Prims By the Water

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Getting Patriotic

Good morning all!
Can you believe it is almost mid July already?
Gosh where has the time flown by?
My patriotic season is probably the longest
of the seasons for my decor.
I start just before Memorial Day and
keep it up until the end of July
Then I start longing for Autumn decor.
This year I only did the living room,
keeping room and one display for my mom
in the guest bedroom.

Today I wanted to share my patriotic mantles.

Hope you enjoyed peeking into our home
with my patriotic mantles.

In other news,
I had to take Bob to the neurologist
the other day for his appt.
July 1st was two years since his stroke.
The neurologist told him he no longer 
has to see him.
Now if only his peripheral vision in his left
eye would come back.
Whenever we have to drive far,
I do the driving because of this.

Tis the season for fruit so I made
my fruit salad for dinner last night.
I made enough for a few days.
This was my mom's recipe.

Fruit Salad
Green Grapes
Honey Dew
 1 - 2 cups Orange Juice
Discloser: I do not purchase whole melons
anymore as when the kids were around.
Now I purchase those in containers
that my grocery store puts together.
I find the smallest package of grapes
and the small containers of the berries.
Put all of the fruit in a big bowl.
Add a few TBS of sugar and pour the juice
all over and mix.
Chill and serve.

Well off to prep for breakfast.
Bob is going to make ham steaks and scrambled eggs
on the grill.
Then I need to do the laundry and clean a bit.
What's on tap for your weekend?

Getting More Patriotic Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning, I loved seeing your patriotic displays very much. we all need to do this more-I am not one for decorating much-thinking because we rarely see people any more-and when we were younger and working no time.
    Your fresh fruit dish sounds delicious. My Mom always made awesome fruit salads too. Love that-breakfast from the grill-hugs
    Just started thundering and lightening here-again early morning supposed to have a lot of rain come down too.

  2. So very happy Bob is in good health and doesn't see the neurologist any longer. I love fruit but don't make them into salads since it is just me here.

  3. That's a great report on Bob!
    Your fruit salad sounds very refreshing/
    I love patriotic decorating. I also start putting things out before Memorial Day and leave it till August. I have some things I add in before the 4ths, although I was late in doing that this year.
    I love your tobacco tin. Those patriotic pieces go very well with the primitives.

  4. Best news ever for Bob. YAY!And the fruit sounds wonderful. Your decor is so fun and festive -- I love how you do it!

  5. Yay, to the good news about Bob!
    Berries, green grapes, and water melon - is the ultimate fruit salad!

  6. Your patriotic displays are awesome! But, of course, one I saw your stripe crock, it was all ove for me. That little stitchery is adorable too! The fruit salad sound great...It would take me weeks to eat that much fruit but took a screenshot of it to save as it is always fun to have something different and "fresh" for the rare get-togethers. Breakfast sounds heavenly. Yay on the good news from the neurologist! Thunder is rumbling in the distance so I will be puttering around inside. So much to do and no inclination to do any of it. ~Robin~

  7. Oh that crock with the three blue stripes. Be still my heart. Many years ago I wanted to buy one but I thought them too much $$$. Now I will never justify spending the $$$ on one of them. They are so expensive!
    Great news from the neurologist!!!

  8. Great news that Bob no longer needs to see his neurologist.
    Your patriotic decor is top notch.
    I also make fruit salads with assorted fruits and I use orange juice too. Yummy.

    Take care, hugs.

  9. Love the flag pillow. Great news about your husband!!

  10. Happy July Days!!!
    I love the tobacco tin.


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