Prims By the Water

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Post Valentine Displays

Hello friends!
With this last post of February,
this post will show a few of my Valentine displays.
Better late than never.

A few hearts on my early leather books.

A few of my teddies got into the action.

Some with hearts.

One on top of a wreath.
I apologize for the glare by the teddies nose.

I purchased these beige hooked hearts 
before I learned how to hook.
Unfortunately Tundra thought the third one was his.
I could not fix it.

My first display.

More red.

Second display.

I stitched this pillow with wool on blue ticking
years ago now.

Just a bit of Valentine's in my kitchen.

Added these old red cookie cutters I had
and red floral plates.

Changed up my pitchers to blue spongeware
and white ones.

This was the picture I purchased from my friend.
It will also look nice with a Christmas display.

Now for an update on my Dancing Rabbit.
Am loving hooking this!
I feel like dancing myself!
Now most of you know I cut my worms by hand.
Just like our foremothers did.
So it takes me a bit longer,
and my worms are not all the same size.
I would rather cut worms, than bind.

This was my choice of wool for my second rabbit.
It does have a bit of purple in it, but not much.
In person you cannot tell it at all once hooked in.

Still debating on my background color.
I keep going back and forth.
Red or blue.
Blue or red.
Then what color blue or red.
Decisions Decisions Decisions.
Not even sure if I want to use green for grass.
Most of you know green is not a favorite
color of mine....except for floral greens.

make sure you visit Saundra's blog
(Woodland Junction)
to see more Dancing Rabbits.
Everyone is doing a fantastic job!

In other news.
Our next door neighbors dog was attacked
by a coyote the other night.
We do not talk to this neighbor.
They rent the house and keep to themselves.
They have never been friendly.
We heard about it from another neighbor.
They must talk to her.
Even though we have a fenced in backyard,
we do keep Tundra in at night.
Bob has been turning the outside light on
now in the mornings just in case,
and watches out the window.
We live one house away to 1450 acres of state land.
We know the coyotes are out there.
This is the first time since living here
for 20 years that one has been this close
to houses.
I have seen fox, deer and turkeys in our front yard.
Never a coyote.

Well you know what I will be doing this weekend.
Tundra and I are off to Tim Horton's now,
for my bagel and his Timbit.
Maybe we will see an eagle along the river,
as the ducks are North of us in open water.
Too much ice near us to see any.
Just got notification that the ferry
to the main island here will be shutting down
sometime this afternoon.
That means more ice is coming down.

What are your plans for the weekend?

End Of February Blessings To All!



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Love Spell

 Good Tuesday morning my friends!
Happy 2-22-22 day!
Yesterday the temp here in Michigan 
reached the mid 40's. 
Almost Spring like weather here.
However we wont talk about what
is coming in again on Thursday into Friday.

Today I want to show off the love spell candles
I had in the store for Valentine's.
Plus news on a new rug I am hooking.

For my black and red theme,
here were the red candles.
Red is used for Passion.

Bob made more wood holders from tobacco sticks.

Black love spell candles 
used for Protection.

I then added white for Seduction.

Finally pink for Love.

Now for some other news.
I decided to join in on the fun
that Saundra challenged her blogging buddies.
(Woodland Junction)
Everyone is to hook their version of
"Dancing Rabbits"
Above is what I drew for my three rabbits.

For my first rabbit,
I chose this brown wool.
The stripes are rust and white.

I thought it was a nice color for a rabbit.
I also decided to give mine a flower.
Now that I took a photo of it,
I think his left paw is way too fat.
Will need to do something about this.
I also have not decided on my background color,
so I will not outline my rabbit, 
until I figure that out. 
My final rug will measure 13" X 24".
Head over to Saundra's blog to see what other
colors folks are deciding on.

Yesterday's lunch was nice with my daughter & grands.
We filled our bellies at Olive Garden.
Soup, salad and breadsticks.
Mikey had Eggplant Parmigiana.
Mikayla had Cheesy Zita.
Michele my daughter had Lasagna.
I had Garlic Pasta 
(asparagus and tomatoes in a garlic sauce)
We also splurged on warm sugar topped donuts 
with chocolate sauce.
I also had black tie mousse pies to go for everyone.
Its been years since I have been to 
Olive Garden...and I wanted to spoil my kids!

Sunday night Tundra tripped me at the store.
I fell and hit my head on the middle table.
Then I dropped to my right knee on the
hardwood floor which is cement underneath that.
Then I hit my head again before falling to 
the floor completely.
The force of my fall actually
 moved the table about a foot.
I could not drive home and thankfully
Bob was there at the time.
Been gimping around now.

Well off to work.

Love Spell Blessings To All!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Black And Red

Hello friends.
I hope this post finds you well.
I know Valentine's is over.
I am a bit behind with showing off
my valentine decor.
So the remining posts of February will continue to
be Valentine related.
I hope you don't mind.

