Prims By the Water

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Designing A Mantle Using 1 3 5 Rule

Good evening friends.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
It sure was a nice one here in Michigan.
I even opened up our catio for our kitties,
while I enjoyed the warm breeze come inside.
Spent today working on some prim Spring chicks.
Tomorrow I will give them a stain bath,
and then I will show them off.
This warm weather has made my brain twirl with ideas.
Of course most of these are 
My favorite!

As promised I will continue my
lil tutorials on how to decorate using the 
1 3 5 Rule.

This time with my fireplace mantle.

So let's start with the focal point.

This blanket crane with a red coverlet piece.

Now comes the rule.

Add three pitchers to one side.

With two lanterns on the other side.

This makes five.
But still a bit boring.

Add three hydrangeas and now we have
a mantle design using a combination
of both 3 and 5.
Just remember to use the 
1  3  5  rule
 and you are good to go!

Has anyone seen this new magazine?
It is called American Country and this is the premier issue.
I found it on our travels last weekend.

For those who like The Simple Life magazine,
I would compare this to that one.

Primitive collections on every page.

So glad I purchased this.
Now I am going to see if I can subscribe to it.

Mantle Design Blessings To All!


  1. Pretty mantel display
    Picked up this magazine also :)

  2. Those three pitchers are really beautiful..

  3. Hi Janice, Thanks for continuing to share how to decorate. I love your mantel. I will be looking for this magazine. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a lovely Monday.

  4. Hi Janice,
    I like to use uneven numbers also. LOVE the new mag. I subscribed when I saw about it on FB before it came out. Have a great day, Lori

  5. Hi Janice,
    Great tutorial and visual my friend!! LOVE the blanket crane and coverlet, AND the other goodies, too!!!
    Thanks for the reminder about the magazine!! I pinned it but forgot about it!! Need to subscribe as I'm sure I won't be able to find it anywhere in AZ!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  6. Your mantle looks wonderful. Love this great new magazine! Spring is in the air for sure!

  7. I am so glad you have been sharing your tutorial for putting together displays. It really does make a difference. Your mantle looks great and I love the blanket crane!

    You know I can't WAIT to see your Spring chicks that are currently under construction either!!! You make the cutest prims!

  8. Beautifully done Janice.... And, yes....I subscribed to the magazine as soon as I found out about it. I love Doreen to pieces.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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