Prims By the Water

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My Next Project


Hello friends!

Wanted to share with you all
my next project.

 I use to have had my bucket bench here.
Decided to move that in the kitchen 
while swapping out my pine cupboard here.
I just felt it would look better in this room.
It is not that heavy so Bob was not mad at me.
Plus I told him I am done moving furniture after this.


Now I have another project.
What to add on the walls and top.
As you can see I also need to hide the timer.

I did that by moving my chair here in the corner

Adding in some textiles.

One of my antique splint baskets
on the bottom.

So far am liking this.

Grabbed one of my benches and added
a flag inside my stoneware jug.

I can do so much more with this cabinet here.
Now I need to decide how to decorate this part 
of our keeping room.
Any suggestions on this?
I know for now it will remain a blank slate.
Just hope it wont take me years to decide. LOL
We might go antiquing next month.
Maybe I might find something that 
will need to come home....maybe.

In other news,
Am so tired of getting spam calls.
I am on the do not call list
and I must get at least 10 calls per day.
I don't answer them and send them to voicemail.
One yesterday wanted to tell me they have
my loan docs ready and they just
 needed some more information....yeah right.

Last week we had another tornado
where a 2 year old boy died.
This was 2 blocks from where my boss lives.
I called her the next day just to make sure 
she was ok as I was on my mini vacation.
So sad.

Well speaking of bosses,
you know where I am headed now.

Have a wonderful day my friends.

My Next Project Blessings To All!


  1. I heard about that tornado and the little boy that died. So sad!
    Your new area is looking good. I enjoyed seeing your step by step photos as you decorated.

  2. Tornado warnings scare the life out of me! Sad for the families who had loss of any kind , but particularly loss of life.
    Guess it is a good thing that wasn't an oak cabinet. I once owned a tall bull pine dresser which weighed a ton.

  3. So sorry about the tornadoes in your area. we had them around us too a couple of weeks ago.
    You are so good with displaying your furniture etc always enjoy seeing what you do.

  4. So very sad about the little one who died. Any death is difficult but a little one is just so very tragic. Your corner is looking great. I likely would have put the cabinet in the corner at an angle since I have a nasty habit of running into things with my feet and breaking them (my feet I mean - or at least toes.). I can't believe with all your treasure you need to hunt for anything for the walls. I have so little wall space that I would have it filled in a heartbeat. I suspect that you are much more thoughtful about things like that though than I am. ~Robin~

  5. Somehow I find it hard to believe you are done moving!
    So sad about the little one. I heard it made the national news, but a crazy lady stabbed a 3 year old and his mother as they were leaving a grocery store about 30 minutes from me. Tragically the 3 year old died. How can you ever come to grips with that?

  6. Janice, you are asking us for our opinion but you are the antique expert, lol. The perks of being an antique dealer.
    I haven't decorated the house for years. I used to change furniture around when I cleaned the house. Now I clean but I don't move anything around.

    It's so sad about the little kids who died in the tornado and the one in the store. Hugs.



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