Prims By the Water

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Starts

Its an early Sunday morning.
Guess Tundra thought I needed
 to go to work and he woke me up. LOL

Hello friends.
Today I wanted to share a few more
stitchy starts I have going.

This one I had hoped to have finished
by Valentine's Day.
Seems I meant in 2025.  LOL

I only worked on this one for two days thus far.
Day 1 was on January 14th.
This was my pitiful start.

Day 2 I managed to get more accomplished.
Since I  have already added the date of 2024,
 I better finish this one by year end. LOL
Will continue to work on this each 14th of the month.
Stitching this on 32ct Milk & Honey linen,
using all the called for threads.

My next start is this bunny

Spring Gathering
by Scattered Seed Samplers.
I also purchased the companion pattern
called Spring Delivery.
That one arrived last week,
and will be an upcoming stitch this year.
Hopefully it will.

Am using 28 ct Peeps linen
by Seraphim.
Such a springy fabric with pinks and blues.
Even though I am not much of a pink person,
I do love this linen color.

Am using all the called for floss.

It does amaze me though that in the picture
the eggs are pink,
but the called for floss is more of a brown egg color.
Which is fine with me.

The green is also more muted.
Am not so sure about the bunny color though.
I only started this row.
At night it looked like it was going to blend
right in with the basket,
however in the light it is a bit darker.
I did pull a different brownish purple
from my stash.
Here it is to the left next to the brown called for.
Do you think I should change or keep going?

In other news,
Our one day of Summer like temps
last week did cause a tornado to touch
down in the wee hours of the morning
in a town about an hour and a half
northwest of us.
So scary as we did have a bit of hail
that morning when Tundra kept barking
during that thunderstorm the same time 
that tornado touched down.
Bad because it happened in the dark.
By afternoon the cold front came back in
and it was snowing when I left work 
to go home.
How fickle Mother Nature was that day.

We are supposed to have another Summer
like day again tomorrow, so hopefully
no thunderstorms will roll in again like last week.

I spent the majority of my time yesterday
doing a deep clean of my stove and refrigerator.
Both needed my attention.
Along with cleaning and laundry.
I guess Spring cleaning is coming early for me.

Bob and I are invited at the end of the month
to celebrate my sister's FIL's birthday.
He will be a young 100 years of age.
He still lives my himself, although his wife 
passed in 2020.
Larry is a sweet man and I look forward
to celebrating this milestone
 with him and his family whom I have known
for a long time.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

First Sunday In March Blessings To All!


  1. You've been a busy worker-bee and glad you found time for fun stitchery. Well, fun for you I guess, lol. I'd be counting wrong and mine would end up looking like undecipherable foreign script.
    Wow, 100 and still able to take care of himself ~ you go man!

  2. Lovely stitching projects!
    Mother Nature is indeed 'fickle', as you put it.
    Happy Birthday to your sister's FIL! Kudos to him for being able at his age to live by himself!

  3. Your stitchery pieces are going to look great. I especially like the bunny piece.

  4. I love what you’re working on - the colors and the patterns - just perfect prim! Spring cleaning feels good - I’ve been doing the same. Some things waaaay overdue. Bailey hides during storms - I have a little dog melatonin treat I give her to help slow the pacing and worry she’s feeling 100 years young - yay! Have a good time.

  5. I really like these stitchery pieces you are working on. I like the linen and the colors.
    Yes, we sure had crazy weather didn't we? Tornados in February!
    Happy Birthday to Larry. That's pretty amazing!

  6. Beautiful stitch projects-I like both of the colors for the bunny that purple brown is a rich color too.
    Wow tornadoes are scary I grew up in northern Indiana and there were always lots of tornados in the area-never super close though thank goodness.
    How special to turn 100 years and must have pretty good health too if he can still live on his own. He needs a huge hug.
    Happy Sunday and new week Kathy

  7. Hello,
    Our weather has been CrAzY too. My cousin lives in Southern Wisconsin they also had a tornado touch down!!! We have thunderstorms in the forecast today.
    I love the little Peter Rabbit you have with your needle. Makes me smile, my boys loved having me read Beatrix Potter to them.
    I love your projects.

  8. Janice, the stitchery is coming along. I love the bunnies. Best regards to the birthday boy. That is quite an accomplishment. Sounds like your weather has been crazy. It is hard to know what to count on..Stay warm..xxoJudy

  9. You have become cross stitch crazy! So many wonderful projects.
    100 and living alone. WOW. To be so lucky. You should share his address (or maybe yours) so that your blog readers can send him a card ;-)

  10. Love your cross stitch patterns ! 100 and living alone ...amazing !

  11. you are going to be one busy stitcher! Cleaning the stove and frig is always needed it this house

  12. Wow...your stitching puts me to shame....and I don't work, nor do I have a social life LOL. Both of your new projects are sweet, but I've always toyed with doing the Scattered Seeds bunnies. But, yes, you're right - the colors seem to be quite different from the photo. I'm always disappointed when that happens...I just finished one that was like that. I kept stitching thinking maybe when I added another color, it would finally start pulling together and look like the didn't and by the time I realized it wouldn't, it was too late to redo. Can't really say what I'd do with the bunny... Probably, though, I would stitch a little more before deciding. Another option would be to stitch as called for and then darken it by brushing on some walnut stain. Crazy weather here too. Yesterday we got to almost 60 (although windy and gray), last night rain and thunder and lightening, and today they are saying snow and highs in the 40's for the rest of the week. Guess the latter is much more "typical" for us so I can't be too surprised. Have a good new week! ~Robin~

  13. So many projects going. :) I'm like that too. I bet you felt good after getting that deep cleaning done.

  14. I like the purple from your stash. Happy Birthday not too many of us will see 100!


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