Prims By the Water

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Winter Has Arrived

 Just in my house, not outside.
No snow anywhere currently in our area.

Right after Christmas, I bring out my
Winter greens to brighten me up
for the cold January month. 

This year we only had one week of a real cold spell.

One significant storm that produced 4 inches of snow.
(knocking on wood now)

More foggier mornings and nights though.

No ice in the river.

Which means no ducks or bald eagles.

Can I really be saying I am missing Winter?

I still have my Winter displays inside.

Added blue flowers to my greens with red berries.
It is supposed to be in the mid 50's.
Flowers may start to pop up outside.

The towns fire, ice and spice festival 
will have no ice this year.
The ice rink is water.

No dashing through the snow.
Am I disappointed?
To all my Wisconsin friends, you dont
need to send me any. LOL
I really dont care after Christmas.

Time to bring out the red.
Am late getting mine out.
Do you decorate for February?

In other news,
taking tomorrow off.
Both Bob and I have appts.
with the same doctor.
Then he wanted to go to Home Depot,
I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby.
We are planning on lunch at Culver's
and then try and finish up cleaning out
our building.
We think closing is next week.
At least that was was the title company said...
but no formal date was given to us yet.

Folks are finding the gift shop now
over at our antique store, 
so things are good there.
Its all decked out for Valentine's and Spring.

Well I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Stay safe my California friends.

Winter's Past Blessings To All!


  1. I sure don't miss snow. Enjoy your lunch and shopping at Hobby Lobby.
    Is that flax curled up in the wooden bowl? How do you use it? I have some which I used for doll hair back in the day. But I'll bet it could be used to hook into an antique looking rug.

  2. I confess, I do miss the snow. There’s just some thing about being curled up inside with a fire and watching it pile up outside that I’m missing. Our weather has been like yours - it’s in the 50s the rest of the week. I love your winter decorations and seeing all of your prim inspiration. Enjoy your day out!

  3. Seems most of the states are not getting much winter-ok for me this year though. we get down into the '20s at night then jumps up to the '60's with sun most days Loved your winter decorations-I never have decorated much in the house-that's a nice idea though. I think I will bake some cut out sugar heart cookies next week

  4. All the snow came down on Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. They got about 5 feet of snow in this last storm.

    I don't decorate the house anymore. I just work, clean, sleep and pray. lol... I stay away from Pinterest so I don't get tempted with things that I don't need. I can't wait for spring so that I can start gardening.
    The seasons have changed quite drastically. We also have had a mild winter but I could skip winter altogether.

    Your house looks inviting.
    Take care, hugs.

  5. Your house is so cute. I love it. I too do not miss the snow. Well, mostly. We could stand one really good snow storm dropping say, 6" of white wonderfulness. Then be gone 2 days later.

  6. I don't decorate for the different months (except for Christmas). I just have everything I like out all the time. :) I don't have to store anything. :)
    I'm one who enjoys the snow and glad we have all 4 seasons.

  7. I decorate every month. That’s from my old days as a preschool teacher, observing all the holidays and decorating bulletin boards and such. I’ve been busy and have not hauled out my Valentine’s Day and Chinese New year stuff which is Saturday. By the way things look it may not get done this year. Oh well.

  8. I’m in love with that first blue pitcher you showed. I used to decorate for all the seasons/holidays but the past few years, no. I’m not sure if I ran out of desire or ambition or both. It just doesn’t seem to pay when I am the only one who sees it…and am the one who has to put it up and take it down. As of now, I have the little Christmas I put up still up along with some stray Halloween pieces….and a very few pieces of Valentine’s that found their way out. I think we got to 50ยบ today. So very weird. We have patches of snow here in Nod yet, but not much. I went to check on some things at the lake house on Saturday and there is no snow there at all and it is further north than Nod. I’m sure Old Man Winter isn’t done with us yet though. Like me, he’s just old and moving a bit slower me thinks. We’ve been known to get some of heaviest snows in March and April…but I have been enjoying the reprieve we’ve gotten these past several weeks. ~Robin~

    1. True Robin. We did an estate sale over near Nod - pre covid and it was end of April - 22" of snow - people were still in line - I didn't want to drive over there, but I had to.

  9. Glorious weather in Ohio today...and we even had sunshine.
    Praying the building sale goes smoothly!!! I know you can't really breathe until the money is in your hands!!!

  10. Hi Friend,
    No winter here as well. We have been in the 50's for the last 7 days!!! My cousin lives in Southern Wisconsin and she is under a tornado warning as I type this. Strange winter for those of us up north.

    I love the lone tree with the bunny and snow.
    xx oo

  11. We don't have any to send your way either. No Wisconsin Winter Wonderland here. They are tapping trees already. Culvers - my favorite! Glad the customers are finding your shop. Have a great weekend.

  12. Lovely winter touches. The weather has been quite moderate here as well.. the birds are chirping and things are growing.. hard to believe it is February.

  13. Your decor is lovely as usual and I still have some snowmen out and also Valentine's things. Not a lot but enough to brighten up the house with red. It's been warm and sunny this past week but chillier this week. I know Winter can hit us any time but I'm pretty much having my head in the Spring mode! Glad the sale went well and the new gift shop area is going good also. We don't have a Hobby Lobby in Ashland so I haven't been in one in years. I'm too lazy to drive the 20 minutes to Mansfield! Have a good Monday!


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