Prims By the Water

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Filling In

 Can you believe May is almost over?
Summer is coming folks.
Memorial Day weekend was filled with
rain and thunderstorms.
None thankfully that were severe.
My BIL who lives in Texas told
us the town that was devastated by a tornado
was 35 miles from his house.
Prayers for that town.

Today I wanted to give a little update on my corner wall.
I purchased this picture online.
It arrived a few weeks ago.
When I saw it, this reminded
 me so much of Poldark.
Did any of you watch Poldark the series?
The colors are perfect for this corner. 

I did find two more candle sets
when getting out my July 4th decor.
Filling in my corner candle holder.

However the burgundy set
may need to be moved or removed.
Don't really see it here.

I also decided to add my pewter candle stick
to the top of my cabinet.
It also has a beeswax candle in it.
One wall down.
One more to go.
Am being very thoughtful on this wall
since this is my last room to decorate.
I did like your comments 
on painting the switch covers.
Now Bob just has to find the paint he stashed
so either he or I can paint them.

In other news,
yesterday morning driving through the marsh,
I was able to see very clearly a heron
who had just grabbed his breakfast.
Proudly as I drove by he had it in his beak.
An awesome sight to behold.

Hopefully I can get some weeding done
 on Saturday and plant some flowers
before the rain comes in on Sunday.
Of course that could change with Mother Nature.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend whatever
it may be.

Filling In Blessings To All!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Starts

Hello friends.
Hope this post finds you doing well.

My latest start is Strawberry Faire
by October House.
With strawberry season coming up,
I wanted to stitch this sweet little
pattern and will complete into a pillow.

Am stitching this one on 32ct
Old Reproduction.
Am not really loving the colors,
 but these are the called for ones.
Do I back out the pink flowers?
Or keep them as is?
I simply hate it when the colors on the picture
are not the floss choice called for.
The strawberry itself is making me dizzy.
I finally figured out the pattern to this.
There are alternating squares.
At first I could not see it, but now I do.
I started stitching this outside....
until I left for just a moment.
I got back to it and Tundra already grabbed
not only the fabric but the pattern too.
Oh trust me he knew I was mad.
Livid to be more exact.
Thankfully the pattern just has some 
folds in it.
The fabric now also has some dirt marks.

My next start is another Patriotic one.
Am really getting into this season.
This pattern is called American Eagle.

From the Blackbird book 
Sweet Land Of Liberty.
If you do not have this book of patterns,
I highly suggest you get this one before it sells out.
I want to stitch everything in this book.

Am stitching this one on 32ct Heroic linen.
When you purchase this linen,
make sure you are getting the hints of red and blue.
Some Heroic has hints of pink and blue. 

Am using most of the called for colors.
Was not happy with my Old Rose as it was more pink
in color and not a rose.
I opted for a different red from my stash,
Unfortunately I dont have the color.
Also changed the blue in the flag

Am loving this patriotic stitch.
It got me in the mood to start bringing 
out my July 4th decor.
Keeping things more simple this year.

When last I posted that morning going to work,
I saw my first turtle.
Then Friday we had a small one in our yard.
When I went to get my phone to take a pic,
Bob had put him over the fence so Tundra would 
not get him.
He said it was trying to bite him. LOL

Today's dinner will be ribs. 
Am putting them in the crock pot at first.
Then BBQ them on the grill.
For sides will be homemade  jalepeno poppers
 along with some
Chinese chicken lettuce wraps.
I was given this recipe by a co-worker eons ago.

I hope the storms will not affect your Holiday weekend.
We had some roll in yesterday morning,
but it turned out to be a grand day.

Please remember the real reason why we celebrate
this Memorial Day holiday. 
We all need to take time to reflect 
on those brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives
so that we all can be free.
Freedom should not be taken lightly.

Sunday Blessings To All!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Whippy Wednesday

Grab a cuppo coffee, soda, tea
or whatever you are in the mood for,
cause this is gonna be a long whippy Wednesday.

Starting with Turkey Trot.

I finished the house and I so love the color.