Christmas Day Bob and I decided to 
take the remaining Christmas decor and pack
away what was left, 
and bring out the Winter and Valentine goodies.
My theme this year was red and black.
Now that I am finally showing off these pics,
we have already redid the store now 
for Spring.

The front window now is black and yellow Spring,
mixed in with some galvanized items.
while the back room is all Easter.
So ready for Spring.
For now though, I hope you enjoy these pics.
Above are black and red runners.

I kept the candy trees out for Valentine's.
All sold now.

Cardinals and Valentine tags.

These were a hit.

Warm & cozy sign in red and black.

More Valentine items.

Sweet sheep with a Winter barn scene.
This was an actual photo that my friend
had printed on canvas.
Her photos are awesome!

More sheep.

Other items.

Valentine signs.

Valentine gifts.


Fireplace mantel.

More red and black. 


Swans with black & red bows I added.

I kept up the tree and added red paper hearts.

The finished fireplace area.

The dresser area.

The table.

Finally the last cabinet.
Filled with trees, cardinals
and more photos from my friend.

I loved how the reds made
the trees pop!

I actually purchased one of these photos
for myself.
I will show you what I did with it in another post.

In other news,
my daughter had the pic line removed.
The MRA x-ray came back no infection.
I am off on Monday, so I am
taking her and the grands out to lunch.
They are also off from school that day.
It will be the first time she has been out 
since November.

I am still waiting on one more Spring order
for the store. Sure hope it comes in soon.

Am drawing out designs for Halloween.
Sorry Robin, the theme is still a secret. 
Also working on orders for Summer.

One more milestone to mention.
After 20 years, Bob and I no longer
 have a house payment.
Our house is now paid off.
One step closer to my retirement.

I joked with him the other day and
said, maybe when he & I both retire,
we sell the 2 store buildings,
purchase a house in Alabama
and live down there in the Winter
and up here in the Summer.
He asked why Alabama and not Florida.
I said, because it is almost halfway
 from your brother and sister. 
His brother lives in TX near the Arkansas border,
while his sister lives in mid Florida.
Makes sense to me. LOL

Yesterday morning we started off with
freezing rain.
Bob closed the stores by mid day
as the roads were getting worse.
Then the snow started.
We were to get 6 to 9 inches.
Not sure how much we got yet
as it is still dark outside.

Well off to work.
Have a great weekend my friends!
You know where Tundra and I will be.

Red & Black Blessings To All!

Monday, February 14, 2022

February CupboardScape

Happy Monday friends.
So for today's CupboardScape,
I wanted to change things up.
It is all about our presidents 
George Washington & Abraham Lincoln.
I featured an item relating to one,
or the other, or both.
Your job is to see how well you know 
your presidents.
Answers revealed at the end of the post.
Here we go....

Who was famous for chopping down a cherry tree?

Who partook in the drinking of alcohol?

Who liked apples?

Who had a pet turkey?

Who like hoecakes?

Who was born in a log cabin?

Which president raised sheep?

Which president was this pattern named for? 

Which president smoked?

Who liked cats?

Who had a rose named after him?

Ok, now lets see which ones you got right.
Washington was supposedly the one who chopped
down the cherry tree, 
however this has never really been a fact.

Washington was the only president who drank.

Both Lincoln & Washington loved apples.

Who had a pet turkey?
Lincoln did. Actually it was his son Todd's.
They kept it at the White House.
When the Civil War started,
Lincoln allowed a voting booth to be placed
on the grounds for the soldiers.
The turkey rambled over to the soldiers.
Lincoln asked his son if the turkey wanted to vote.
Todd replied that his turkey was too young.  

Both presidents had a sweet tooth for hoecakes.

Lincoln was born in a log cabin.
Washington's parents were fairly wealthy and lived
in a house where he was born.

Washington raised sheep.

The pattern on the Aladdin oil lamp was
created from  the Lincoln swag
which was draped along his funeral train.

Washington smoked.
He also managed a tobacco farm
after his father's passing.

Lincoln loved cats.
Once someone asked Mrs. Lincoln
what the presidents hobbies were.
She replied  "cats"

Both had a rose named after them.

Well how many did you get correct?

I chose this display for my CupboardScape
because both President Washington
and President Lincoln were born in this month.
Hope you enjoyed.

In other news,
I saw another eagle on Saturday.
This time it was eating a duck in the tree.
His breakfast. 
I said before they follow the ducks,
and the ducks are in the river this time of year.

Bob and I also changed out the gift store on
Saturday night to Spring & Easter.
All of my handmades are in there now.
Still waiting on 3 more orders.
Hopefully they will come in before Easter.

The Canadian truckers have been protesting
at both of our borders here in Michigan.
I support them.
They were out there driving during the pandemic
before vaccines, 
and I believe they and everyone else
has the right to choose.

Well have to get to work.
Have a fantastic day!

Past Presidents Blessings To All!