was alive we three were always having an adventure and I'm happy you have that with your sister and Mom. I think that elf is so cute! I like it much better than the gnomes that are everywhere..I'm sorta over the gnome craze! Love the trees! The pink ones would look so cute in a little girls room and maybe even some tiny lights with them. Have a good rest of your weekend. I hope the snow wasn't too bad. Ours didn't stick around long.

  5. Love your crochet creativity.
    Mother and sister - dearest, closest souls! May you three have endless fun and enjoy each other for long years to come!

  6. So glad you had a good time...sometimes staying up late talking is the best! And oh yes, those deer...while we've not come close yet, I've seen them on the edge of the road or just passing is so scary. Snow...perfect for the Nordic theme! Mary

  7. Hello,
    I am so happy to hear you had such a lovely time with your mom and sister. Those are special times indeed!
    We saw a lot of dead deer on our drive Sunday.
    I like the trees, I really love the pink one. :-) Fun!!!

  8. Oh, I hate that S word!!!
    Fun you got to spend time with mom and sister. Lucky you to still have mom around ;-)

  9. Your nordic elf is just the cutest! So glad you didn't hit the deer. Freaks me out every time I drive at night in the country!


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