Prims By the Water

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Bunny Hop

Hello All!
Geez where does the time fly?
The wind storm last Wednesday knocked out power
everywhere, except thankfully our humble abode.
The town where our store lost power,
the small town south of us without power.
It was a very eerie sight driving through at night.
Almost a million folks here in Michigan
felt the effects of no power.
Fortunately yesterday around noon the power
came back at our store.

Mildred your bunny will go out in the mail tomorrow.

Kelly the paint we used for our kitchen was
Benjamin Moore Classic Gray for the walls and
Valspar Polar White for the trim.

Will post pics another time of our kitchen.
Bob has things a mess again as yesterday the water
would not drain from the washer...
ended up being a major problem with the drain pipe
rusted out and Bob having to replace pipe and wash tub.
Always something with an older home.

Things have been very hectic.
Trying to get everything done for the show this weekend.
Then we also have another show next Saturday.
Plus Bob and I are hosting our antique club here
at our house.

This is what I have been working on all week.

Girl Bunny

Picking a Spring flower.

A wool grape hyacinth.

Boy bunny.

Digging in the garden.

For his Winter carrot.

Are they not a cute pair together?

Off to the show they go.

Now it's time for me to get my butt back in gear,
and finish the other pair,
and then catch up on my blog reading.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
Temps in the high 50's here. Yesterday 20's
and 3 to 5 inches of snow tomorrow.
Guess Spring will be in my mind still...
and not outside once more.

Bunny Hop Blessings To All!


  1. The weather sure is crazy. We have snow in the forecast but not sure how much.
    Sweet bunnies.
    Good luck at the show. Sorry I can't make it.
    Hugs :)

  2. Thanks for letting me know about the bunny. I sure love the Mr. and Mrs. featured in this post - cute as can be. All the best with the show.

  3. love your bunnies! you have been busy. We have been so cold and now a huge storm coming in on Tuesday. Spring will get here at some point

  4. Your bunny pair are just the cutest!! I bet someone snatches them up in a flash! Have a great show. I am currently in Spain for two weeks so I might now be able to check in if the wifi gets weird!!


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