Prims By the Water

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Winter Go Away

Well friends if this was March instead of January,
I would say it was going out like a lion.
For the next two days
we will be in the midst of a Polar Vortex.
Temps with windchill are expected to be
between -25 to -45 degrees.
Not fit for man or animals.
 I will be working from home the next few days.

Bob is home sick...
and I hope he does not share.

Some good news for those affected by the 
flooding and ice just to the North of us.
Although it is still jammed by us,
upriver has a little opening in the ice.

Driving home last night,
I saw the Winter ducks
(Redheads, Canvasbacks and those cute 
little black and white diving ducks,
called Buffleheads)
With the Winter ducks back in the river...
that means one thing to us.
The Bald Eagles are back.
I saw one of our magnificent ones
flying last night too!
It was an awesome sight!!! 

Today will be my last post of
my Winter decor.
Next month will be the month of


This is my prim desk.

I placed it at an angle for the Winter.

This hooked chair mat fit perfectly on my stool.
I usually keep it on the kitchen table.

This was the corner where I kept
my Christmas tree up for Winter.

Night view.
Each year I put garland up around
 the doorways
that leads into the kitchen.

I do the same for the other side 
that also leads into our kitchen.
This view looks into the area
where I feature my monthly

Nighttime view.

Well, I will finally be taking down the 
Winter trees and garland for next year.

Looking forward to featuring 
my dad's favorite color next.

R E D 

Are you looking forward to February?
I know I am.

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.

Winter Go Away Blessings To All!


  1. Yes, I am! If not only for the Polar Vortex to move north! February is antique show time, the shops I sell close Jan and one even Jan & Feb - so, it's nice to get back into the swing of it. I do love the hibernation of January too, but now I'm rested and ready to move ahead. Your decorations are amazing. Primitives/farm house has always been my style....add a bit of hodge podge clutter....that's me!

    1. My mom lived the primitive style every day and she cannot understand why I love it so much. Our shop stays open all year round, but we did close 2 days this week due to the Polar Vortex. Now its suppose to get into the 50's and we are afraid of flooding. Janice

  2. your home is lovely yes I am looking forward to February it is one step closer to spring!

    1. Thank you Cathy. Am enjoying getting out my Valentine's now! Janice

  3. Looking forward to seeing your red!! Have a fabulous day.

  4. I love your desk and how you have it decorated....and there is something magical about lights in winter I think. Is the garland real? If not, it certainly looks it. Yes, I am ready for February....ready to put as much distance as I can between winter and me LOL. It’s brutal here.... We are in the -30’s WITHOUT the windchill....and close to -60 with. Nod has never been so cold.... Stay warm and cozy! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

    1. The garland came from Hobby Lobby years ago and I chose it because it was the closest I could come to in place of the real thing. Janice

  5. Janice, thank you for your visit to me and I just love your home. Do you ever take pics of the whole rooms? I would love to see it all. I might have gotten a little ahead of myself with the Valentine's Day décor, but I am so wanting it to be closer to spring time..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. Thank you Judy! I do take ics of our rooms at times...will have to remember to do so for my new followers. So love your Valentine's! Janice

  6. Hi Janice! I think your home is the coziest place to be during this cold snap. Your desk is so charming and I love all your little trees. Hope you stay healthy and Bob feels better soon. Thinking warm thoughts! Jane

    1. Bob is well and knock on wood so am I. I so love the twinkle of the white lights right now. I still kept my garlands up around the openings to our kitchen. I am liking how you are changing up your home too. I just have too much invested into changing to Farmhouse. Janice

  7. Janice, it looks like my computer will behave and I can post today!! I Am glad to hear that you are OK and the community is safe and hunckered down. Hopefully Bob will get better soon and you won't get whatever he has. Winter is such a bad time for viruses! I do love your little Valentine and late Winter vignettes throughout your home. Your dolly with the heart on a stick is wonderful! I do love her little pink skirt . Did you make her?

    Stay warm and I hope the February thaw that is supposed to happen this weekend will help the ice problem in your river and allow you to get out and enjoy some better weather for running weekend errands!

  8. I so smile when i see that you are able to comment! I did make the dollie ions ago. I did not keep the pattern though. We are worried about the ice melting now all at once because the temps are going from -18 to 50 tomorrow. Yikes. Janice


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.