Prims By the Water

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Finish

For today's finishes,
I wanted to change up a bit and show 
what I have been working on 
playing with both wool and fabric. 

Taking some ticking fabric ticking and wool,
I created these adorable pumpkin pillows.

The stem is also wool but I inserted a chenille stem,
so this can be movable to a certain extent.

I grunged (coffee/ cinnamon mixture) some up 
while leaving some alone.
These all went off to the store to be sold.

Next I decided to create a witch
just for me.
I did save the pattern on this one,
so maybe I will make some to sell next year.
I just loved how her face turned out. 

Her hat and dress were black fabric,
while her pumpkin friend was an orange/ black one.
Again grunged her all over and it smells wonderful.
The band on her hat and scarf was an orange print.
Oh and before I forget, her face/legs were onasburg fabric.

In other news.
Well I might be in Autumn mode but
EGAD woman...
looks like Mother Nature had her own plans.
Its been back to hot a humid ever since
my last post....
need to keep my big mouth shut. LOL

Well August is almost to the end.
Labor Day weekend is upon us.
I hope everyone enjoys this holiday.
Please stay safe my friends whatever your plans are.
My weekend will be making up a few of our favorite
side salads while Bob BBQ's on the grill.
The weather forecast says no rain, so that is good.
I will be crafting, stitching, hooking and cleaning,
whilst enjoying the nice weather.

August Friday Finish Blessings To All!


  1. Your creations are so cute. I'm thinking to myself those pumpkin pillows are sweet, then scrolled down to the witch. She's awesome.

  2. LOVE your witch and am sure Robin will want to buy it from you. Sadly I don't have any of the cool witches I used to make to sell and have absolutely no interest in making any more dolls, ever.
    Yesterday was hot and humid and today it is raining. Oh well, that means I don't have to go outside and do any yard work, tee hee.

  3. You know I love this time of year with pumpkins and such. It just makes me so happy - I guess the colors and all. Your pumpkins and witch are adorable.
    I agree mother nature wants it HOT right now. Phew! Ready for fall.

  4. What fun finishes but especially love your witch. I bet you could sell as many as you make next year!
    Our heat and humidity has been oppressive but that will all change tomorrow. Just wish we would get some rain!!!
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  5. Hello, We reached 100 degrees on Monday... then bad storms Tuesday. Trees down and my garden got knocked around. We also lost power.
    Happy to report we have a GREAT forecast for the weekend. YAY!!
    I love your witch. Does she have a name?

  6. Like Sue, I was thinking how cute your pumpkins were and then got to the witch. Of course I love her!! She's wicked sweet. No plans for the holiday weekend - it's the first time I won't spend it at the lake since we bought the place. Makes me sad. Enjoy your bbq. ~Robin~

  7. The pumpkin pillows are adorable. NICE job.

  8. How cute your creations are.
    No, summer is not over yet. Today is 103.

  9. Our weather has been so lovely no complaints but there is a bit of rain coming in. Your pumpkins and witch are wonderful.
    I guess I didn't realize you still had a store. I thought you sold it.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  10. Love the little pillows (Jack o'Pillows?) and thanks for the tip about putting pipe cleaners in the stems!

  11. Always fun stitching Janice! Bring on Autumn mode! I'm ready, it was 99 one day last week and it's just too hot for me. It 's impossible to get anything done in that kind of heat. Here's to a long, cool, perfect fall!

  12. Adorable pumpkins! The witch is beautifully done. I like the look on her face. The onasburg fabric is a favorite for the texture and color.


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