Not too sure about leaving the windows
and door unstitched though.
The pattern calls for it this way.
Your thoughts?
If I were to add color, what color would you choose?

I tried pulling some loops
on Potted Plant.
I was not feeling good this day.
Only managed to get this far. 

Progress is progress though.
These latest colors are from my stash of worms.

Patriotic Pinwheel Parade.
I have come to the conclusion this will
not even be halfway completed by July 4th.
I will continue when I can.

I got real tired of just stitching on that long flag.
I had to do something else or it would have
been put aside.

Therefore I stitched the first bunny.
I simply love her holding her pinwheel.

Next up is Little Quakeresque.
I am up to the letter "U".
After the letter Z comes numbers.
Three of my great grandfathers names stitched in.
My mom's grandfathers first.
Third one was my paternal grandmother's
father Robert.

Now that I am almost finished with this one,
I am trying to choose the next one
for my heritage wall.
Remember each of  these motifs
takes me around an hour to stitch. 
Lots of hours into this one,
however I do love the different
motifs this pattern has.

Once finished, this will be framed,
and will eventually go up
for my heritage wall.

Spring Gathering was worked on a bit.

When I last showed this,
was deciding on which brown to use
for the bunny.
Well I opted for the called for brown.

I think he is looking good.
Should be finished by next Spring.

 Of course I save 
Halloween At Hawk Run Hollow 
for last.
Finally finished block 7.
Cannot believe I have been at this one
for seven months now.
This block took me 
2 Saturdays and 8 evenings. 

Another witch block.
I just love this owl perched on the pumpkin.
I did take the advice of all of you who
suggested I outline the hands as well.
I went back and did it for the last block along
with this one. 

The two blocks together with 
the witch sisters.
Each sporting a different patterned dress.
One placing a bat in the cauldron,
while the other one a frog.
I hope it will become a good potion. LOL

Blocks 1. 2. 5 and 6

Blocks 3, 4 and 7

I still cannot believe I have 5 more to go.
As Dierks Bentley said in his song.

In other news,
still no turtle sighting.
They must be in other parts of the marsh.
However last evening driving home I did see
a bald eagle.
How cool is that!
Since we had no sightings of them 
this Winter.

The new stove came in.
It included and air fryer,
so now I have to read up on this.
Dont know how to use it.
Did not realize it even came with it.

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes
for Mikayla.
She will begin college courses in the Fall
in her high school.
They allow it for seniors.
She wants to major in Forensics.

Well off to work.
Hope everyone enjoyed my progress
on some of my projects this time.
Am enjoying working on these all
when I can.

Another Whippy Wednesday Blessings To All!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Beginning

But not the end.

Hello friends.
Am hoping you continue to stay tuned
with the progress of my heritage wall.

This was a blank slate until I decided
the other day to add my tribute rug here
The other wall is where I planned
to add my cross stitch pieces.

I purposely hung this rug as low as I could go.
This was our Peepers kitty.
He was a silver tabby.
I may add some cross stitch pieces above.
Not sure yet....but at least I have room if needed.
I did notice the diamonds in the rug meld with
the half diamonds in this cross stitch piece. 

The cross stitch piece to the left of the jug
actually will fit above the rug.
After I took this pic,
I realized it would it above my rug.
If I can find another cross stitch 
pattern the same size,
I may hang them there.
This will give me more space
 for my main heritage wall.
So this may turn into a half and a quarter
heritage wall.

Am loving how this looks for Spring now.

In other news,
We ended up having to purchase a new stove.
It arrives on Tuesday.
The sales associate who helped told us
appliances only last 8-10 years now.
EGAD...if only they would bring manufacturing
back to the United States.

The other day I saw my first baby swans.
Also some baby goslings (Canadian Geese)
They all were so stinking cute swimming
along their parents.
I also saw a pair of herons together.
Still no turtle sightings.

My granddaughter Mikayla turned 17 last Saturday.
Today we are headed to my daughters for
her birthday party.
It will be at the rental house
 she is currently living in.
Her house still has another month
before she can move back in.
I know she is ready.

