Prims By the Water

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Love Spell

 Good Tuesday morning my friends!
Happy 2-22-22 day!
Yesterday the temp here in Michigan 
reached the mid 40's. 
Almost Spring like weather here.
However we wont talk about what
is coming in again on Thursday into Friday.

Today I want to show off the love spell candles
I had in the store for Valentine's.
Plus news on a new rug I am hooking.

For my black and red theme,
here were the red candles.
Red is used for Passion.

Bob made more wood holders from tobacco sticks.

Black love spell candles 
used for Protection.

I then added white for Seduction.

Finally pink for Love.

Now for some other news.
I decided to join in on the fun
that Saundra challenged her blogging buddies.
(Woodland Junction)
Everyone is to hook their version of
"Dancing Rabbits"
Above is what I drew for my three rabbits.

For my first rabbit,
I chose this brown wool.
The stripes are rust and white.

I thought it was a nice color for a rabbit.
I also decided to give mine a flower.
Now that I took a photo of it,
I think his left paw is way too fat.
Will need to do something about this.
I also have not decided on my background color,
so I will not outline my rabbit, 
until I figure that out. 
My final rug will measure 13" X 24".
Head over to Saundra's blog to see what other
colors folks are deciding on.

Yesterday's lunch was nice with my daughter & grands.
We filled our bellies at Olive Garden.
Soup, salad and breadsticks.
Mikey had Eggplant Parmigiana.
Mikayla had Cheesy Zita.
Michele my daughter had Lasagna.
I had Garlic Pasta 
(asparagus and tomatoes in a garlic sauce)
We also splurged on warm sugar topped donuts 
with chocolate sauce.
I also had black tie mousse pies to go for everyone.
Its been years since I have been to 
Olive Garden...and I wanted to spoil my kids!

Sunday night Tundra tripped me at the store.
I fell and hit my head on the middle table.
Then I dropped to my right knee on the
hardwood floor which is cement underneath that.
Then I hit my head again before falling to 
the floor completely.
The force of my fall actually
 moved the table about a foot.
I could not drive home and thankfully
Bob was there at the time.
Been gimping around now.

Well off to work.

Love Spell Blessings To All!


  1. Wow that is quite a fall you took!
    so glad you got to see your daughter and family it is nice to be with those you love.
    Fun idea with the candles. I hooked that rug already, so I did not join and yes, I love that rug too. funny I gave my bunny a carrot.

    1. I should have thought of a carrot. Oh well, flower it is now. Actually it will be two. Lunch was nice. We dont get to do that very often since I work and she lives an hour away. Janice

  2. I love the candles..great idea. But, stop it with the rabbits!! That is going to be so nice! Oh no, I'm sorry about the Tundra tumble. We love our pets, but I swear they could "kill" us with their antics too. They are always under my feet. I'm glad you "spoiled" your kids.

    1. I love rabbits what can I say. Love the Tundra Tumble. That's what I have been calling now. Janice

  3. The candles are pretty cool and something like that could also be turned to "spooky" for Halloween! The rabbits are very cute and I'm sure the finished product will be adorable. Ouch! I'm glad you're OK but a hit on the head can turn serious really quick. I hope you heal very fast and I'm sure Tundra is also very sorry! My friend was bringing in groceries when her boots stuck together...not sure how that happened...but she fell into her island and hit her face and shoulder. I'm trying very hard to not fall again! Take care and I'm praying that winter storm just moves right on past us!

    1. I did do them in Orange and black for Halloween. As Jacky called my fall, the Tundra Tumble, I am calling it that now too. Ouch on getting boots stuck together. My head hurts again thinking about that. Janice

  4. Good grief Janice, no wonder you couldn't drive home and hope you didn't get a concussion. Makes my falling to my knees on dirt like a cake walk compared to you.
    Am very surprised a kid would want eggplant parmesan just because of the name as well as the texture. I love it but many don't
    I have that same wool and love how your bunny turned out.

    1. My grands love all kinds of food, from Thai, to sushi to Lebenese, to Greek and all that is in between. Our family loves food and they ate all kinds when they were little. Am still deciding on the background color, but am leaning towards a blue of some kind. Janice

  5. Ouch on that fall. I'm glad that you didn't cracked your skull in that fall. The meal sound delicious.

    Love the bunny and I'm glad that you decided to join the group although I didn't joined myself. I'll be there to cheer everyone's progress.

