Prims By the Water

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Grab a cuppo coffee, soda, tea
or whatever you are in the mood for,
cause this is gonna be a long whippy Wednesday.

Starting with Turkey Trot.

I finished the house and I so love the color.

Not too sure about leaving the windows
and door unstitched though.
The pattern calls for it this way.
Your thoughts?
If I were to add color, what color would you choose?

I tried pulling some loops
on Potted Plant.
I was not feeling good this day.
Only managed to get this far. 

Progress is progress though.
These latest colors are from my stash of worms.

Patriotic Pinwheel Parade.
I have come to the conclusion this will
not even be halfway completed by July 4th.
I will continue when I can.

I got real tired of just stitching on that long flag.
I had to do something else or it would have
been put aside.

Therefore I stitched the first bunny.
I simply love her holding her pinwheel.

Next up is Little Quakeresque.
I am up to the letter "U".
After the letter Z comes numbers.
Three of my great grandfathers names stitched in.
My mom's grandfathers first.
Third one was my paternal grandmother's
father Robert.

Now that I am almost finished with this one,
I am trying to choose the next one
for my heritage wall.
Remember each of  these motifs
takes me around an hour to stitch. 
Lots of hours into this one,
however I do love the different
motifs this pattern has.

Once finished, this will be framed,
and will eventually go up
for my heritage wall.

Spring Gathering was worked on a bit.

When I last showed this,
was deciding on which brown to use
for the bunny.
Well I opted for the called for brown.

I think he is looking good.
Should be finished by next Spring.

 Of course I save 
Halloween At Hawk Run Hollow 
for last.
Finally finished block 7.
Cannot believe I have been at this one
for seven months now.
This block took me 
2 Saturdays and 8 evenings. 

Another witch block.
I just love this owl perched on the pumpkin.
I did take the advice of all of you who
suggested I outline the hands as well.
I went back and did it for the last block along
with this one. 

The two blocks together with 
the witch sisters.
Each sporting a different patterned dress.
One placing a bat in the cauldron,
while the other one a frog.
I hope it will become a good potion. LOL

Blocks 1. 2. 5 and 6

Blocks 3, 4 and 7

I still cannot believe I have 5 more to go.
As Dierks Bentley said in his song.

In other news,
still no turtle sighting.
They must be in other parts of the marsh.
However last evening driving home I did see
a bald eagle.
How cool is that!
Since we had no sightings of them 
this Winter.

The new stove came in.
It included and air fryer,
so now I have to read up on this.
Dont know how to use it.
Did not realize it even came with it.

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes
for Mikayla.
She will begin college courses in the Fall
in her high school.
They allow it for seniors.
She wants to major in Forensics.

Well off to work.
Hope everyone enjoyed my progress
on some of my projects this time.
Am enjoying working on these all
when I can.

Another Whippy Wednesday Blessings To All!


  1. Wow Janice! I can't believe how many you have going at the same time. When I used to stitch, it was just one. You do beautiful work and I like them all!
    I didn't know you could get stoves with air fryers in them. I want one, but don't want another appliance on my counter, so that would solve that issue. Of course, I don't want to buy another stove either. :)

  2. Enjoyed all your projects, even the cross stitch which I don't do. Am looking forward to your progress on Potted Plant.
    I have seen my first turtle crossing of this year. Was driving down the driveway and saw a beautiful turtle in the middle. So stopped the car and went to assist it across the road and it wanted none of that so took off into the brush without me.

  3. You are on a roll!!!
    My stove has an air fryer, too, but I still haven't read how to use it, even though I bought the special pan needed.

  4. Everything is so gorgeous Janice - what talent, what patience! Hmmm, on the house is there a soft color that might look like candle glow? The door...I'm always in love with a deep red door. Glad you're set with a new oven...things like that are such an inconvenience. We've seen so many bald eagles this's really unusual, aren't they just something to watch? Last week I noticed on in a field and it had to juveniles alongside...amazing. Well enjoy your week, where did the time go?!

  5. Oh wow, I love them all. But that bunny with the pinwheel, melts my heart.
    Happy Memorial Weekend,

  6. Wonderful work! They are all favorites.
    Stitching is so relaxing.

  7. Your stitching projects, Janice, show great talent and patience.
    Heritage Wall sounds fabulous , and requires quite a lot of work and dedication.
    Enjoy your new stove!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.