Mary from Merry Windy Farms
asked me how to look for an antique bowl.
Hold it up and if it looks out of round,
you know you have an old one.
Imperfect means old.
Stamped Munising ones are not from
the 1800's but are still collectable.
There are many resin ones out there,
so be careful.

This one is from the 1800's.
You can see at the top it looks wonky from use.

This one from the 1700's the wood is almost
petrified and there is a lip at the bottom.

This one is a fake.
It may look real with the staples, but it is resin.

Another clue is there is no wear 
around the top at all.
Too perfect to be old.
I knew when I purchased this one it was fake.
I still use it though for displays.

Hope this helps a bit Mary.

Well off to get ready for the party.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Beginning Blessings To All!


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May CupboardScape

Good morning friends.
For today's cupboardscape
I wanted to share items
that would remind me of 
my foremother's.

My great grandmother's would have worn
boots similar to these.

My mom use to starch my dad's shirts in the day.

This was my maternal grandmother's
sewing machine. 
All the mother's in my life
cared for their children. 

Hoops and yarns also reminded me
of my maternal grandmother.

My paternal grandmother always wore
a bonnet while tending her garden outside.

Bonnets would have also been worn by my
great grandmother's.

My paternal gramma quilted.
She loved the colors of pink and yellow.
This was the reverse side of the quilt
from my April cupboarscape.

I have many memories of all of my foremother's.
Each has shaped me into the woman I am today.
I am so grateful to have had them in my life,
although I never met my great grandmother's,
their stories passed down have also molded
me into whom I am today.
I am so thankful for all of their knowledge and
sacrifices they made to provide the life
I now enjoy.
It was a hard life back in the day.

In other news,
my mom enjoyed her stay with us.
Her and I watched cheeky Hallmark movies
all Mother's Day.
Bob brought home pizza and salad for dinner
after the store closed.

I missed seeing the Northern Lights.
Friday I forgot and my neighbors did see them. UGH
I stayed outside for almost 2 hours Saturday
night and the clouds moved in.
Last night I had to get to bed early for work.
I saw pics from where my mom lives,
and they were spectacular there as well.
Oh well maybe next time.
I know a few of you saw them.

May Blessings To All!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Finish

I have a finish!
Hello friends.
I have a finish.
Can you tell I am excited.
I have a new finish.

Spring Awakens.

I chose this fabric from my stash for the back
 to make into a pillow. 

I hand stitched this.

Most use lizard litter, sawdust or walnut shells
to fill their pillows.
My preferred choice is rags.
Small fabric pieces I stash away
 from previous creations.  
Too little for anything else.

Placed here now with my antique coverlet.

I tried to get as close to the colors of my coverlet.
This one is 183 years old.
Still in great shape, but just used as a display now.

My Spring display finished now
with my quilt kitty and blue stoneware cake crock.
This crock would have been filled 
with cake batter and placed on hot coals to bake.

Coverlet with a few other blue coverlet pieced ones
tucked inside one of my antiques splint baskets.
All atop my huge covered dough box
with a 6 board chest underneath.
Both hold Christmas items inside.

Now onto something else to finish.

In other news,
the other evening our state had some 
terrible storms roll in with tornadoes.
15 minutes to the South of us
one of the marinas there only has a half a building left.
Metal flew everywhere.
The house across the street is half gone.
It was not categorized as a tornado on our side,
but to me driving through it looked like a war zone.
Downed trees and wires everywhere.
In the morning I had to drive around trees 
in the road as I was headed to work.
Coming back in the daylight was when
I saw the destruction more.
So many tornadoes this year and I pray
for all those affected my them.

Before the storm hit, we saw this after 
the first rainstorm came by.

It actually was a double rainbow, 
however the second one did not get caught on camera.

Tomorrow my mom is coming down
for Mother's Day and us kids are taking her to dinner.
Its her favorite restaurant near us, so I know
she will like it.
I hope everyone who is a mother has a fantastic
Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Blessings To All!