    Take it easy, only 26 days to spring...
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Thanks for cheering us on. I hope I can finish in the timeframe Saundra would like. Just dont ant to hold thinks up. Janice

  6. Hope you are feeling better.
    The meal and time together sounds perfect.
    Enjoy your bunny time.. I am excited to see more.

    1. Thanks Carla. I am doing better. Am enjoying hooking this bunny. Janice

  7. Oh my goodness you were so lucky you didn't break any bones on that fall !!! Very scary !
    Fun to take your daughter & kids out for a meal , just being together will be fond memories !
    So happy you are joining Saundra's Hook A Long too ! Love your Bunny & flower idea ! I tried to draw the bunnies , but decided to buy the pattern , can't wait to start ...will be fun to see what we all do !!!

    1. Yes I was lucky for sure. Cannot wait to see your rendition of the rabbits. Since I can draw, I did draw the pattern out myself, which is why I added a flower. Janice

  8. Love your valentines candles and Bob's candle holder. The bunnies are going to be beautiful. Glad you got to treat yourself and family to olive garden. Sorry to hear you fell and hit your head. That cement has no give for sure. I fell 2 times on ice last week,didn't expect it where it was but the ground and wood deck do have give. Prayers you heal soon with no lasting issues. Take care of yourselves and thanks for your updates

    1. Oh no. Did not know you fell too. UGH Am having fun hooking these bunnies. Also working on a few Halloween items as well since I am done with Easter at the store. I do however want to try to make one more item for the store, but waiting for the wool to come in...which am told it will be here on Saturday. Stay tuned. Maybe I will see you soon on a weekend sometime. Janice

  9. Oh! What a terrible fall you had. So glad that Bob was there to help you. Reading about everyone's falls makes me worry - please take care! And get looked at by a doctor if there's any chance of concussion or broken bones. It's not fun getting older, is it? Your bunny rug will be adorable. I'll look at the challenge but I'm really focused on a wool oriental rug that I've been punching for eons. I've got to finish this before the heat of summer! Jan in MA

    1. Working on a punched rug sounds interesting. Wish I could see it...and yes it is not fun getting older at times. Janice

  10. Yay! So glad you're joining Saundra's hook-along. It's so you with the rabbits! I love this design and have wanted to do it since I first saw it years and years ago...but I have so many other projects going I am sitting out. Besides, even if I joined I would just get started and everyone else would be done...yes, I'm THAT slow LOL. I have used that wool before and love it... Can't wait to follow your progress. Bummer about the fall. I can't help it, but Jacky calling it the "Tundra Tumble" just cracked me up. Hope there are no serious injuries.... YUM on the OG! I haven't been there in ages. ~Robin~

    1. Well I hope I dont finish in last with my hooking either. LOL Oh and yes I loved Jacky calling it the Tundra Tumble and have been telling my friends I did the Tundra Tumble now. I can laugh about it now, but it sure hurt the night I did it. Janice

  11. Janice, I am so sorry to hear about your fall at the store. Please go to the ER at the first sign of something not getting better or any funny feelings or nausea. That sounds like quite a serious fall with a lot of force. I love your bunnies very much (that paw ain't fat1), especially the flower added.

    1. Thanks Holly. Am loving hooking again, even though I should be working on my other rug I started a year ago. Janice

  12. Did you have that head checked out? That's a terrible sounding fall and it's harder on us, the older we get! Bones and body just don't recover as fast. I worry mostly about the head, of course. I'm so sorry that had to happen and very glad that Bob was able to bring you home. Please take care and don't hesitate to have it checked if need be. Meanwhile, I can't wait to ee your dancing rabbits. I have such a love for the bunnies! You're off to a fabulous start.

    1. Thanks for your concern Jeanie. I love bunnies, so am really enjoying hooking this rug.Janice

  13. Oh my goodness. Even though your fall has left you injured, it sounds like it could have been much worse. Heal quickly. As to your fat-footed bunny, although you've probably figured out what to do, I think if you just turn the strips in the top row sideways that would proportionally look fine. Just a suggestion. But it looks like it will be really sweet when you finish.

    1. I did turn the strips a bit sideways, and I think once I do a row around in another color it will look better. Thanks for the suggestion. Janice

  14. Your Dancing Bunny is lookin' good!
    Hopefully you are on the mend with no serious injuries. Those darn furbabies.

  15. Thanks Lauren. Am loving hoking this one! Janice


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