Prims By the Water

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April CupboardScape

 With April fading away fast,
I need to hurry up and post my
April CupboardScape.

April showers
Bring May flowers.

I decided to keep up my Spring quilt.
So love the muted colors in this one.

Purchased these child's rubber boots a few years ago.
Perfect for this time of the year display.

The umbrella is from the 1800's.
I dont dare open it it up as it is so fragile
it may break.

Hope you liked this simple display.
sometimes keeping it more simple makes
for a better statement.

In other news.
Thank you all for the well wishes on getting 
my wisdom teeth pulled.
I dont feel any less wiser. LOL
Friday evening was the worst, but by Saturday
I was almost up to par.
I do believe the surgeon messed up the crown
next to one he took out.
He did say it might happen.
Well I think it did and has 
 been aching ever since. UGH
Now I have to call my regular dentist back.   
No spicy foods for a week.
No straws or soda (pop) for 2 weeks.

I talked with mom on Sunday just to check in.
She had been to our house for a couple of days 
last week but did not want to call me cause
of my surgery... so I called her.
She told me her one neighbor was out on
the back porch one early evening and saw
a walking by far enough away from her
that it did not see her.
She knew it was a mama skunk because strolling
behind her were three little stinking baby skunks. 
Now I would have liked to have seen that.

Well have to get ready for work.
Last week was my 28th work anniversary.
I work for a major bank but cannot say which one.
Prior to that I worked for a different bank for 
almost 20 years before we were sold out to 
Old Kent Bank which is now Fifth Third Bank. 
We all lost our jobs with that bank merger.
At least the bank I had worked for which was
First National Bank had put me through college.
All I had to pay for was my books.
Once I retire I can say who this current bank is...
whenever that will be.
With all of the monies we had to shell out thus far
in April (my teeth, quarterly sales tax for the business, 
Shadow's vet bills and prescription food,
and paying uncle Sam on April 15th)
 it may be a few more years until I retire.
Let's just say it all could have paid for a new
foundation we were thinking of putting in
as an addition to our house.

Hope you all are have a wonderful start to your week!

April Blessings To All!


  1. Good morning, I love your April display very pretty colors.
    Oh no about your wisdom teeth and perhaps your crown-no fun at all. I had mine pulled at a young age. Have a good week-we have been very hot-high 80's over several days but rain coming in with a cool down

  2. I'm wondering why you can't use a straw. Hope like heck he didn't ruin your crown mine just cost me $1970.

  3. I love the boots!
    I was wondering how that tooth extraction went. So sorry about the crown. Dental stuff is just no fun!

  4. Of course you're not wiser -- you lost your wisdom teeth and there it went! I love your purple blooms and the pretty yellow, too. So sorry about your crown -- they are so expensive! My last one was $1,000!

  5. What a fun springy display! That quilt is gorgeous - and the boots and umbrella are absolutely precious. Bummer about the crown. And had to mention the straw. I think I had said that I had my wisdom teeth out so long ago I didn't remember much...but the straw mention triggered the trauma of dry socket. EEEEK. One of the most painful things ever. Listen to the dentist. With the sale of the last of the company (the building) this year, taxes were also traumatic. I think knowing WHERE those tax dollars go makes it particularly frustrating. ~Robin~

  6. I love your displays as always.
    You had an expensive month I am looking at 4 new tires on my car not cheap.

  7. Glad you’re feeling better - but oh now the crown? Why is it always something as the saying goes?! The simplicity - watering can, boots, umbrella - just perfect. I have a similar quilt - is it called Grandmother’s Flower Garden? Hmm banks - my husband worked for a bank for 20 years then poof - 700 IT jobs went to India - what a kick in the teeth - he was sure he’d retire from there. Don’t get me started - grrr. Long gone are the days when someone stayed at the same job for 40 years as his dad did. On a happier note I’d love to have seen the baby skunks! Take care of yourself.

  8. LOVE the faded colors of your quilt.
    Sometimes you just have to cry uncle and do what is best for you. I should have worked longer than I did (retired at 64.5), but retiring was the best choice for me. Not financially, mind you, but I make do and live frugally except for hooking and antiquing, and I have cut back on the antiquing because I just have too much stuff!!!

  9. Hope you are feeling dental well
    Lovely displays
    Your watering can is beautiful. They are soemting I look for in thrift stores. I don't see they very often.

  10. Your display is really cute and love those little yellow boots! Ouch and double ouch on the tooth. Not only painful but expensive. When I think of retiring for good something always comes along and I say, "Well, after this expense maybe I'll quit" Ha! Time will tell !

  11. If only there was a tooth fairy for wisdom teethes, you could get some money back and I'm sorry for the damaged crown. Ouch on the pocket book for April.
    Your display is lovely. I like simple and I love the quilt.
    Hugs, Julia

  12. Oh I know... Uncle Sam, Vet bills and all the rest. And gasoline is up and down and up and down.
    LOVE the April displays. Sam's birthday is in April.


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