Prims By the Water

Friday, February 18, 2022

Black And Red

Hello friends.
I hope this post finds you well.
I know Valentine's is over.
I am a bit behind with showing off
my valentine decor.
So the remining posts of February will continue to
be Valentine related.
I hope you don't mind.

Christmas Day Bob and I decided to 
take the remaining Christmas decor and pack
away what was left, 
and bring out the Winter and Valentine goodies.
My theme this year was red and black.
Now that I am finally showing off these pics,
we have already redid the store now 
for Spring.

The front window now is black and yellow Spring,
mixed in with some galvanized items.
while the back room is all Easter.
So ready for Spring.
For now though, I hope you enjoy these pics.
Above are black and red runners.

I kept the candy trees out for Valentine's.
All sold now.

Cardinals and Valentine tags.

These were a hit.

Warm & cozy sign in red and black.

More Valentine items.

Sweet sheep with a Winter barn scene.
This was an actual photo that my friend
had printed on canvas.
Her photos are awesome!

More sheep.

Other items.

Valentine signs.

Valentine gifts.


Fireplace mantel.

More red and black. 


Swans with black & red bows I added.

I kept up the tree and added red paper hearts.

The finished fireplace area.

The dresser area.

The table.

Finally the last cabinet.
Filled with trees, cardinals
and more photos from my friend.

I loved how the reds made
the trees pop!

I actually purchased one of these photos
for myself.
I will show you what I did with it in another post.

In other news,
my daughter had the pic line removed.
The MRA x-ray came back no infection.
I am off on Monday, so I am
taking her and the grands out to lunch.
They are also off from school that day.
It will be the first time she has been out 
since November.

I am still waiting on one more Spring order
for the store. Sure hope it comes in soon.

Am drawing out designs for Halloween.
Sorry Robin, the theme is still a secret. 
Also working on orders for Summer.

One more milestone to mention.
After 20 years, Bob and I no longer
 have a house payment.
Our house is now paid off.
One step closer to my retirement.

I joked with him the other day and
said, maybe when he & I both retire,
we sell the 2 store buildings,
purchase a house in Alabama
and live down there in the Winter
and up here in the Summer.
He asked why Alabama and not Florida.
I said, because it is almost halfway
 from your brother and sister. 
His brother lives in TX near the Arkansas border,
while his sister lives in mid Florida.
Makes sense to me. LOL

Yesterday morning we started off with
freezing rain.
Bob closed the stores by mid day
as the roads were getting worse.
Then the snow started.
We were to get 6 to 9 inches.
Not sure how much we got yet
as it is still dark outside.

Well off to work.
Have a great weekend my friends!
You know where Tundra and I will be.

Red & Black Blessings To All!


  1. Excellent news about your daughter!!!! You sure had some nasty weather to deal with for sure and glad you got home safely. My favorite item in your photos was that Rabbit in the corner near your heart tree. LOVE IT!!!!!

    1. Thanks Saundra! I made that rabbit. Yes, so glad my daughter is getting better. Janice

  2. Isn't it great to have no mortgage? YAY!! Such good news about your daughter...lunch will be a treat, have a ball! Mary

    1. Yes it is so nice not having a mortgage. Now I can put that money towards something else each month, and save some. Lunch was GREAT! Janice

  3. Cool beans on the house! It was such a mental load let go when we paid ours off.
    And that's grand news about your daughter.

    1. Yes so glad we dont have a mortgage hanging over us now. Janice

  4. Congratlations on the house payment! I remember that day well -- it's huge. And on your daughter as well. It's nice that Valentine's Day and Christmas use a lot of the same colors and there are some things you can hold over or repurpose without having to dig them all out again -- then add the new things!

    1. Yes have the house paid off early was a huge milestone. I kept making extra payments each month to pay it off in 20 yrs instead of 30. Janice

  5. Well, you're bursting with good news...(yay on the mortgage payoff and your daughter's recovery) except for the ice/snow stuff...and the tight lid on the Halloween them LOL. Your Valentine's displays were awesome. It's sad that so few stores really bother anymore. And we had some nasty weather here today..snowed all day but hard to tell how much we got as the winds are horrendous. There were times you could not even see off the front porch. And the winds are to continue until tomorrow morning at least. Happy weekend! ~Robin~

    1. I hate when it snows so bad you cannot see outside. Yes I did have lots of news to share. I continue to see the eagles North of us where there is no ice. Will be glad when the ice goes by us here. Janice

  6. Really good news on the fully paid mortgage and on your daughter pic removal and a good bill of health with no infection. Enjoy your family outing.

    Wow on all the decorations you do. Your shop looks amazing and all the home decor. You are really gifted in that department.

    Retirement thoughts sounds really good.

    We had a lot of rain and it melted a lot of snow but we still some left and we still have big snowbanks.

    Take care, Hugs,

    1. Thanks Julia! Am hoping to retire next year. I love decorating the store. As I said before, I think I missed my calling on being a decorator. Janice

  7. Love it all Janice. Congrats on having no more house payments.

    1. Thanks Janet. It does feel good not having a mortgage payment anymore. Janice

  8. Paying off the mortgage is like getting a pay raise! Congrats! I'm so happy your daughter is recovered and doing well. Health is our greatest wealth! Love the red and black theme. My sister used that color scheme for Christmas and even made red and black curtains for her kitchen. She has black cupboards so it really looked nice. Love all your store decor and the canvas pics are awesome. I want to do that with some of my photos. Have a good Sunday!

    1. Never thought of it like that, but you are so right! So glad to hear others use a black and red theme. Janice

  9. Everything in the store looks great as always.
    Wonderful news about your daughter. FINALLY.
    Congrats on paying off the mortgage. Retirement is the best!!! Hopefully it will be soon for you.

  10. Yes finally she is getter better. She was even walking normal today. So glad she is getting better. Janice

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